God Told Me to Love

Story by Iaran on SoFurry

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God Told Me to Love

By Iaran Frye-Carter

A man at our safe bunker lights one up

So I picked him apart

I don't live off a deadly crutch

Or self-mutilate to escape

But grasping this seems a feat

That's just too much to take

Seeing sorry faces, scarred and soiled

Part of me falls cold

God told me to give

But there's nothing they want I hold

I enter the minds of others

To see what makes them run

To see if they truly feel the same

Just to know we're one

These tiny lives in bigger pictures

Deception, dejection by fate

God told me to understand

The concept that I relate

Inside our sanctuary

It's gremlins times two

From the time emotions are dished out

To where they're received and through

A concept of such simplicity

A fox in a box under locks

God told me to expand horizons

It's beyond that, and it shocks

Average Joe goes to work

Poor Steve can't pay his fine

And Vanessa, a wolf with two jobs

Just doesn't have the time

The tears run down their faces

No wonder I'm so depressed

God told me to love

So I outdid the request