Haunt Chapter 1: The Crow's Nest
"in case you haven't caught on yet, they can't hear each other. you'll get used to it."
shivers part one
Me being small for my age i get picked on and put up to alot of dares the others would never do... like this for example.)
The Games: Chapter 5- The Other 22 and the appearance of an old friend...
Both the pokémon stood up on their hind legs and gave each other a hug. brey patted his friend on his back, and they broke apart, brey taking a step back. blitze feigned a disappointed look, blowing it by giving a small smile.
Other people are there for you: Srsly (Get 5 Beta Readers!)
When you want to write something involving a little expertise, don't rely on other people to tell you how it is.
What the heart once owned - Ch 1 - On the other side
"because others have done the same for them?" "yes, exactly. people realize their necessity is also a necessity to others. i like to encourage them to help each other to get through their struggles.
Cry Me a Murder (part nine): The other side of Zero
_Terminated?_ I was one grade away from being targeted for termination by the MI-16. I had already killed three MI-16 agents, and if the MI-16 decided I was to blame for the death of Jack Tell, they would come screaming at me, like a battalion of...
In the Shadow of Life: Prologue, Part 3-The Other Side of Life
Some were good, others great, and this particular one that was absolutely delicious. although there _was_ this particularly bad one, which left me with a stomachache for days.
Cry me a Murder, pt 7 - The Other Side of Zero
_the other side of zero._ morning. i needed a smoke, i needed coffee, i needed a drink and i needed to puke. my stomach cramped up from last night's good bourbon and bad judgement.
Hopes Requiem
The hill itself has a tree nursery on one end and a large forest on the other. i myself was sitting on the wood planks surrounding the nursery looking up at the sky.
Ouija’ust Wanted To Have Fun
Y, o and u completed the selection of words with the glass going to the middle of the board, no longer touching any other letters.
Father Vs Son
Spitting venomous insults to eachother whilst they clawed, bit, whilst destroying each other.
God Told Me to Love
Deadly crutch or self-mutilate to escape but grasping this seems a feat that's just too much to take seeing sorry faces, scarred and soiled part of me falls cold god told me to give but there's nothing they want i hold i enter the minds of others