No Frills: Grukkal
He was born unusually dark, which showed that he had a disadvantage when it came to absorbing the atmospheric magic of his mountain home.
Astral High - Chapter 29
[gavin] "wait, so their secret is that they're unusually opinionated about time? wow, some secret." [me] marko blushed, "heh, that's part of it, but you get the idea."
"Daggers of Darkness" - Epilogue
They won't exactly say what it is, but they're mighty anxious to have the thing back--apparently it disappeared under unusual circumstances, and somebody put the bug in their ear that the crew of_nightwing _can find it.
What are Candus pt. 1: Apperance
Candus have an unusual ear shape, which is extra "skin" that droops down in a triangle over their ears to the side (not at the tip, on the side near the tip); the size of this extra "skin" varies in sizes.
New Horse: "Separate Ways"
In an unusual display of discretion, clay chose not to probe for information. his demeanor was pleasant, even jovial, but those who knew him better would have called him reserved.
Hospital visitations: Dragon's Tail pt.2
I thought to myself, ''what an unusual name''. never-the-less, he was helping me, i was going to escape from ekel. that brutish dragon had used me for so long i had given up hope of escaping.
The Eternal Night
_"unusual..." _ thought dunthyon, as he stepped outside. dunthyon was a medium sized, white housecat, with a krew-cut hairstyle. one of his legs was a robotic prosthetic, made for him by the robotics director.
The Lamp
As zack entered the room he saw an unusually nervous tom. tom was a border collie with grey fur. he was normally stoic and kept to himself. not much surprised him. regardless, zack shrugged it off and wondered if he found his family's old pile.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Prologue
They proved to be curious and adept at learning anything they could, they displayed an unusual talent for growing plants, and singing some of the most moving songs any of the others had ever heard.
The Untold Story of a Hunter - extra large poem
Sharp claws found on fingers and toes, one unusually long claw decorates each foot. numerous curved teeth are seen in the dino's mouth. from hatchling to adult she will care for her young. after one egg hatches, the other hatchlings are freed.
Susceptible to change
Her unusual ability served as a defense mechanism, but she still preferred to avoid most contact completely. she got home with little more than wandering thoughts on her skin, which easily washed away with isolation.
The Demon Badger of Philadelphia
What is unusual is that he has a soft spot for families and his fellow manimals. or so the stories go. another story is that he is the reason the liberty bell remains cracked. the day it reseals itself is the day the badger demon is finally vanquished?