Anxious Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Cresting the hill into the still dim morning sun, the kobold sighed before reaching back to shake the phoenix sleeping in the back seat. "Hey, Char, you need to get in the trunk. I'll let you know when we're past this checkpoint coming up."

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Corgi being Productive (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The corgi squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. The plastic molded furniture was not an improvement to his overall comfort, especially combined with the soft rumble of the machines that surrounded him. He never felt quite at ease amongst machines, and...


Tick tock at the Station (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The raven looked up from his watch with a soft whine. He couldn't remember if he had planned to be early, or if the badger had planned to be late.

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A lynx tries to explain (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The lynx blinked back tears, staring down at the plain gold band worn on their finger. The recently acquired ring was polished and naive, yet to accumulate the patina of scratches offered by life. ~ Declining to raise their gaze to meet their...


Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The dragon writhed against the cushions of the couch. He was warm. He was comfortable. He was warm and comfortable and someone wanted him to buy a garden hose. Even in his half awake fog of thought, the dragon didn't take long to remember that he...

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Corgi has Dinner (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Though her nose already was protesting, it was not until the corgi laid eyes on the sheer quantity and variety of peppers in the dish that despair truely took root behind her fascade of excitement and anticipation. It was like a casserole of flames...

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Phoenix Gets Dressed (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The phoenix strode through the bustling tent city, occasionally consulting his paper orders to verify the location of the armory he'd been assigned. He was interrupted by a soldier who recognized his working robes as those of a priest of the Sacred...

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Coyote in the Dining Room (Otherwise Untitled)

~ There was a lingering calm in the silence. He had vanished into the night years before, only to re-appear in his Sunday best looking otherwise like he'd been dragged through Hell and high water to get here. She wasn't clear on how to react;...

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Gryphon Delivers Pizza (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The gryphon leaned over a bit, to give her Geo Metro's cassette deck a frustrated whack. She was still cold from the rain, tired from the road, and stung by the eagle's words. Chilled rain makes evenings popular for delivered pizzas, and this had...

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Jack Braking Prohibited (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The coyote was roused from her nap when the rattling thrum of the engine cut out to be replaced with an irregular thumping of road noise. "Bwuhhuh?", she inquired. ~ To her left, the ferret driver was appropriately rushed but not yet panicked as he...

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The Moon Didn't Lie (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The cold wind filled the calm night with a mixture of rustling leaves and swaying branches as the groans of the car's engine settling into the ambient temperatures dwindled to faint creaks. The dragon clutched his arms tightly to his chest as he...

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Noisy Lack of Gathering (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The goat's ears perked again, a cup with gradually melting ice on the table before him, and sighed. For all of the raucous chatter and music of the arcade, the dining area was only sparsely populated. A plate of french fries cooled slowly next to the...

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