TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 5)

"maybe it formed when you entered the shadow state?" cynder suggested. "spyro have a shadow state? very interesting." hypter said. "yeah, when i become very angry i enter a shadow state which i can't control." spyro explained.

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The Choice: Chapter Five Quentin

He stated. even though it was a question he stated it as if it were a fact. "you do know don't you, surely at your age you must at least suspect?" "suspect what?" i finally managed to get out trying not the wince at the pain in my arm.

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Chapter 6 - Friend or Foe. The Rise of An Ancient.

Which is what i did," stated colonel greaves. "you're name is greaves, right?" asked leo passively. "it's colonel greaves you dumb ass," snapped colonel greaves. "spare the others and i will go without any resistance," stated leo.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 13:The Raging Storm! Encounter with the new Rio!

It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield. " lazz stated. " but this isn't a war! it's a terrorist action!" may stated back. " your just a little jumpy from the combat high.

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unspoken words

It really is a puzzling state of coexistance, what the two of us share. it truly is a revealing state of reluctance, the things i cannot share. i wish to share the world with you, the lands and oceans.

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Two Sides to Every Tale

But official league rules state-" "look, i know the regs," g stated. "however, i really doubt that your zigzagoon will be much of a challenge, and plus, you're supposed to learn from your battles.

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Loyalties -Prologue

"sir, we're within communications range..." stated the communications officer, barton. "and so it begins..." muttered the captain, putting on a stern face.

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Coon Fandango 4: Just another day.

"the mistress is up early, i hear," the rabbit states, grinning at him as he deposits the tray. "she must really have taken an interest in you, then." "what?"

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Diversia - Chapter One - False Peace

"i rule our three prides with fear and they would never disobey me" the king stated proudly, looking out onto his dry savannah lands and raising his paw out toward where the other prides territory lie.

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Against All Odds: Part 9 - Delays

"i see what you mean," nathan stated, looking down from alexei's paw at a highly-polished pair of armchairs.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 8 -Rocking with the Rocks

Flint states as he rushes out the door in the direction of the pokecenter. "looks like we need to split up and start asking around town" hakuzo states as he picks a direction and goes that way.

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