Star Fox: Ascension #08 TERROR

scales replied, taking a step closer to the hologram. the dog in the hologram narrowed his gaze, and scales eyed him hard, trying to assess his opponent.

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Secrets Ch. 3

The scales begin to appear at my elbows, pushing their way towards my hands as my fur is replaced with black scales that are hard as metal.

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Shadows at Dawn

I watched in marvel as scales formed in midnight black around them, turning into a lengthy tail. my toes popped slightly and i gasped as the thickened out and the scales began spreading there. "what's happening?"

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Tazo's Description

His scales lighten at his extremities to an icier shade of blue but fade darker as they lead back to his core.


Part of a story

"nice to see i'm not the only one who had a ruff landing, ahe scales" i joke to myself sighing deeply after no one responds.

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Krystals Nightmare

"it was scales....he was here...our house was on fire and...the children!!"

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Knowing Your World Better (Naga TF)

Purple scales are now growing on his arms. his nails are replaced by claws. as the changes reached his torso, covering the front with white scales and purple scales in the back, his neck lengthened to about twice it's original length.

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Endless Love

They should be here to keep an eye on you," reryth commented, looking back outside as she finished dragging me to the back of the den, my scales burning from the friction of scale on stone. "mother left a while ago to find father.

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Keeps and Kobolds

A brownish orange covered most of his body, but the scales along his chest and stomach were white while his tail had a yellow stripe before ending with a brown scaled tip.

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Wages: Chapter Nineteen

He looked at her, eyes surveying her youthful face; as if looking for the answer to the question within its scales and contours. for a moment, it seemed a reply was balanced of his scaled lips. his words never came. inside black irises, she saw fire.

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Chapter 1:Pursued

One had scales of sapphires. the other had scales of coal. he wondered briefly about the sapphire-scaled pursuer. she looked very similar to him. his scale color matched hers perfectly. his body configuration did too.

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