A Quick One While He Is Away

Story by XD-385 on SoFurry

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#71 of The Lost Element


Well, I almost never find the drive to document the specifics of my day to day life. But today just happened to have a most curious conversation I had. Something worth documenting. In the event that this ends up being something I end up sharing, this is Miss Rarity writing. Or is it Mrs. Rarity now? I should probably discuss that with Fluttershy at some point.

My, how things have changed while so much remains the same, yes? Things have been simply grand lately, even if a bit challenging. Dear little Gladesong, my beloved goddaughter, always finds a way into my life every single day somehow. I love her like she is my own and I can tell just by the way she looks at me that she sees me in much the same light as she sees Fluttershy. Just a precious little dear. And raising her is certainly good practice for when I finally end up having my own when the time is right.

I do have to wonder... Whatever has James been up to? My beloved prince departed for some place called 'Capricorn Island' a full week ago and he has not been seen in town since. I certainly have never heard of it until now. All I know is that it is the home of the hippogriffs. What even is a hippogriff? A distant relative of the griffons? I believe they are a combination of birds and ponies, but I cannot say I have ever had the pleasure of seeing one. Even so, should James have not been back by now? Or was it a ten day stay instead of a week?

Oh, I do miss that wonderful man... I am not used to going this long without his caress and tender kisses. Or especially our occasional nights in my bedchambers. I cannot believe how fortunate I am that things turned out between us as well as they did... I thought I lost him forever on that day maybe a year ago. To think that the wretched avarice in my heart from only a few years ago would create an unseeable barrier between the two of us so early on. If only I had known how much our hearts would gravitate towards the two of us, I would have gladly walked down the aisle with him and accepted him as my darling husband. But alas, it was Fluttershy he wed so very recently.

Oh course, I hold no resentment towards her. Certainly not now. She absolutely needed him more than I do. And they are truly a happy couple. And yet...my love for him simply would not fade. And neither would his for me. For as much as Fluttershy needs him, I need him roughly as much. And praise the stars above, James could not have picked a more understanding mare to be his bride. Fluttershy... Truly, your faith in him is unlike any other. You and I both know he will never leave you, no matter how many mares find a place in his heart.

Such a rare talent my beloved possesses. I suppose his cutie mark was more on the nose than we could have ever anticipated. It still bewilders me how someone who is not a pony could acquire one. Perhaps all humans can do so. But that love of his... Truly, only the most patient of men could allow his heart to pine for more than one. It is beautiful, yet oh so risky. I doubt the rest of Equestria would smile upon such an ideology if were to ever go public. And I know my associates in the fashion elite circles would surely ostracize me if they ever knew of our relationship. Sad as it is to say, it must be kept under wraps for now. While I will stand by my beloved through thick and thin, I am in no hurry to jeopardize my career.

Oh my, I certainly can ramble when it comes to my heart's desires. Here I was about to describe the events of the day when suddenly I go off on a tangent about the family I have become a part of and my dear husband. I know he and I will likely never walk down the aisle officially, but it matters not to each of us. This beautiful bracelet he gave me so early on is close enough to a wedding band for me. I am his wife as much as Fluttershy is and I cannot even describe how blessed that makes me feel. I can only wonder how much longer it will be before he blesses me with a foal of my own...

Compose yourself, Rarity. That is quite enough. You have rambled on about your family quite enough. There is a reason you started writing this. Now, before I can forget...

It was a rather productive day. A few customers stopped by, I was making solid progress on a number of commissions, and Mitta was helpful as always. But just after I sent her out to run a few errands that might take an hour to complete, I decided to take a short break and prepare myself some afternoon tea. But I had barely put the water on to boil when I heard the bell to the front door jingle. I thought Mitta had forgotten something and had returned to ask me about it, so I stepped out into my workroom to greet her. But instead of Mitta, it was someone most unexpected. "Well, hello there, darling! What can I do for you?"

Dear little Smolder had stopped by. Do you know her? She is that dragon girl who just happened to show up in town not long ago at all. Certainly on the spunky side, but she has such a knack with little foals. Gladesong absolutely adores her. Regardless, the little lady waved her hand at me while looking like she was not certain if she was in the right place. "Oh, hey. Sorry for dropping in. I was just...bored."

"Bored? Why? Don't you have enough to do at home? Doesn't little Gladesong miss you?" I asked at the notion that Smolder could not want to be around the little dear. Was Gladesong just having a bad day and Smolder needed some respite from the noise?

"Well, she's taking a nap right now and I've already picked clean all the wild berry bushes I could find and... Well, I'm not used to not having James around for this long." She explained while still looking rather indecisive.

"Well, I do happen to just be on break. Would you care to join me for tea?" I asked my guest as I felt in the mood for some fine raspberry.

"Oh, sure! With honey, right?" Smolder replied before I went to the kitchen to begin brewing. I decided to try broadening Smolder's horizons while I had the opportunity and started to brew three separate teas. Black tea infused with passion fruit, green tea with a touch of raspberry, and some delightful mandarin spice herbal tea. The holy trinity of tea, but with additional flavors to sample. But as once I put the water on to boil, I stepped back out into my workroom to check on Smolder and found a rather unexpected sight. She seemed to be closely examining the many ensembles I had around the place.

This piqued my curiosity, so I quietly observed while making certain to stay out of Smolder's field of vision. She went from ensemble to ensemble, brushing the ones aside that were hanging on a rack or line and stepping around the mannequins that held some of my more incomplete creations. She tried on a few hats and even wrapped herself in a scarf. Finally, I decided to make my presence known. "Something I can help you with? Perhaps you are looking for something?"

She certainly did not know I was there. The poor dear looked almost panicked as she hastily hung the scarf back up. "Oh, you saw that?! I was...uh...just looking around."

I gazed at her a moment while trying to decipher that look of unease. That smile... The kind of smile one makes when they are trying to hide something. My discerning eye was quick to detect it. And so I said with a slight smirk, "You have an interest in all things sophisticated, don't you?"

"Huh?! No, I dunno what you're talking about! I'm just...uh...not used to seeing all this fancy stuff! You don't get these kinds of duds back in the dragon territories, you know?" Smolder exclaimed hastily as I began to circle her in examination.

"Darling, there's no shame in admitting you have a penchant for the prim and proper. Do be honest with me. I still remember when we first met. You took to the taste of tea quite quickly. And your true voice. That voice of an angel. Surely there is a true lady hidden under those scales." I said assuredly while trying to not intimidate the poor dear. "If you're undecided on where you stand, I can respect that. You are at such an age where you are still trying to decide who and what you are. But please tell me. Do you like what you see around you?"

Smolder did not respond right away. She merely gazed around slowly at our surroundings. It took a moment, but she did eventually provide a quiet response. "Yeah... I really like how pretty all this stuff looks."

I could not help but smile at her sincerity. But it was then that an idea struck me. "You know... I never did find out your measurements. And winter is approaching. Perhaps I could design for you some winter attire to keep out the cold? Or do you really not need it? I mean I've seen Spike go about in the cold with nary a scarf around his head..."

Smolder cracked a smirk of amusement as she batted a hand at me with letting out a brief chuckle. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me that much. That fire in a dragon's gut keeps them nice and warm even when it's totally freezing out. They're never in dragon of freezing to death, but.....yeah, I guess we can feel pretty cold when it comes to our arms and legs. Especially when we get older and our hands and feet get further away from where that fire is. And it's not like these scales do much to protect us from the wind-chill. We feel every little gust..."

That certainly would explain why Spike seldom seems uncomfortable in the cold. His stubby little limbs are very close to his torso, so the blood coursing through him never has time to cool. But Smolder's frame is much lankier. Her hands and feet must get very chilled in the snow. "Oh, I see... But even so, would you prefer I weave something for you for when the first snowfall arrives? I promise to make it something you will look quite dignified in."

Smolder hesitated for a moment. I know she has become more at home in Ponyville and seems to be more open to pony hospitality, but I still do not think she was used to being given such an offer. "You'd...do that for me?"

"But of course, dear. You have barely anything to your name, so why not give you something practical?" I replied while still so eager to put a smile on that face. I could never resist an opportunity to endear myself to a young lady with an appreciation for the finer things in life. We ladies must stick together.

It was then that Smolder smiled at me and said something I was not anticipating. "I see why James likes you so much... You're both eager to please."

Oh my, I blushed heavily at that observation. "We are?! I mean.....of course we are! It's par for the course with those whose passion lies with the arts. Artists live not for themselves, but for others. Usually..."

Smolder brought a hand to her lips as she struggled to suppress a laugh. Such a cunning young lady, but I suppose I should expect as much from a dragon straight out of the badlands. I do speak from experience after all. "Well... If you're really offering, sure. Go ahead and whip up whatever you think will work."

"Splendid! Now, if you'll just be still for a moment..." I said before bringing over a clipboard and pencil along with my measuring tape. Smolder seemed to understand exactly what I was doing and stood straight and still while my measuring tape floated near her. "Let's see now... Three feet and two inches minus the crest on your head... Waist... Shoulders... There we go. I've measured Spike before, but never a dragon of your stature before. I think it will be helpful if I cross-examine your measurements with those of James to get a better idea of how to go about this. And you are still growing, yes? I had best add on a few inches just to be safe."

"I wish I knew what you were doing, but I only get how nice this stuff looks. Not how you make them." Smolder said in reply as she came over and looked at the notes on my clipboard.

"Oh, I can absolutely understand, darling. The art of fashion design is a most complicated affair. Perhaps more so than most other art forms. I am most fortunate I am so adept at it since this industry is very demanding in quality and flair and... Am I talking your ear off?" I began to say before realizing poor Smolder likely did not comprehend a word I was saying.

Fortunately, the little lady just let out a snicker at my observation. "Nah, don't even really have any to talk off anyway. But it's cool. You really love working with fashion, huh?"

Suspecting the tea was just about ready, I began to lead my guest to the kitchen while indulging in my passion for the art of fashion. "Oh, I do. Ever since I was a filly, I've had an ambition and knack for designing wearable ensembles. It can be grueling work and it's not uncommon for me to have to struggle for a deadline, but I love my job. I can't imagine myself doing anything else. It is my finest strength and talent and the whole of Equestria certainly seems to agree."

As we entered the kitchen, I could not help but think my words over. I then turned to Smolder and asked, "But enough about me. What about you? What are some of your talents?"

She really was not expecting that inquiry. Smolder's eyes wandered while she hesitated in speaking for a moment. "Me? Uh... I'm...er... I know my way around surviving out in the wilds, if that counts for anything."

"Hm, yes... Although I doubt that really counts as a talent in itself. Survival is something we all must do when we have nothing but the fat of the land to live off of. But what about any other skills you may possess?" I replied as it began to dawn on me that I may have been asking this question much too soon.

Once again, Smolder's gaze wandered as if searching for an answer right behind me. "I dunno... I haven't really been able to do much since I got here. I mean... Dragons don't get cutie marks anyway, so it's not like I would know."

I gently guided her to a stool as I decided it was best to leave that topic for another time. "Quite true... Anyway, enough about that. I invited you in to relax, not to pry into the workings of your mind."

I was quick to pour us both some of the green tea into our cups. Even though it was piping hot, Smolder showed no discomfort as she sipped away. Those dragons have quite an impressive degree of heat tolerance. Trying to ease away from the topic I had just brought up, I decided to simply offer a compliment. "I just have to say, dear... It's been quite a pleasure getting to know you. James has had nothing but the nicest things to say about you and he definitely was not wrong each time."

She smiled rather humbly while averting her gaze. "Thanks... I'm glad he likes me... I'm glad you all like me, really. With the kind of reputation dragons usually get in Equestria, I'm amazed you all opened up to me so fast. We...uh...usually aren't that nice."

"Yes... I know. I've seen it for myself." I said grimly while sipping daintily from my cup. I had to take care since it was still very hot.

My response drew quite a look of surprise from my guest. "Wait... You... You've been there?"

Perfect time to deepen the conversation. And so I said, "Yes, I have... Quite a story behind it too. It wasn't even all that long ago. Just a couple of months before James arrived in Equestria, to be honest. And it wasn't just me. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were there with me."

Smolder gave me her undivided attention as she propped her chin up on the back of her hand. "Ooh, I gotta hear this. What were you doing out there?"

"Why, to keep a close eye on little Spike. You see, the poor dear was going through a sort of existential crisis at the time and wanted to find out what it's like to be a 'real' dragon. And so he set out for the dragon lands and wound up in the company of some...ugh...rather brutish juveniles." I explained while not remembering those louts fondly at all. What an unruly bunch of barbarians. I could do with never having to see them again.

Smolder raised an eyebrow as I provided the details. Or...eye ridge since she does not seem to have any. "Wait a minute. Spike went out there? Pretty brave of him to go that far. Not sure why he would. I mean I was born and raised in the dragon lands and even I don't have a whole lot of good memories of it. At least in...um...what's that word? The one where it doesn't look so good now that you have time to think about it?"

"I believe the term you are looking for is 'hindsight', Smolder." I said to correct her. It really is quite unfortunate that the poor dear never learned how to read until she finally came to Ponyville. At least James is helping her with that, but it seems she has a ways to go before her vocabulary expands to what it should be.

"Yeah, that's it! Hindsight, huh? So, what I mean is... Even the pretty good memories I have of that place isn't so good in hindsight. Yeah... Hindsight... I gotta remember that." Smolder muttered to herself as she seemed to be momentarily enthralled with learning a new word. "But yeah, why want to know what a 'real' dragon is like?"

"If you want my honest analysis, it was the result of a moment of insecurity and a desire to establish some misguided machismo. Spike may be a proper citizen of Equestria, but he is still a boy. And as a boy, it's not unusual for him to have some disdain for the more...idyllic aesthetics of Equestrian life." I explained while thinking back on that picnic we had when he abruptly made up his mind.

Smolder was trying to follow what I was saying, but my sophisticated range of diction went over her head now and then. "I really wish I knew what some of those words mean... But if I had to guess... He was a boy, the cutesy pony stuff felt too girly to him when he thought about it too hard, and he wanted to prove to himself what a big man he actually is?"

"Yes... More or less." I mumbled as I thought back to the tragically misguided mindset he had adopted at the time. At least it was not an entirely wasted trip.

Smolder just shook her head and let out a snort of bemusement. "Boys... Anyway, how'd that go?"

I did my best to think back to that day so I would not leave out any juicy details. "It went about as well as you would expect. Those...ugh...juveniles did not take kindly to little Spike at first and my friends and I had to get creative to keep an eye on him from a safe distance. Although he did manage to endear himself to them with a high dive into a pool of lava they were lounging in. I suppose they found it to be an incredibly brave feat for a child?"

Smolder suddenly gave me a gaze of concern. "Wait a minute... How high up was this dive from? And how did he hit the lava?"

I paused in thought. Exactly how did that go? "Hmmm... If memory serves, he hesitated at first, but their jeering convinced him to try. It was very high up... Highest dive I have ever witnessed. And he did not so much dive as much as he...jumped off and fell flat on his face."

Smolder suddenly burst into laughter while groaning and cringing at the very thought of such a feat. "Ooooooooh man, you don't do that with lava! I know it looks gooey and smooth, but you've gotta remember that's still rock! You don't belly flop into something like that! He must've been sore for a while after that..."

In hindsight, that was a rather ridiculous stunt he pulled off. And with absolutely no finesse now that I remember. Even so, I took a sip of my tea to finish the cup and poured some more from the next kettle. "Oh, he seemed fine after that. Spike is a remarkably resilient lad, I just don't know how he does it."

"So, he got on their good side. What happened next?" Smolder asked while holding out her cup for some more tea.

"Nightfall came. And they decided to raid the nests of phoenixes for their eggs. I...don't suppose that's a common pastime where you are from?" I asked her while remembering the darkest moment of that journey.

Smolder went silent as she set her cup down. I dreaded the thought of her also engaging of such acts of barbarism. Thankfully, she confessed to no such thing. "Not out in the wilds, no... Sounds like it might be a hobby where dragons are more organized... What did they do with they eggs they got?"

"Funny thing. The nest they targeted had eggs that already hatched. But they still went after the hatchlings anyway. Fortunately for the little dears, their mother and father were on the scene and successfully gave those ruffians what for before they made their escape." I replied while remembering quite vividly how one of the parents generated an impressive array of light to blind their pursuers in the dark of the night. Those majestic birds are far from defenseless.

"Phew, that's good to hear..." Smolder said with a sigh of genuine relief. But after a sip from her cup, she then asked, "What then? They gave up?"

"Actually..." I muttered while remembering what came next. "Spike happened to find an unhatched egg from that nest that ended up getting overlooked. And when he showed it, they insisted that he smash it into the ground. Just for some...macabre form of entertainment."

Smolder's eyes opened wide as a look of dread settled into her gaze. "Don't tell me he..."

"No. He didn't. He couldn't. Spike refused. And those juveniles did not take kindly to it. That was the point where my friends and I made our presence known to protect him." I said before gulping down the rest of my tea. "And no, we did not actually fight those fools. Three ponies against a trio of dragons? Perish the thought! We fled and got out of there just in time thanks to a little teleportation on Twilight's part. We got back home safe and sound and dear little Spike had gained a great deal of enlightenment about his own kind. He has no desire to ever go back there. He knows where he is happiest at."

Smolder smiled calmly as she sipped from her cup again. "Mm... Good for him. I guess you have to see the other side at least once to really get how better off you are..... Wait a minute, what about that egg? Did he still have it when you all got home?"

"Funny you mention that!" I replied as I poured myself more tea. "Just the next morning, it hatched! And Spike became its caretaker. I believe he named the little dear...Peewee. Just don't ask why because I cannot fathom the reasoning behind it."

"Ha! Peewee?! Guess he took a bit of that dragon attitude home with him." Smolder said with a laugh as she took a long and thoughtful sip from her cup. However, she then gave me an inquisitive stare. "Wait... You mean Spike has a pet phoenix? But...I haven't been in Ponyville all that long, but I'm pretty sure I would've found Peewee by now. Where is he?"

I rolled my eyes as she inquired about that. "To be fair that little hatchling wasn't with us for very long. Spike certainly tried to take good care of Peewee, but I guess the responsibility was too much for him at such a young age. Only two weeks later, he embarked on a journey back to the edge of the dragon lands just to return him to the wild. He even succeeded to locating the little dear's parents and returned him to the nest. It went well, but I can't help but feel it was rather unfortunate that such a charming friendship did not work out."

That look Smolder was giving me... She looked more puzzled than anything. However, she then cast me a smirk as she said, "Really...? You know, if that whole thing with Peewee was a story written by someone, I'd say Spike putting Peewee back where he got him was because the writer couldn't figure out what to do with the little guy and just wrote him out of the story."

My, what a witty observation. I could not help laughing at that statement. Imagine if that was the case! For shame! Surely a competent author would have enough foresight to work a new pet into Spike's life for the long run!

With that story complete, we engaged in quiet chitchat for a moment longer. But eventually, I noticed Smolder's gaze wander until she looked out the window nearby. She appeared to be lost in thought, but she also did not appear to be very happy. "Is something troubling you, dear?"

"Huh? Oh, uh... No... I mean...not really." Smolder said before turning her gaze back to the window. I did not look away. I kept my gaze focused on her, trying to coax her into a conversation with my unwavering attention. This ultimately succeeded with Smolder letting out a sigh. "I just...miss him. He'll be home soon, right?"


"You mean James, yes?" I asked with Smolder providing a quiet nod. "I seem to recall it being a ten day stay on Capricorn Island. So I should say that when including travel time... He should return in no more than two weeks."

"Hasn't it already been more than a week already?" She asked as her tone darkened before she focused her gaze on the sights beyond the window. "The last time I went this long without seeing him was when I was...out there."

I said nothing for a moment. My eyes carefully scanned the side of Smolder's face. Trying to peer into her and see what was on her mind. "You are...longing for him, are you not?"

"I don't know what that means... But..." Smolder muttered before she turned her gaze more in my direction while keeping her gaze turned towards the floor and table. "I just miss...his touch. We like to hold hands. It feels so...nice. Makes me feel safe. And...I guess I kind of miss his voice."

There was something about the look in her eyes. The tone of her voice. And the use of those words. I squinted my eyes as I began to put the pieces together. "Smolder... Are you...in love?"

A bold thing to assume, I know. But there was no other conclusion I could come to. Smolder's eyes opened wide once more as she burst into fits of stammering denial. A natural response to the assumption of an outsider. "Huh?! No, no, I dunno what you're talking about! Love? What's love got to do with anything?"

I admit I was grasping at straws when I made that assumption, but Smolder's panicked bout of denial only added more weight to my claims. I could not help but smirk at her in victory while She looked back at me with sweat starting to slide down her scales. And so I said, "Smolder. Darling. The eye of an artist is always an observant one. Whether it be a sculptor noticing a rough edge to smooth out, a designer like myself noticing a single line of thread missing, or even an author noticing one small typo in the lines of text on a page, we are most aware of what we see."

"Oh... I guess that makes sense. I don't get art right now, so I wouldn't...um..." Smolder mumbled before her gaze wandered now that I had her backed into a corner.

The thrill of my discovery rapidly faded as I began to understand what I had just learned about my young friend. "It is true, yes? Your heart...pines for him? You wish for him to hold you in his arms? To cherish you forever?"

"I... I don't know... I mean...I think I felt that at first, but..." Smolder said softly as she brought a hand to her chest and over her beating heart. "There's a little voice in here... It tells me to never let go... To hold onto him. That I would regret it if I ever...said goodbye."

I watched in respectful silence as my observations were only then truly confirmed. I only spoke when I was certain it was safe to do so. "You are in love. You most definitely are."

"Is that...a bad thing? I think I get what love is, but...I still don't really. And I know I have a lot to learn about it." Smolder asked with a look of uncertainty in her eyes. She was not ashamed, yet seemed very unsure of herself.

As someone who has experience in the workings of the heart and having found myself in a relationship that carries some risk with it, I had a stronger understanding off the perils Smolder would be facing if my thoughts were true. Treating this discovery with the utmost tact, I tested the waters. "Well...it greatly depends. Has he...touched you? Does he seem to...lust for you when nopony is looking? Tempt you with sweet words or offers?"

It sounded preposterous. James? A deceptive lecherous scoundrel who preys upon the youngest of maidens? Simply impossible. I know that man better than anypony else in Ponyville aside from Fluttershy and he just does not have the capacity for such debauchery. He has always been a man of love. Not lust. And much to my relief, Smolder's response of confusion only confirmed that my fears were unfounded. "Huh...? Lust? What's that? He's never done anything to hurt me or scare me or do anything that makes me feel uncomfortable."

Her lack of any knowledge of a sexual nature was both relieving and not surprising. Having spent more time focusing on survival after her exile from her homeland must have left no time for the poor dear to pay any mind to the changing chemistry in her own body. The very concept of sexual actions seemed to be completely alien to her. Of course, I was not going to enlighten her to it. Such a discovery would have to be made on her own time at her own discretion. "I see... Well, that certainly takes a load off my shoulders. I don't know what I would do if I found out James was taking advantage of you in any way."

"Nah, he wouldn't. Not when he keeps giving me that look." She said while only catching my attention further. A certain way he looks at her?

"You can tell just by the way he looks at you from time to time?" I asked before leaning forward and bringing my hooves together in intrigue. Our tea had since run dry, but this conversation was only just getting started. "And...what do you see when he looks at you in such a way?"

Smolder looked into her empty cup before looking back at me. "I... I think I see the same look in his eyes as how I look at him. I think... I can tell he... He wants me around. He...just wants me."

Such a vague description. There was only one thing I could think of to get a proper understanding of this situation. "It's certainly a vague way of explaining that... Smolder. If you do not mind, please. Tell me everything. When you first met him, when this all started, when you started experiencing this emotions."

"All the back to the beginning? Um... OK, I'll try." She said as she ran a few fingers over that fibrous crest along the middle of her head. "It started not that long ago. I came out of the Everfree Forest and saw that house at the edge with the box all those chickens sleep in. I was tired and it looked safe in there, so I crawled inside so I could at least have a roof over my head for the night. And when morning came, James woke me up when he was knocking on the side. Every other time I tried to sleep on someone's property, I'd always get chased off in the morning. But he didn't. I think he was really interested in me and just stayed out there with me while I sunbathed for a bit. I wasn't expecting him to be nice to me. I just...had no reason to think he wasn't annoyed with me being out there. But he didn't chase me off, so I stuck around for a little bit. I still felt like I shouldn't be there and took off after a while."

"Smolder, why would you think James would be averse to your company? He would never become hostile if you never gave him a reason to be." I explained while finding her words to be just so sad at times.

She let out a long sigh and held her forehead against her palm for a moment before continuing. "I know... I know. It's just after getting thrown out by my own folks out of nowhere and getting chased off by just about everywhere I went that wasn't run by dragons, I just got...too used to be unwanted. I thought he didn't want me there because no one else did... But a little while later, I was close to that place again and it was getting dark. And since he didn't chase me off the last time, I thought it was safe to try my luck again. So I crawled into the chicken box and slept there for the night. And...he found me in the morning and even cooked me breakfast. I think you call those things omelets?"

"Mmhm, that's what you call an egg dish of that composition. And that 'chicken box' is a chicken coop." I explained while listening to everything she said. It sounded like the tone of her recollection was beginning to become more optimistic. Considering how she and James have always been when I have seen them together, this was no surprise.

"Chicken coop. Right. That just always sounds funny when I think about it too much." Smolder replied while looking like she was tempted to laugh at that word. "Anyway, I found him outside the coop when I crawled outside and... I...told him about what had happened with me since he asked. I really...really wasn't expecting him to be kind to me. I even...told him not to touch me when he started to reach for me. I didn't want to be hurt again. But...he didn't go away. He just left his hand next to me like he was going to let me decide when to reach out. And when I did..."

The poor dear then lifted her hand and just stared at it for a while. I knew better than to interrupt. That was a most sacred memory she was recalling. It looked like she was even trying to hold back tears as she spoke. "It...felt so nice... Like...that was the first time since leaving home that...some wanted me around. And...I stuck with him for a while. He made me happy... Even when he had to go somewhere, he kept making more time for me. But...when he finally had to leave for some party...I wasn't expecting to see him again... So when night came again, I went back out to the chicken coop to sleep. And he still came out there to find me when he came home."

"Party...? Ooooh, his bachelor party. I was there. He told me about you. He sounded quite concerned with you too. And he even picked up some exquisite rock candy for you. He did give those to you, yes?" I asked as I remembered that day quite well. It was the first I had ever heard of her.

"Heh... Yeah, he did. Those were awesome too. I thought they were crystals on sticks, but they still tasted awesome." She said with a smile on her face. Though that brighter smile became more subdued as she continued to recount her tale. "I didn't think he'd really come back for me...but he did. He even carried me into his house since there was no one else there. Let me sleep in the little bedroom, but... I..."

Smolder's hand rose to her chest almost as if on reflex while she began to speak softer. "I didn't...want to be away from him... I went upstairs in the dark... I stood beside him... I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. But he knew I was there anyway and let me sleep in the bed with him. And when morning came...best morning I had ever have. He cooked for me. Even started teaching me how to read... I had to leave right after that, but I promised him I wouldn't stay away. He...made me so happy... Made me feel wanted. And that was something I wasn't used to."

I was smiling from cheek to cheek as I listened and watched my dear guest recite that day. Perhaps I should ask James to show me his journal entries from those days sometime so I can see the full experience from his perspective. "It sounded like things got off to a great start between you two. So...what happened next?"

Smolder smiled dreamily as she propped her head up on one hand, her eyes wandering. "Not much later, I actually surprised him. When he came out to the coop, I was waiting. When he looked for me in the coop, I dropped onto the roof and waited for him to stand up. And...the first thing we did was hold hands... I told I missed him... And he said he missed me too."

However, her face darkened as that smile faded away in mere seconds. "Then he told me...he was getting married that day."

"His wedding day... You were there? But I never saw you..." I muttered as I thought back to that day. If Smolder had been there among the guests, I surely would have noticed her.

"I didn't... I couldn't... It just...hurt so much to hear that... I was starting to think...James and I...could be mates some day... No other guy had ever been so nice to me. He never even treated me like a kid... Like he...couldn't tell or care that I was only fourteen years old... But he was already taken. And I felt like I shouldn't be there anymore. He knew I was hurt, but...my heart told me to leave. That I had nothing to gain by staying there..."

The poor dear... I knew that pain once. To lose the one you love and can see a future with yourself to another is one of the most painful experiences one can go through. And when things were going so well too. But surely there was more to that. Otherwise Smolder would not be seated across from me at that moment. "Then...how did you come back into his life?"

Smolder propped her head up on both upturned hands while her elbows rested on the table. "Because...I couldn't forget about him... Like I shouldn't. I kept carving his name into old logs and stuff while I was out in the Everfree Forest. I don't know how much time passed, but...I finally couldn't take it anymore. I went back there one night. Just wanting to sleep in the chicken coop again and remember those happier times. And when I woke up...there he was. Reaching in there to me like he always did."

I was on the verge of inquiring further, but I froze when I noticed tears beginning to form at the edges of her eyes. It would be wrong to interrupt her now. All I could do was wait and listen. "I said...such a mean thing to him... I just didn't want to get hurt again... I didn't want to go, but...my heart told me to run. But...he grabbed me... And he wouldn't let go. And he pleaded with me to stay..."

Her voice began to break as those tears spilled forth. She seldom blinked as her head turned from side to side just barely. "I cried so hard... I didn't care anymore that he belonged to someone else... I just couldn't lose him again... Not when he wanted me to stay that bad..."

I waited patiently as Smolder wiped her tears away before resting her hand over her heart once more. She closed her eyes. No doubt trying to remember what she was seeing at the time. "We sat in the shade... The way he held me... Touched me... Appreciated me like no one else... The way he looked at me... It was like in that one moment, the only thing that mattered was him and I. I knew...I didn't make a mistake by coming back to him. I could tell how much he wanted me... And then...well, I met you and all of his other friends."

A long sigh escaped my lips as I too brought a hoof to my heart. So good when something ends on a happy note. "Then...I suppose that's it? That was when you knew what your heart wanted?"

"Nah, that wasn't it. I mean I was starting to get a better idea of how I was feeling, but... That happened at the end of the day. When I saw you and Fluttershy smooching him together from outside."

"Oh dear, you saw that? Well... We..." I was at a loss of how to explain my relationship with James. How do you say such a thing to someone that young? Would she understand?

Smolder surprisingly let out a laugh before she said, "Hey, it's OK. Your secret's safe with me. James explained the whole thing. You and Fluttershy... You're both his mates?"

"Well... If you want to get archaic, then yes. We are both his beloveds. Fluttershy is his wife on official terms while I... For all intents and purposes, I am his wife as well. Of course, I must insist that you keep this bit of information between us. It could have...unpleasant repercussions on us if word ever got out." I explained most seriously, hoping to convince Smolder to understand the gravity of the situation.

"Hey, I just said your secret's safe with me. But anyway..." She said before her expression once again darkened. "He started to catch on to why I was so upset when I last ran off... So I sat myself down and confessed everything. He...took it really well. And...he explained to me how it would...be a bad idea if we ever did get into a relationship. Something about me being half his age and being... Um... He didn't say I was stupid. He said I was...um...too young to understand some things? I just didn't have enough experience to know what I wanted? I mean...he was pretty clear on telling me how love is something you can't really explain... You have to experience it to really get it..."

"Hm... I would expect no less from him on that. Even if he does have a special talent for love, it is...a very complex subject in its own right." I retorted as Smolder paused for a moment. "And...was that all? Did you come to an agreement?"

"Yeah, at first... But when he tried to get up and walk away, I..." Smolder muttered as she once more placed a hand upon her chest. "A little voice in here spoke up... Told me to hold on and never let go. So I did. I grabbed his hand and...I just couldn't let go... I told him...and I asked him if there was a voice in his heart. He said...it was telling him to be patient and see where things go..... And... I.... I asked him if he loved me."

I went silent as I felt the weight in her words. I was uncertain of what to say. Such a powerful question. And knowing James... I would have to say he would indeed admit if he loved someone like that. But still... "And...his answer?"

Smolder looked out the window once more. "He didn't have one. He couldn't say anything. Like...I think he wanted to tell me something, but...he couldn't. But I could tell. I could see it in his eyes. And when I let him know that... He...cried."

My hoof inadvertently made its way to my lips. Such turmoil he must have been in. As I watched and waited, Smolder turned her gaze back to me and placed both hands over her chest. "He loves me. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me when we're alone. And he wants to say it. But...he can't. So...we agreed to just wait. Wait and...see where things go from here."

It certainly sounded like a very wise course of action, choosing a safe middle ground for the time being. But before I could say anything, Smolder propped her head up on one hand and laughed bitterly and quietly. "Heheh... What a joke, huh? I said I'd wait, but...it feels like my heart's already made up it's mind."

"You believe so? Even now, your heart knows the answer?" I asked as it seemed Smolder was done telling me her story. Now it was back to the present and the matters at hoof.

She turned to look at me and said, "I know I don't understand love. But I know what my heart's telling me. It's...weird like that. Like my heart just...knows these things. My head is telling me I really should wait like James said, but...my heart thinks it already knows the truth."

After a moment of silence while we shared a wavering stare, Smolder gave me her attention. "Do you...think it's wrong? That I'm...just an idiot who doesn't know better? That I shouldn't listen to my heart on this?"

I shook my head. And I chose my words carefully. "No... No, you should never turn a deaf ear to your heart. If your heart is that convinced that he is the one you pine for, you should not disregard its advice. And as someone who knows him better than you, if what you say about him holding love in his heart for him is true, then you and James will most certainly have a happy future together when the time is right. So do be patient and never give up on that love you have for him."

"I hope so... If this is what it's like to be in love, then it's...one the best feelings in the world..." Smolder said softly with her hands over her heart. The lovely little lady truly was lovestruck. And if James truly does hold the same feelings for her that she holds for him, the distance between their ages not mattering in the long run, then they will truly be happy together when the time comes.

Of course, I know why James insisted on playing the waiting game. It was not simply for the sake of caution. It was for his own safety. "Although I must concur with James on the choice of waiting a couple of years before pursuing such a thing in earnest. Are you familiar with the age of consent, Smolder?"

"Age? Consent? No, I've never even heard of it." She said in an unsurprising display of ignorance. Then again, most children do not know it exists in the first place.

"Well, it exists for a good reason. And the age of consent in most parts of Equestria is sixteen. You're still two years off, yes? I'm just saying... I mean I would not expect you or James to do anything rash or reckless, but... Just bear in mind to be very careful until you finally reach the age of sixteen. If the two of you do anything particularly outrageous... It won't end well for him." I said sincerely while also trying to keep the topic as vague as necessary. I did not feel it was my responsibility to enlighten Smolder to the topic of sexual exploration.

"So... Don't do anything crazy? Sure, I can do that. I learned how to think twice on just about everything a while ago." She said while apparently understanding the gravity of the situation. I could tell she would never want to bring harm upon James. But her gaze then looked out the window once more. "I just... I wish I could tell him, you know? Maybe it's this whole age of consent thing that makes me think it's a bad idea to say it. Even before I found out about it, I guess it was...just at the back of my mind... You never see dragon couples where one of them is my age..."

She looked so forlorn. It reminded me of when James and I just started to let our hearts reach out to each other. Starting small and working our way up until life just happened to work out in ways we never saw coming. And as I played her words over in my head, an idea began to form as a sly smirk spread across my lips. "You wish to tell him? How you really feel? But you can't say it for the time being? Well...perhaps I have a way around that?"

She immediately gave me her undivided attention as a look of hope bloomed in her eyes. "You do...? Like...a loophole?"

"Oh yes. A loophole that loops right back around to not being a loophole at all." I said with pride as I got up from my stool and fetched a pencil and blank note of paper. I came up to Smolder's side and set the note down as I prepared to write. "To be clear... What you want to tell him. Is it three little words that carry so much weight and meaning to them?"

Smolder could only nod readily at my words as she placed her faith in me. And so I began to write. "Well...the idea I had is you could tell him, but in an entirely different language. When you feel the time is right..."

I then looked her in the eye. "Just say this to him. Je t'aime."

"Shea...nam? Wha... What's that even mean?" She asked in utter bewilderment. Not that I fault her. French is not commonly spoken in most parts.

"Here, it's right here." I said as I wrote down the actual word on the note. "You know enough about reading to understand this, yes?"

"Je...tie...me? Je tie me? Tie me what? Tie my shoes?" Smolder asked in further confusion as I could only laugh at how poorly she was grasping the initial lesson.

"Ohohohoho Smolder! Darling, it's not pronounced as phonetically as it seems! The pronunciation is quite different from how it looks. Say it with me now. Je t'aime. You understand now? Je t'aime." I explained as I began to repeat the term to help her absorb its sound.

"Je t'aime... Je t'aime! OK, I think I got it. Je t'aime. And that means what I think it does?" Smolder asked after a minute or two of recital.

"Indeed, it does. If you absolutely can't hold it in anymore, just tell him that. I strongly doubt anyone who hears it would really understand it if you're discreet enough." I explained as yet another idea formed in my head. "But! If that's not enough and you want to really add some oomph to it, you can add onto it!"

Smolder was starting to look rather excited as she leaned closer while my pencil went to work adding a couple more words onto the list. "If you truly want to show you mean business, just add this into the phrase. Je t'aime, mi amor."

"Well, at least that part sounds the way it looks." Smolder said with an amused smirk on her lips. "But...uh...what does it all mean?"

I felt there was no need to be subtle anymore. And so I provided a rough translation of the entire thing. "Well, if you put it all together, it translates to 'I love you, my dear', or 'I love you, my precious', or any manner of sweet sincere adoration you can imagine. If you truly want to lay down the red carpet for his ears, back up the first part with the second."

I think I noticed a blush settle into Smolder's cheeks as I explained the meaning of those sacred words hidden behind the veil of foreign dialects. I wonder what images were going through her mind. Perhaps a scene of her wrapped tenderly in the arms of her beloved, her voice whispering those beautiful words to him for only his ears to hear? Oh, it the very thought makes me tremble with glee. How could I not condone such genuine love?

"Thank you... I'll...I'll take this all to heart. Practice it sometimes so I don't forget. I... I want to tell him when the time is right." Smolder said softly before I suddenly found myself in a strong embrace as she threw her arms around me. "Thanks, Rarity... You're a good friend."

"Oh, darling..." I whispered before I put an arm around her as well. "It's always a pleasure having you over. If you need anything, you just stop on by and I'll see what I can do for you. We ladies have to stick together, you know."

"Mmhm..." She mumbled before standing up from her stool. Smolder then glanced at the clock on the wall before looking back to me. "I think Gladesong will be waking up from her nap soon. I should probably head back. Fluttershy asked me to watch her for the evening."

"Oh, then I shouldn't keep you. But it was a pleasure having you over. Do stop by anytime, dear." I said as I escorted my friend out of the kitchen. But as we neared the door, I whispered to her. "Best of luck on whatever path your heart chooses. Be patient. Be cautious. And be strong. Oh, and give Fluttershy my regards."

"I will... Really, thank you for everything you taught me..." Smolder said with a most grateful smile before I saw her out the door. I watched as the little darling spread her wings and took to the sky for a speedier return home.

As I sit here writing this, I do have an idea for what to weave for Smolder this coming winter. Mmmm, yes... Something dignified. Something vintage. I know she will adore what I have in store. And yet...

I certainly hope Smolder approaches the topic we discussed with extreme caution. I fear for her and James. Ad I certainly can understand why one would love the other. James would never have an interest in a young girl, but... It would seem that every time I see her, I almost never see the child in her. She is more...disciplined than a girl her age should be. Today, especially, I almost saw nothing but a young lady in her. Were the last two years of her life really so perilous that the child in her had to be phased out for the woman underneath?

Well, whatever trials she had to face to get these far, I hope her days with us in Ponyville will make it all worthwhile. She is much happier than when I first met her. And knowing that there is someone out there who loves her... I do believe she has a very happy future ahead of her.

I think that will do it for now. It is getting late and I should start preparing a hot shower before bed. A fulfilling day and certainly something worth looking back on. I am glad I took the time to document this. As for now, ta ta!