
After the badger left, Lyal put an arm around Lyris' shoulders and squeezed her close, and she put an arm around his waist. He could feel her trembling slightly in the embrace, and it worried him. The stress of being on the run was bad enough, but she...

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The Subject Under Discussion

# The Subject Under Discussion If science ever does figure out how time actually works, I would be willing to wager that it will stem in part from discovering how placing the words "look" and "out" in close proximity seems to have an effect on that...

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Slightly Foxed, But Still Desirable

TO: Harrison Burkholder-Barrows 84 Christchurch St Radcliffe-on-Pontisbright, Suffolk ENGLAND April 27, 2015 Dear Mr. Burkholder-Barrows: I am a bibliophile and collector, interested in the occasional rare volume. Your name and address...

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Trust and Betrayal

The Sunday evening after Thanksgiving found me grading papers that I should have tended to long before then. As you might have expected, the long weekend gave me and Aleksandr lots of time to spend together; let's say simply that he was most assuredly...

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Lyris had slept soundly until she heard Lyal's cough, which woke her instantly. For just a moment, the doe felt a bit of panic; she was warm (which was unusual enough these days), and she was comfortable, and she smelled something other than herself...

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Caught in Mid-Stream

                When you get older, you ponder things you didn't care about in your youth. When the hormones run high, and your muscles are eager for exercise, you have very few things that occupy your mind. If you're male, you think with your...

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The Teacher's Pet Project Insert: The Horse Tells His Story

**_The Teacher's Pet Project Insert 2: The Horse Tells His Story_** I know what you're feeling, Alexander. All too well, in fact. I want to tell you a story. You might learn something, if you care to listen. About twenty years ago, there was a...

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A Quick One While He Is Away

[]( Well, I almost never find the drive to document the specifics of my day to day life. But today just happened to have a most curious conversation I had....

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Collar 18 -- Pax Vo Biscum

Arthur Titus Corley was arrested on multiple charges that Saturday afternoon, based upon Fletcher swearing out a complaint against him. As a minor, the wolf needed some sort of help or corroboration from "a parent or guardian." Just in case my own word...

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Collar 15 -- Answers

A great number of my parishioners came up to me after the service to congratulate me on my decision. All held the opinion that Fletcher looked to be a fine pup, that I'd be a good sire for him, and when would they get a chance to see him "for real"...

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Ashcroft Investigations: The Return of Dr. Pandamonium

Ashcroft Investigations The Return of Dr. Pandamonium "Ahhhhh ha ha haaaaaaa!" Dr. Pandamonium was dresses in his usual black and white striped suit. A fedora sat atop his head while a black bandana coveted his muzzle. Only his ears and eyes were...

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Secrets Ch. 14

Chapter 14 Several hours later I am laying there staring up at the ceiling with Chase laying next me sleeping with his head resting on my shoulder. Shifting my gaze I look down at him and study his face. His eyelids twitch and shift as his eyes...

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