Juryokine: Chapter Seventeen
Toke's skin prickled under his jacket, but he pushed back the paranoia. it had been the first storm to ever hit civilization-- not exactly small news.
Shadows Dance: Part I
It was all he said, and nathan, through a sudden case of anxiety-borne paranoia, didn't like the way he said it.
To Touch and Know
"i will not live my life in a state of paranoia. thinking that every-fur i meet ... might be a human-turned-fur? is that not what destroyed the federation?" "it is. and i don't want the high command to go that route."
Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two
It occurred to him that, given the negin's general paranoia, there was little reason to assume that such monitoring would be constrained to cameras outside their room - not that he cared whether his own moment-by-moment activities were transmitted to
Darkness and Starlight 14 - Aboard the Rosalina
The telltale tingle of paranoia now only focused on anyone else outside of the kitchen.
Darkness and Starlight 13 - A Mother's Day
_ **and you will burn** _ with paranoia clashing against his own confusion, he struggled to return to sleep, trying to remember the soothing deep voice of the sea he always dreamed of.
A Fatal Game 7 - Twinkle Twinkle
But he knew it was merely his paranoia, trying to strengthen his resolve as he headed down a small flight of steps, descending a little deeper into the cavern. soon he saw a dead end. an impassable wall of rubble.
The Gamer's Crossing 8 - Fireworks and Fishing
His paranoia only grew, and eventually the end of the shift came when he went to meet rasher. rasher threw him a fishing rod and he got down to teaching.
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 2 (MHO)
They both looked around the surrounding area with some level of paranoia, expecting some kind of monster to suddenly leap out from around one of the trees at any minute. but nothing came, and kuna still couldn't sense anything out there.
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 13
"hey, it's officially not paranoia if it turns out i'm right, you know." "she has a point," kalei agreed with a chuckle.
For Who I Am Chapter 1 - Commission for Yeetkkt
A nagging paranoia overcame him, picturing fat slobs in greasy wife beaters, dixie emblazoned on their baseball caps. "where ya from boah?"
The Life of Another - Chapter 32
A moment of paranoia hit me. _damn, i wonder what he's been saying?