The Time Travelers Alliance Part One (request for Wes13 (FA))
Cimmaron asked wes, who shrugged before he started dealing with the controls of the tardis, plotting its new course.
A Pleasant Coming Out (Revised)
The plot was interesting and i had paid good money for that movie, not for a ticket to slobbersville!" to tell the truth i was a bit ashamed of that.
The Library
, as if critically thinking about a text is no more than an plot summation.
Splintered Light, Ch 1.1: As the Sun Rises
The plot will continue with character development, specifically exploring the past between dr brownell and tobias severna. the focus this time will be on dr.
Alcatraz Ch. XV-Dead Infinity
/// exposition through phone calls: the story imagine painstakingly dropping plot leads that take like 3 books to coalesce.
Devolvers - Prologue
This is only the prologue. this story will tell the tale of another war, this time a civil world war, taking place around about 5 years after the events of the main plot line of the "animorphs" series. the story will delve into the details i always felt were
Devolvers - Prologue
This is only the prologue. this story will tell the tale of another war, this time a civil world war, taking place around about 5 years after the events of the main plot line of the "animorphs" series. the story will delve into the details i always felt were
Mass Effect: Chasing Ghosts Ch 1-3
She pushed those thoughts aside, chalking it up to the heat again, and with a heavy sigh she hoisted up her shovel and went back over to the partially leveled plot and began working again. 2.
Hunting shadows P:4
Boom plot twist. told ya so >w> stumbling his way into the dining room, onyx discovered that the wolf was already seated. the room was a simple brown-cream with a huge dining table in the middle and a fancy overhead chandelier.
After Dark, part 2, chapter 3, snippet. It's been a long time.
Are you enjoying the way the plot has turned? want a cameo? want to offer me a writing contract worth millions for the rest of the story? comment section below calls to you!
Lord of Anthroan Chapter 1
#1 of loa all characters and plot is copyrighted to me. he ran. the pistol he held swung in an upward arc as he ran. the soldier was a hard man to scare. well, really he wasn't scared. he was scared shitless.
And if it confuses you consider it part of the plot. you dont completely know whats going on within the first fifteen seconds of a movie do you? well, dont expect the same here.