Spring Cleaning
#21 of Story Commissions
A short story commission for FA: Kajiryuujin. He's gone and decided to ask Thunder for help cleaning up his library and finds that there's a lot more that he's got to deal with than just helping a friend spruce up books.
Spring Cleaning
He really needed to learn how to say no sometimes. Thunder glanced at Kaji with a frown on his face, wondering what exactly he got himself into. It was no surprise that the dragon-wolf deity had quite the lavish living standards in other places. The mutt always liked to share the occasional story here and there since the whiskered dragon was always interested in them. But he hadn't factored in the idea of Kaji's possessions. If he had several places he could relax in scattered across the world and beyond, where did he store all of his things? The dragon-wolf hybrid asked Thunder in assisting him in some spring cleaning. After ignoring the possible joke in that, the eastern dragon accepted.
Soon after that, Kaji had grabbed the eastern's wrist, and with a snap of his fingers, they were off to who knows where. Once Thunder opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of a library. Enormous did not do this place justice. The place was seemed to be utterly endless. Shelves upon shelves of books, tomes and other odd looking objects littered the place, along with tables and ladders to get up there, though he questioned why if the owner had wings. Regardless, Thunder was left speechless after arriving. Kaji looked at him with a wide grin on his face.
"Please tell me we're not cleaning this whole place out." Thunder groaned. He slapped his forehead, the sound echoing through the halls.
"Yup, that we are. It shouldn't take too long though-"
"Too long?! Dude, this place is ginormous!" Thunder retorted, waving his arms around to reinforce the point. "Where did you even find the time to read all this stuff!?"
Thunder scanned around the hall, finding that the shelves just kept going up and up. Did this place even have a ceiling? He had to admit, the place was rather fancy looking. The shelves were colored gold, giving the entire place a rather bright atmosphere. What with the long tables near each shelf and corners leading to the deeper parts, it looked like something out of a fantasy book. The eastern dragon let out a loud sigh that reverberated through the library.
"Guess we better get started. Do you at least know what we're exactly cleaning?" Thunder asked. He glanced at the hybrid with a hopeful look on his face. Kaji snapped his fingers and roll of paper the size of a two liter bottle appeared in his hands. It didn't seem terribly thick, so Thunder had a sense of hope continuing to well up. That hope was dashed in moments as he unfurled the paper and the entire roll almost went down the entire hallway. Another loud sigh was heard through the library. Kaji re-rolled the paper, directing the dragon to take a seat at the nearest table where he rolled out the list once more.
"Now, I know this seems a bit daunting..." the hybrid started.
Thunder rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He stayed silent, but the look was all Kaji needed to figure out how he felt. He simply coughed and continued speaking.
"But there's a system to this place. I'll go into that later, but all I need you to do is find the books, tomes and other items listed here and just bring them back to me. After that, I'll get rid of them." Kaji finished, rolling up the paper and passing it over to Thunder. The whiskered dragon raised a brow at him. If all he wanted him to do was play retrieval, why not do it himself? At the very least, the task sounded plain annoying. Thunder stared at the roll of paper, then back at Kaji.
"Wouldn't it just be easier to split the list up and dispose of them on the spot?" he asked.
Kaji shook his head. "Well, if Draco were here, that'd be the plan. I trust you...mostly." He chuckled.
"What? These things gonna do something to me? I'm kinda used to it, but if you're holding info back..." Thunder crossed his arms.
Kaji shook his head again. "Just don't read anything that's on the list, or open it, you should be fine. Now, shoo~" The hybrid smiled at him as he flew upwards near the shelf. He still wondered if this place had a ceiling. As Kaji left, a thought crossed Thunder's mind. How the hell was he going to find his way around and carry this stuff? He stuffed the roll of paper under his arm, and something suddenly clacked on the table. Upon further inspection, the dragon noticed a sort of device that wasn't there before. The eastern picked it up and took a closer look at it. It looked more like a PDA that fit in his hand and the screen was already directing him towards what he guessed was the first object.
"Well, that solves that problem. But I'm sure as hell not walking..." he grumbled. Thunder sifted through his mane and pulled out a prickly vine and set it on the floor in front of him. The eastern took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The emerald around his chest began to glow alongside his eyes and the vine began to take a life of its own. It expanded, growing in a matter of seconds into something like a slide for him to go on. The dragon settled himself along the vine as it continued growing and spreading in the direction of the PDA. Since he'd arrived here, he noticed that the place was incredibly bright, but there seemed to be no lighting system. Up near the higher levels of the shelves were clouds with what seemed to be sunlight breaking through them. If the mutt had a miniature sun up in here, he could keep this up all day and make the trips far easier.
The dragon essentially slid on the vine like it was a skateboard for the next few minutes, letting the PDA guide him to the first item on Kaji's list. He pulled the roll out from under his arm and glanced at the number that was labeled on it. After skimming through the shelves, Thunder had found the first item--a yellow tome inscribed with something on the front. He pulled it out as gently as he could, but something seemed to be stuck in it. A smaller book lodged inside the tome had fallen out from the lack of pressure the books around it provided.
"Shit. May as well go look for it, might need the thing." Thunder grumbled. He descended towards the floor and searched for the small book with the yellow tome in hand. He finally came upon it under the table and picked it up with a curious look. Just why the heck was it lodged in there in the first place? Kaji wasn't a neat freak, but he didn't do things without reason unless it was for a joke. It had to mean something. Thunder scowled, glancing at the small, white covered book.
"Now how the hell am I going to put this back in? He said not to open it..." He mumbled. He couldn't see a way of putting the book back in without opening it. There had to be a specific spot for it to be in or else the thing probably wouldn't close properly. Maybe he could take a skim? If he had the book in this library and planned on disposing of it, maybe it wasn't so bad? Thunder thought it over for a few seconds before opening the book and closing his eyes. If he needed to see whatever was in the book for it to take effect, maybe it wouldn't do anything if his eyes were closed! Upon opening the yellow tome, a rush of wind erupted around him. He kept his eyes closed and simply felt around the pages until he felt an indent for the smaller book and shoved it back in and closing the tome. Thunder opened his eyes to see the tome closed properly and let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, close your eyes, which worked _so_well. You're lucky we're attractive so we don't have to think so much." A voice chimed in. Thunder glanced around for the source of the voice and knocked into something. His head had been displaced slightly, allowing for something else to have some space around his shoulders; another head. Thunder stared at the other head for a few moments, the other head looking back at him before leaning in and giving him a smooch on the cheek.
"W-what the!?" he cried out in surprise, falling over to the floor.
"Don't mind him, he's a perv. How's about we just go back and drop of the book, maybe Kaji won't notice."
Thunder turned his head around to not find but one, but a second head near his other shoulder. Did that book give him two extra heads?
"I know, I know, what's even the point of it? But I gotta admit its fun staring at myself, I look good." One of the heads purred. Thunder glanced at him and rolled his eyes.
"Okay, let's just shut up and go back. The longer I'm with you, the crazier I'm gonna go. I don't need to be talking to myself..." Thunder grumbled.
"But you are right now." The head on the other side mentioned gruffly. Carrying the yellow tome in hand, Thunder slid across the vine back to the starting point and laid it on the table. All three heads stared up at the clouds where Kaji had disappeared to and watched the hybrid descend from the skies with a smile on his face. Once he touched down, he grabbed the yellow tome and started skimming through the contents.
"Told you not to open it." He chuckled.
All three of the heads began to bicker over what happened. The only thing they could agree on was the fact that it was nothing but an accident and if it was fixable.
"Yeah, I could do that now, but...I think you should keep that, least till you're done." Kaji said.
"Oh come on, why not?" The original head exclaimed. "And why the hell isn't it affecting you?"
The hybrid shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't mention that? Well, long story short, most of the tomes here are filled with rather volatile magic. I've learned to deal with them all, but there's a few that are going on the fritz. Kind of why I told you not to open them." he finished reading through the book and closed it before the tome suddenly disappeared in a flash of light in his hands.
"But yeah, the magic should wear off by the time you're done looking for everything.
Thunder's heads let out a sigh as the hybrid left him once more, taking off to the nearest corner to do who knows what. Leaving Thunder and his two new heads to their devices, the triple headed eastern dragon set off to find the next item. As he slid along through the vines, he got to figure out what these heads represented. The one of the left took some of his more submissive habits like his curiosity and shyness, while the head on the right took some of his more perverted aspects kept on asking if they were gonna find a book to enhance their junk.
While Thunder didn't mind the thought, having it echo through the library was something he didn't want. The time was spent looking for items and making sure none of them were opened or touched. Thankfully, Kaji's list told him what not to touch and how to safely return. With a few extra vines, some of the books were put into the hybrid's possession with no side effects. The last few things on the list involved a bit of deeper looking. Apparently Kaji had lost a gold dragon's sword somewhere on the floor in the next area. He couldn't remember whether or not to touch it, which left the triple headed dragon with a bit of a predicament.
Thankfully, the sword itself wasn't too hard to find. After turning a corner, the dragon stumbled upon one of the largest blades he'd ever seen. It was no surprise that he lost it considering the library was seemingly infinite in size. The sword itself took up the entire hallway in its size, the actual blade nudging against the tables. It was silver in color, the blade covered with a few scratches into the material which meant it'd seen better years. But how the hell were they going to get it out?
"How about we just grow and get the thing in our hands? The guy's got a damn sun here, we'll be fine! Plus we can get out of this stuffy shirt." The head on the right suggested.
"Or we can just make a few vines and carry it over without having to touch it. Seems easier..." the head on the left interjected.
"As much as I don't want to agree with Righty here, he does bring up the easier solution." Thunder sighed. The head on the right let out a victory hum. The whiskered dragon's gem began to glow brightly once more. The vines that intersected through the library began to wither and fade into nothing, their energy flowing right back into their owner. Thunder's body began to swell in size incredibly fast as his body packed on dozen of feet after feet. Not having the foresight to change, his clothes were torn to shreds as he took up more and more space in the hallway alongside the blade. The eastern dragon's head erupted through the clouds of the library, giving him a birds-eye view of the place. Staring upward, Thunder noticed that there was indeed a sun revolving around the vast expanse of the library. He still couldn't see to the other side, but he could make out a rounded ceiling. He couldn't' figure out how tall he was, but knowing the hybrid and his love of size and large places, he had to be well over several hundred feet.
Regardless, he had a sword to deliver. Thunder crouched down and slowly began to lift the blade. The dragon had never carried a weapon in his life, so he had little idea of how to handle the one in front of him. Even at such a large size, he couldn't seem to lift it up. He took a deep breath and grabbed the hilt of the blade and tried again. The sword began to glow with a dull red aura that started to flow toward the dragon's body. Upon noticing it, he tried to let go of the sword, but the thing didn't seem to want him to release his grip. As the red aura coated his body, Thunder felt his body changing against his will. All three heads groaned in unison as his normally muscled physique began to pack on more and more muscle. His arms filled out with thickness, his forearms becoming rather burly while the peaks of his biceps surged higher. However, the set of six-pack abs the eastern possessed had distended very quickly and was soon replaced with doming gut. A thick layering of fat covered his body, giving him a much wider and bulkier appearance than normal. All three heads stared down at his new gut and gave it a pat. To their surprise, that belly was just as powerful as the rest of him. His pectorals nudged against the middle face slightly, looking more like mountains perched on his chest and over his enormous belly.
"Well, this is new..."
"And hot! Look at us, we're a damn stud! Bet we can pick up this thing now."
He was right. He picked up the sword almost effortlessly now. The thing felt more like a feather than an actual weapon. Thunder picked it up and carried it on what he assumed was the flat side back to the starting point. Before that, he had something else to get. The PDA had said there was just one more item around this area. After arriving, the dragon found something rather odd, at least for Kaji. The dragon discovered a rather large saddle, one fit for a large horse.
"Sometimes I wonder what goes on with him." The head on the left mentioned. "Can we just get it and go back? It's the last thing we need."
Thunder nodded and made his way to pick up the saddle, but hesitated for a moment. Both of the heads stared at him for a moment before the one on the right spoke up.
"You forgot if you were supposed to not touch it or something?"
Thunder just nodded in response.
"Well, no time for thinking! We're pretty much done, who cares what it'll do?" The right head boomed.
"Uh, I do! Not happening." The left head cut in. Thunder watched the two heads yell at one another before he felt his arms being jerked around. The left and right heads had taken control of his arms and tried to stop one another from getting in their way.
"Hey, you two, cut it out, you're gonna-!" Thunder cried out at the last second. Their sudden and jerky movements had caused the triple headed dragon to lose his balance and fall on top of the saddle. The two heads had continued their arguing, not noticing the changes going on from activating whatever magic the saddle possessed. Thunder's body warped and changed once more, his torso widening again and giving himself a centaur like body. All four of his legs were packed to the brim with obscene muscle, which made sense since they had to carry such a behemoth. After their transformation had finished, the right head couldn't help but crane his head past his pectorals to get a look at their equipment before Thunder knocked the head with a hand.
"Nope, you got us into this mess. No looking."
"Aww. Fine." The right head pouted. The centaur-dragon picked up the saddle and tried to direct himself back to the starting point. With no way to carry the sword and the saddle, the dragon was forced to put it on his back. After returning to Kaji, there was a question nagging through his head.
"Why the hell do you have all this stuff? It's kind of out there for a library." Thunder mentioned.
"Out there? It's like he has a damn war spread or something. Who even needs a saddle?" The right head butted in.
"I'm kind of wondering myself. I know you're getting rid of it, but why did you have this stuff to begin with?" The left head asked.
Kaji flapped his wings and settled himself upon Thunder's back, sitting on the saddle for a few moments. He stayed silent and hummed for a few seconds, as if trying to remember. It finally came back to him and he snapped his fingers. The saddle and the sword disappeared and reappeared in the hybrid's hands at a much more manageable size.
"Oh yeah, they were gag stuff I had lying around. Last time I used them, I forgot to shrink them. Sorry about that!" Kaji chuckled before sending the items off somewhere. All three heads glared at him. Despite their size, Thunder really couldn't do anything about it. That was the problem with having deities for friends, silly stuff like this happened for no reason even when you thought there was one.