Good Enough Chapter 3
"the only reason i was ever noticed was because people knew who nate was." "that's not true," anna remarked and damien noted how venomous her tone had become.
Escaping the Storm: Part 6
"how's nate? is he finding life with velikans-- i mean... visoka okay?" "he is doing well! very well." the joy in alexei's voice shone through.
San Francisco's Finest (Act1, Book1, Chapter10)
"nate, yeah." she grinned a bit. jules and sinopa came alongside of karla. the trio began walking up the empty san francisco sidewalk. "yes, i know nathan. he's the one who said to look for you."
A bad good day
I'm nathaniel, but my friends call me nate. or they would if i had any. nice to meet you." "my name is nick, short for nicholas. you're sooo good with that guitar though."
A Tail for Two - Chapter 4
"you know nate; it's not as simple as getting in the car and running away. we need money, food, and a place to stay." "i know cyd, i know. i just can't stay here. i'm scared of what will happen to you, or to us."
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 16: Homosexual Poultry
"_ _tom bad wolf: "it's a boy's night, nate.
Good Enough Chapter 12
Wonder what nate would say if he saw me falling apart like this... --damien jaime blackwell * * * somehow, he never imagined he'd find himself here...
This terrible war part 2
Part 2!!! :D By now its christmas time...bebop got hit but hes fine it was just a flesh wound...merry fuckin' christmas vietnam. the corpsman keeps asking us if we are ok like we are going to go down any minute it pisses all of us off real bad...
This terrible war...
This is my first story...and well im not very good but im just giving it a try december,1968,vietnam, khe sahn I was only 18 when i got drafted to nam' ten minutes in this place...and it seems like hell. There were a few others in my squad there was...
Against All Odds: Part 23 - Captive
'don't panic, nate,' he tried to tell himself, slowly reaching down to his side. 'you ain't done yet! you're gonna get out of this!' with a deep breath, the husky stayed his paw long enough to grab his phone from out of his pocket.
Ch 9 Post-Mortem Part 1: Laid to Rest
The only one to notice this was nate who still made lliam practice his powers; he only noticed because lliam's control over them had increased significantly.
The Human War- Chapter Twelve
He picked up the rock and removed the nate then tossed it back over. he secretly wished it would narrowly hit dash in his head. not to hurt him but just a light tap to cause discomfort. like what he nearly got.