Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)

Those who would resist would be consumed, their flesh joining the host of flesh as their spirits are wholly consumed. needless to say the fortress quaked in fear, except for yuujin, last saint of promethea.

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Rocket Town

You would resist religion because you associate religious people with scam artists but just because you gave up on god, doesn't mean he's given up on you."

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Trick or Paws

Although it wasn't what he aimed for in the first place, how could he resist to such a wonderful appeal?

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The NewBorn

"dont mention it, and dont worry it can happen to the best of us it's hard to resist." he said, it was conforting but weird in the same way.

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Trapped Under The Paw

He could have resisted that assault by biting the flesh, by trying to scratch it, but what would the point of such an action?

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Chapter 2: A Tale

After much maneuvering and planning on the resistance's part, they did escape along with ginger, although their rescuer, a brave otter if there ever was one, died in the escape."

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I, Dacien - Chapter 11 interlude I

I was able to break it for some of the protected guards, but for those without natural resistance or manufactured resistance, it will be a great labor. i suggest diverting ianthos immediately on your receipt. "i have never encountered this air-mage.

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Talk of the Town

Inside derek didn't stand a chance he had no chance to resist and he fell into a deep trance with no possible way to wake up to save himself.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 34-Joint Ops

'how is it that the resistance has advanced battleships,aircraft carriers,drones,stealth v-22's just generally better equipment and troops than the military we fight?" tess asked laying her head on syralth's shoulder.

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Chapter 03 - Lost

"they'll know what to do," trevor declared as he was about to offer resistance. he nodded and looked away, unable to watch as trevor marched to his death.

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Against All Odds: Part 20 - Bridges

The young wolf's ears folded as he resisted a whimper, zeroing in upon the most cutting of responses he could muster. "and you... you are a fucking bigot. something it seems _you_ have always been."

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Chapter 02 - Introductions

Not wishing it to go as quickly as michaels did, he resisted this flow as best as he could, though the task would certainly have been a fruitless one.

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