Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion

Dougal kissed his fore and middle fingers and lightly touched the golden cross that hung from an equally golden chain around his neck.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 68

"don't touch her!" banno screamed, lurching along on his crippled stump.

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Ragnarok - XVIII

Its roots so thin as to be two-dimensional threaded shallowly through the pressing stone to snatch whatever moisture seeped between rocks in this hard place, ere it froze, faded, the moment it touched ground.

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Battle Plans

There is one way for my 'curse' to be lifted, the god touched hunters have never had the issue of fighting humans as your friend can attest to. mordred was god touched, though i am very unhappy with how that ended."

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 21

"please don't touch me, shekka." "i wanted to save you... there was nothing i could do for ander, but i could save _you_..." she lightly touched his shoulder, her fingers like spiders' legs. "please, kadai, don't leave me all alone in the dark...

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Spring Cleaning

The time was spent looking for items and making sure none of them were opened or touched. thankfully, kaji's list told him what not to touch and how to safely return.

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DragonZ Chapter 20 --End of Act III--

We touched down in the heart of the fight, and fought close with the dino's.

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Complications (Jo)

I reach out and touch her paw on my arm. "i don't know if you're acting or not, but i guess the answer is rather obvious, isn't it?" she says, before reaching out to touch my cheek, stroking it slightly.

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The Cat Trap

Come to think of it, she had said the stuff that was touch activated was locked up. at the thought something might happen even just by touching one of the strange items cris took a step back by instinct.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 10 (The End)

He sat down on the edge of the bed and lightly ran one finger down the side of her face, too concerned to wake her, but also too in love to not touch her.

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Darkness Rising

A red-scaled hand emerged from the sleeves of the brown robe, touching his forehead. slowly, the twitching ceased. lordrad opened his eyes. he looked around, before looking into kieral's face.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 15: Light Rain

Max touched tom a lot than him, which wasn't weird in his opinion, but tom didn't touch him as much. in fact, tom seemed to avoid touching the dog unless necessary. and that extended to him too; tom seemed to avoid touching _anyone_ unless necessary.

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