Descent Ch 2 Pt 2: Investigation

"they made a little rhyme with it too. 'a small, white furred girl, who was born with more than most. she now lives amongst us here, as the gentle snowy ghost.'" i tilted my head and looked at her. "the snowy ghost huh?" "mhm!"

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Other Side Of Summer III: The Wrong Body

The reports across the globe seemed to indicate that people experienced anything from slight changes like different colored eyes and sharpened hearing to full-blown transformations, with little rhyme or reason for who or what was changed.

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The Dragon's Bard - Chapter 3

#3 of the dragon's bard (long story) i took the lullaby some from website containing english nursery rhymes. i don't know how famous it is in english-speaking countries. the song the bard was singing instead is much more interesting. ( ?° ?? ?


Cry Me a Murder (Part Two) : The Shoe that Fits

"it's just something that rhymes, i guess." we nodded our goodbyes and went on in separate directions. once i reached the hotel parking lot, i took the time to look around.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 62

Still images without rhyme or reason, completely disconnected from anything and everything around her. two wolves grappling with each other in the firelight, growling through rows of clenched teeth.

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group therapy Part 11

"rhymes, too." "not bad." the bird said, before a fit of hoarse coughing forced him to bend over and clutch at his abs. he spat something phylum-like into the dirt. "lungs are burnt, weakening." he said. "how does it work, roady?

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Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons

As i have detailed before in this very entry, i have found myself face to face with a source that could speak and reason, and yet there wasn't exactly a rhyme or reason as to what it did what it did.

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How the Daleks Stole Christmas

As you can tell, i was inspired by how the grinch stole christmas i even went to try the rhyme verse, but it was too hard, so, you get this. i know it's not my best, and that it's poorly done, but... i wanted to submit something on christmas.

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Three little pigs

All this is true because it rhymes. hi, i'm kernal sanders, president of the kentucky fried chicken corporation of the world. let's take extra care to follow the ingredients or your goose will be cooked and don't forget taco tuesday's coming next week.


The Guardians of Equestria - Introduction

Celestia thought for a moment before remembering how the rhyme went. a slight chill shivered its way down her spine as she told them the rhyme.

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Shiny Pennies on Parade

The rhymes and reasons. the rhymes and reasons of it all ... consumed the three. as they walked, and as they talked, and as they entered the shadow of sheridan high. "familio americano? que es familio americano?

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 3

He said and chuckled at the weakest rhyme ever uttered in all of grovenglen's storied history. "i need more wine." "nah, you _want_more wine." "whatsit difference does it make? give me more wine."

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