{Pokémon/Babyfur} Due For A New Diaper

Story by SillyLittleSnivy on SoFurry

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Vullaby has always been known as "The Diapered Pokémon", though it seems she's due for a different kind of diaper in spite of her mother's initial reluctance.

The sun was brightly shining, not a cloud was in the sky, and not even a single breeze had come to rustle the trees, making for a rather quiet afternoon. Some may find such silence to be unnerving, but it proved to be very relaxing for Mandibuzz, who was more than content lounging at the kitchen table and casually sipping a cup of coffee; the only things breaking this silence were the sounds of her little Vullaby softly shaking her black rattle.

This near total silence persists for a while, though by the time Mandibuzz finishes her coffee, it is abruptly broken by a sudden knock at her door.

"Ooh, I wanna get the door, Mama!" Vullaby drops her rattle and eagerly waddles to the front door.

Upon opening it, she finds herself face to face with Swanna, a next door neighbor that Vullaby was more than familiar with.

"Hi, Swanna!" the little vulture happily chirps.

"Hello to you too, Vullaby!" Swanna warmly smiles at her and pats her head, causing Vullaby to giggle and playfully ruffle her feathers. "Hehe, always such a little cutie pie!" Swanna giggles and starts walking over to Mandibuzz.

"Ah, what brings you here, Swanna?" Mandibuzz asks with a welcoming smile.

"Oh, you know, just paying a visit to my long time neighbor." Swanna responds with a chuckle.

"Hah, figured so." Mandibuzz says, chucking in return. "In that case, go ahead and take a seat." Mandibuzz pulls out a chair for her.

The adult bird Pokémon sit down and take part in some small talk, y'know, simple chatter about how life was going and what their future plans may be. However, during this conversation, Swanna fixated on one particular thing, in fact it was something she had always fixated on every time she paid a visit, that being Vullaby's diaper; as was the case for every Vullaby, their diapers were cracked skulls found by their mother.

Swanna was never one to bring this up, as she figured it would be rather rude to speak of something that was none of her business to begin with, though she couldn't help but bring it up this time around; she understood that it was something Mandibuzz had always done, but she also thought that better options were available.

"Hey, Mandibuzz, there's, uh, something else I'd like to talk about with you." Swanna says a little reluctantly.

"Well go right ahead, I'm all ears." Mandibuzz replies with a smile.

"Have you ever thought of trying, um, different kinds of diapers for Vullaby?" Swanna asks.

"Huh? Why would I do that?" Mandibuzz replies, her smile now shifting to a slightly annoyed frown.

"Well, don't you think having your daughter wear a skull for a diaper is kind of, oh geez, how do I put this lightly? Impractical?" Swanna replies, trying her hardest to not sound rude.

The vulture's expression immediately shifts from an annoyed frown to an angry scowl, it seems that Swanna accidentally struck a nerve.

"Impractical?!" Mandibuzz squawks. "What's impractical is spending money on those diapers everyone else buys."

"Hm, yet having to scavenge for bones just so your daughter doesn't make a mess on the floor is practical to you?" Swanna couldn't help but add a little sarcasm to her response, clearly not having it with this needless anger.

"Um...well...it's not like Vullaby ever complains about it!" Mandibuzz sharply retorts.

"She doesn't complain because you've never even shown her other kinds of diapers. She can't complain if she doesn't know of an alternative option to begin with." Swanna says back.

Mandibuzz tries to come up with another retort, but she couldn't really argue with what Swanna was saying.

"Ugh...I thought you said you were here to pay a visit, not to tell me how to raise my own child." Mandibuzz says with an annoyed glare. "Besides, why should I have to change things when this is how it's always been done?"

Swanna lightly sighs in exasperation, not understanding how someone can be so stubborn and uptight about diapers of all things.

"Ok, can you at least give them a try? I'll even buy them for you." Swanna says with a smile and a lighter tone of voice.

Mandibuzz was about to make another angry retort, but was cut off when she heard Vullaby waddling over to the table.

"Mama, why are you and Swanna talking about diapees so much?" she asks while looking down at the cracked skull she has for a diaper.

"Why hello there, Vullaby, we're just talking about different kinds of diapers to try out." Swanna replies.

"Different...diapees?" a confused expression forms on the little vulture's face, but it quickly turns into one of eagerness and excitement. "There are different diapees? Can I try them? Can I try them, Mama?" Vullaby asks as she enthusiastically hops up and down.

Mandibuzz shrugs, though at this point she couldn't say no anymore.

"Alright, baby girl, we'll give them a try if that's what you want." Mandibuzz says, giving Vullaby's head an affectionate pat before picking her up and walking to the front door.

The three bird Pokémon make their way outside, the bright sun happily greeting them as it shines its rays of comforting warmth down on them.

"Ready to go, darling?" Mandibuzz says as she places Vullaby into a stroller.

"Uh-huh!" the little vulture chirps while happily wiggling and kicking her feet in the stroller.

Mandibuzz starts pushing the stroller while Swanna walks beside her; after around ten minutes of walking, they enter the store and head on over to the aisle with all of the baby products. Vullaby looks around at the packs of diapers with great curiosity, each pack having their own individual designs and mascot Pokémon representing every type.

"Ah, I think I've found the perfect one!" Swanna says upon spotting a certain pack.

She smiles and grabs a sky blue pack of diapers; on the front of the pack is a Starly happily wearing a diaper with light blue feather designs. In addition, the pack describes the diapers as extremely soft and cushiony, making them perfect for Flying types.

"Ooh, it's got a birdie Pokémon in it!" Vullaby happily chirps upon eyeing the pack of diapers.

"Mmhm, now let's head home so you can give them a try, dear." Mandibuzz says while she pushes the stroller to the checkout line.

Swanna happily purchases the diapers once they reach the front of the checkout, and with that now out of the way, the three Flying-types head back to the house. While they were making their way back, Vullaby simply couldn't contain her excitement as she continued to playfully wiggle in her stroller; it was exciting enough to know that there were diapers beyond the ones she had always worn, but being able to try them out and do something completely new was all the more exciting.

However, in spite of her daughter's excitement, Mandibuzz still harbored some reluctance towards the new diapers and how they broke away from something she had grown accustomed to ever since her own childhood.

"This better not end up being a waste of my time, Swanna. If Vullaby doesn't end up liking these diapers, then you're to blame for that." Mandibuzz tells her before picking up Vullaby from the stroller and walking inside.

"Well, only one way to find out, right?" Swanna replies with an innocent giggle as she follows them inside.

Mandibuzz then grabs the pack of diapers and opens it up before disposing of Vullaby's original diaper. Afterwards, she lays the little vulture on her back and snugly tapes the new diaper around her waist.

"Well, how do they feel, baby girl?" Mandibuzz asks her.

Vullaby stands up and looks down at her new diaper, immediately captivated by the light blue feather designs.

"Wow! They look so nice!" Vullaby happily chirps.

The little vulture then starts waddling around to get a feel for the diapers. Initially, the thickness of them took a little getting used to, but they felt very snug and comforting to her, as if her diaper was like a soft pillow for her bottom.

"They're so soft too!" Vullaby says cheerfully while continuing to waddle in them.

Her diapers rustle and crinkle in response to her movement, and this is yet another thing the baby vulture is intrigued by; she stops for a moment and gives the back of her diaper a pat, causing it to crinkle even more.

"Wow! These diapees make funny noises too!" she laughs and continues patting the back of her diaper, clearly enjoying herself.

Mandibuzz couldn't help but smile at the sight of her little one greatly enjoying her new diaper.

"Vullaby sure seems to be enjoying them, don't you think?" Swanna says to Mandibuzz with a smile.

"Heh, yea, you're right about that." Mandibuzz replies, now feeling pretty guilty about her stubbornness from earlier. "On that note, I should probably apologize for being so stubborn about all of this. How silly of me to be so uptight over diapers of all things." she adds with a chuckle.

"No worries, I understand." Swanna gently responds.

"Well, in any case, Vullaby seems to be a lot happier now, so thank you for that." Mandibuzz says.

"Oh, my pleasure." Swanna replies with a wider smile. "Anywho, this has been quite the visit, but I should get going now."

"Alright, I'll see you later." Mandibuzz says to her before adding one more thing. "Oh, Vullaby, what do you say to Swanna for getting those diapers for you?"

"Thank you!" Vullaby smiles and playfully shakes her diapered bottom.

"You're very welcome, Vullaby!" Swanna says before taking off.

After hearing Swanna close the door, the little vulture quickly gets back to happily waddling around the house, giggling while her diaper continues to rustle and crinkle. After a few moments, Vullaby plops her poofy posterior onto the floor, causing her to burst into laughter when it results in an even louder crinkle. Upon realizing this, she starts scooting her bottom across the living room, laughing cheerfully as her diaper loudly crinkles with each scoot.

"Hehehe, what are you doing now, silly baby?" Mandibuzz asks, laughing at her daughter's silly antics.

"I'm scooting on my booty, Mama!" Vullaby replies with another hearty laugh. "My diapees make funny noises when I do dat."

"Oh? Well I think I know another fun way to get your diapers to make those funny noises." Mandibuzz laughs and scoops up Vullaby into her arms, causing the little vulture to playfully laugh and wiggle while she's being carried to the couch.

Mandibuzz sits down on the couch and places Vullaby in her lap before starting to bounce her; Vullaby laughs and babbles happily as she is bounced up and down, her diaper loudly crinkling with each bounce.

"Hehehe, bouncy bouncy!" she continues to laugh, getting a lot of enjoyment out of this.

"You like this, darling?" Mandibuzz asks her.

"Yea yea yea!" Vullaby exclaims as he playfully ruffles her feathers.

After a few more minutes of bouncing, Mandibuzz lifts Vullaby up again before pulling her into a hug; Vullaby hugs back and chirps happily as Mandibuzz affectionately pats her diapered bottom.

"Aww, such a crinkly little cutie pie!" Mandibuzz smiles and kisses Vullaby on the cheek, but then a loud rumble comes from the little vulture's tummy.

"Oh, I guess you're a hungry little cutie pie too! I'll go ahead and fix you something to eat, sweetie." Mandibuzz sets Vullaby down and walks over to the kitchen.

While she starts preparing some food, Vullaby grabs the black rattle she had from earlier and starts shaking it again; she quickly starts shaking her padded tushy in tandem with the rattle, smiling and giggling while doing so. Eventually, she feels a twinge in her bladder, but she simply looks down at her diaper and lets it all out.


Vullaby begins to wet her diaper, giggling as she watches the diaper sag and swell up in the front; a wide grin forms on her face while she feels a developing warmth in her diaper as it thirstily absorbs the contents of her bladder. She sighs in relief once her bladder empties, giggling as she looks down at her saggy diaper before giving it a curious poke.

Squish! Squish!

She giggles again as a loud squish comes from her diaper, but she gets even more giggly when her soggy diaper starts sloshing and swaying back and forth; amused by this, she shakes her bottom and laughs as her diaper continues to quickly sag and sway.

"Hm? Now what's so funny, baby girl?" Mandibuzz looks up after she finishes making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Hehehe, my diapee is squishy and wiggly, Mama!" Vullaby laughs and continues shaking her soggy bottom.

"I can see that, honey!" Mandibuzz says with a laugh. "Let's change your diaper, you soggy butt!"

She grabs a clean diaper from the pack and walks over to Vullaby, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom before laying her down on the floor and taking off her soggy diaper; Vullaby slightly squirms while she's cleaned up, but a smile returns to her face once a new diaper is snugly taped around her waist.

"Thank you, Mama!" she says cheerfully.

"You're very welcome, darling. Now let's get you something to eat." Mandibuzz picks her up and takes her to the kitchen before seating her in a high chair. "Here you go, sweetie." Mandibuzz places a plate with two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in front of her alongside a sippy cup with milk.

Vullaby smiles and smacks her lips before quickly devouring the sandwiches, causing peanut butter and jelly to splatter onto her face.

"Vullaby! You're getting your face all messy!" the adult vulture chuckles and wipes her face.

Once that was done with, Vullaby grabbed her sippy cup and started greedily drinking the milk from it, smiling in satisfaction while the sippy started to empty; she immediately let out a burp once she finished drinking her milk, causing her to burst into laughter.

"Excuse you, baby girl!" Mandibuzz chuckles and picks up Vullaby from the high chair before giving her a firm pat on the back; in response, she lets out another loud burp.

"Hehe, excuse me!" Vullaby says with another giggle.

The baby vulture is set back down, giving her padded bottom another playful wiggle as she continues to flaunt her diapers.

"You really like showing those off, don't you, sweetie?" Mandibuzz says with another chuckle.

Vullaby nods, though she didn't want to stop at just showing them off in the house. Suddenly, she bolted out the door and frolicked around the neighborhood, laughing and shamelessly showing off her diaper to anyone who happened to pass by; even if she was at the receiving end of some weird looks, she was having too much fun to care about that. The baby vulture continues to show off her diaper until she suddenly feels herself being lifted up.

"You're in quite the silly mood today, aren't you, hon?" Mandibuzz says with a laugh. "Let's head back inside before it gets too dark."

Once they go back inside, Vullaby waddles back to the living room and occupies herself with a purple bouncy ball. She starts by rolling the little ball around the room, giggling as she waddles up to it and grabs it before it stops rolling; to keep things from getting too repetitive, she continues to pass the time by tossing the ball in the air to herself and dribbling it around the room.

While she was playing around, a certain pressure was forming from down below as time continued to pass, causing her to drop the bouncy ball and stand in place.


Vullaby's bowels slightly give way and she feels a lump forming in the back as a solid suddenly plops into her diaper. The baby vulture looks down at her diaper and giggles upon noticing that it's become a little bigger due to the mess inside of it; this greatly amused Vullaby, and now she wanted to see just how big her diaper could get.

Vullaby gives her bottom a little wiggle before bending her knees and sticking it out, getting ready to let her bowels loose; she tenses up and grunts before doing a big push.


Vullaby starts unloading a large dump into her diaper, causing it to sag and expand further as multiple mounds of mess quickly pile into it; she expels a dopey sigh of relief, giggling and looking down at her loaded and lumpy diaper as it sags to her feet.

"Oh my, you made a pretty big stinky in your diaper, didn't you, hon?" Mandibuzz says as she walks over to Vullaby.

"Look at how big my diapee is, Mama!" she smiles and playfully wiggles her lumpy diaper around, almost as if she's taking pride in the large mess she made in it.

"Yea, it's quite big, dear." Mandibuzz says, though not before slightly recoiling at the foul stench. "Oh, and quite smelly too." she says before picking up Vullaby and taking her to the bathroom once again.

Mandibuzz lays her down and makes rather quick work of her messy diaper, quickly untaping it and placing it into the trash with a loud plop. After that, she wipes Vullaby's bottom very thoroughly before putting her in a new diaper.

"There we go! All done!" Mandibuzz smiles and picks Vullaby back up. "What should we do now, baby girl?" she then asks.

As if to answer that question, Vullaby yawns and rests her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Well, it sounds like someone's getting sleepy. It's been quite a long day, after all."

Mandibuzz takes Vullaby upstairs and walks into her room, gently patting her newly diapered bottom while doing so; upon entering her room, Mandibuzz puts the baby vulture to bed and tucks her in.

"Good night, sweetheart." Mandibuzz says before kissing Vullaby on the head.

"G'night, Mama." Vullaby says back before Mandibuzz promptly leaves the room and closes the door.

Vullaby closes her eyes and falls asleep with a smile on her face; the fluffy pillow and the warm blankets were very comforting on their own, but the soft and cushiony diaper around her waist was the most comforting thing of them all. Vullaby sleeps in silence for a while before it's suddenly cut off by a loud hissing sound, though this only causes the smile on her face to widen; she was aware that she was wetting her diaper, but its warmth was all the more comforting to her. The hissing sound eventually subsides and she sighs in relief before drifting further into sleep, looking forward to the many days she'd spend in her new and improved diapers.
