Massagem na bexiga. Bladder massage.

sloshing and crinkling, i entered in the damn elevator, where was a bear, young, using a collar and a bracelet, black shirt, green pants, blue shoes, typical bored sixteen-year-old expression.

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A Second Story...

She watched as the little sister raised her harvesting needle and stuck it unceremoniously into the dead man's neck, humming to herself quietly as she pulled the trigger and began sucking the adam from his body, the bright red liquid sloshing around in the


Servant of Darkness - Ch. 3: The Fragment

Dougal plucked a thin vial from off his belt, and the blue liquid sloshed around inside of it. "i carry around this very expensive anti-venom for a reason and i'd rather like to use it before it expires."

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Track and Field: Part 8 - Red

His beefy arms settling caused the surface of the table to tremble, and my glass of tea sloshed over and sent ice skittering into my lap. i hissed and threw down some napkins to levee the spill before it soaked my crotch even more.

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3:9 Lucid

Craning his neck, the mercenary looked down into the dark water, sloshing lazily around like black ink. as he looked back at the phantom, he noticed two tiny red dots on her otherwise, perfectly white dress.

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Lightningstruck Griffin 2: Lightning in a Pee Bottle

Grey snatched the bottle from her paws and pulled it away, causing the liquid inside to slosh around inside, almost spilling out. momentarily he panicked, but he fortunately got the waves under control before any accidents could be made.

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Flying Free

He sloshed the rest of the way across, and up the other bank, to find the trail waiting. he sighed then laid the heavy coat down. it was becoming obvious he wouldn't need it again in this summery land.

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Charmander & Pikachu ~ Graduation From the Potty

What felt like a minute later, he stood back up, hearing a bit of a heavy slosh as he did so. he blushed a bit and pressed against his diaper, but it was fine, if not a little squishier than before. it wasn't soaking through or overfilled or anything.

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Iconoclast reboot part 5

The water skins slosh with the camel's gait, and as we pass southeast along the road taking the easy path, there is soon just wind, footsteps, and breathing. we round the ridge and head northeast, towards the high hills with their steep slopes.

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{Pokémon/Babyfur} Due For A New Diaper

She giggles again as a loud squish comes from her diaper, but she gets even more giggly when her soggy diaper starts sloshing and swaying back and forth; amused by this, she shakes her bottom and laughs as her diaper continues to quickly sag and sway.

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It was a red liquid, and it didn't so much slosh around in the small tube as it just jiggled. it was an odd consistency, and it smelled just as odd; cranberries and ketchup.

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Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement

I could also hear sloshing up ahead and deep, low throated moans. "allen", i said getting onto the radio, "what did you say it was that was hiding out down here?"

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