Property: A master eh?

He still tensed up, waiting for a brush of some kind to start scrubbing any exposed areas of his anatomy. "oh no worries nerox. you have a break!" the weavile still remained tense, waiting for something to happen.

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Stories (Kill. Survive. Die) - Prologue [WiP]

Human's became savage, every conversation, meeting, simple greeting on the street, was carried out with a tense, fear-driven sweat through gritted teeth. the ultimate motive is survival.

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The Science of Cake

Standing up for god, love, and dreams was my mission, yet i grew tense.**_ _**"how can you be so straightforward?" i said, "you live within a box! if god needs to be proven then so do dreams and love!"

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Raid Gone Wrong

I started getting tense. if the other squads didn't survive the raid then what chance could we have? is stopping the subjugator's criminal empire truly a futile goal? - so, you wanna know the method of killing you stupid-heads eh pretty boy?


The Corporate: Part 5 of 8

Harold clasped his hands under his shoulders and tensed himself. and then, out of the corner of his eye, there was a movement. a dark figure had darted across the hallway. he hadn't had enough of a glimpse to identify it.

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Coffee and love ch6

She was awkward around him, she could hardly string a sentence together and she would tense up when he spoke to her. plus when he was talking that fox girl [what was her name again \*click, click\* oh yeah laura] she fealt kinda, was it jealous?

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Gryphon Delivers Pizza (Otherwise Untitled)

Didn't tense up or make some minor warding motion on seeing her. the antelope hadn't encountered a feather witch ambushing him for his soul tonight, and saw only a pizza delivery as fresh and warm as the driver was not.

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The Nexus Wyrm

His ears perked forward tensely, his tail erect and wagging gently. their animalistic urges mounted with the anticipation. the wolf whined, "are you sure this is it?"

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These shackles i put on myself tellin' myself i'm doin' it for me while i just sit there, left to die and to atrophy walkin' around like a contradiction like a piece of fiction that makes no damn sense a lion without pride or livin' in this present tense

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Cotton Fluff Bio

She discovered that she had a sort of natural charisma that helped her ease herself into social situations and quickly defuse tense situations. when she graduated she had to make some hard choices about where her life would take her.

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Mistaken Identity (chpt 1)

She tensed, muscles coiled, and her haunches twitched with the anticipation. just as she was about to take of and attack the elk, the howl of a screeleen sliced through the air. she growled a curse under her breath and took off after the panicked elk.

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So here they are, sharing yet another tense moment as they mount the crest of yet another bump on the ruinously patchy road that is their partnership, of which one will put his famously effective double-talk to good practice, and the other will yield another
