Ch 9 Post-Mortem Part 1: Laid to Rest

Story by Rrahkarr on SoFurry

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#17 of The Chase

September 7, 2342 - Luxuria

(7:36 PM)

It had been several days since the discovery of the Ira. There had been a gloom cast over the ship shortly after everyone returned. Everyone felt distraught, Kathy most of all who had broken down and isolated herself in her room. Seeing the remains of Rrahkarr's arm was just too much for her to handle. With no leads and nothing showing up on the sensors, everyone decided they should leave and try to follow the other ship they had seen. Albert managed some rough calculations and declared the other ships heading was set towards Starbase five in S.U.W. territory.

With Kathy absent and sealed in her quarters, James had taken over the helm and bridge. With everyone's support, he set a course back to S.U.W. space. Since the discovery Lliam too had started to be seen less and less by the others. Where Kathy had broken down, Lliam had become numb. The only one to notice this was Nate who still made Lliam practice his powers; he only noticed because Lliam's control over them had increased significantly.

That night; after everyone had returned to the ship for sleep, Lliam decided to head back down to the crash site. He worked his way back to the room where they had made their discovery and wrapped his brother's arm in cloth and retrieved Aurora's clothing before returning. Albert had found him with them as he was heading towards the cargo hold. He knew what it was he was going to do and decided to wake the others for it as well; even Kathy showed up long enough for the Space Burial. A force field was used to keep the air in the cargo hold for the burial. Since they could not locate their bodies, Rrahkarr's arm was pushed through it into space as well as the clothing for Aurora. They all said a small farewell to both and to Sara as well.

Today was the first day; since the Space Burial, that Kathy decided to leave her room. She wandered aimlessly through the ship until realization hit her; she was in front of Lliam's room. She had a feeling that made her want to speak with him and him alone. Chiming the announcer did nothing and checking the computer system on the door revealed he was not in the room. She turned and continued on till her stomach growled; she then deciding to go to the kitchen and see if anything seemed good to eat.

After finding something small to eat she decided to head back to her room. She was getting close to the turbo lift when something caught her ear. Wondering what it was, she followed it until she came to the holosuite. The sound she heard was some sort of music; but the type of music that was being played she could not tell. Entering the holosuite she was surprised to find an old styled starship cantina.

All around the room were large windows that showed distant stars; stars that were distorted as the ship traveled through hyperspace. The music Kathy heard was coming from the speakers that were placed around the room; the music being a rather calm metal instrumental piece with just guitars and drums that created a near serine tranquility.

The room was filled with tables and chairs which in turn were filled with virtual furs and humans; giving the scene a bit of an atmosphere. The bar at the far end of the room even had a bar tender who only had one customer; Lliam. The bartender had started filling the half full glass that sat to Lliams right as Kathy walked up behind him.

"Lliam?" She asked as he grabbed the glass and slowly nursed the amber fluid in it.

"Hmm?" he hummed as he set the glass down and looked at her a little sluggishly.

She was looking him in the eye but he did a double take at her. She only had on a light gray sleeveless shirt and gray cotton shorts. Her fur was disheveled and her hair; tangled, and looking as if she hadn't brushed it in a while. Her cheek fur was a slightly matted like she had been crying; a lot of crying by the looks of it too.

"Kath... ya look... err, y-ya don't look so good. Are ya feelin alright?" Lliam asked a little slurred but in surprise at the state she was in.

She chuckled slightly at that and said "I haven't been sleeping all too well lately.

Casting his eyes down, Lliam said "Yeah... I know dhat feelin." Looking back up he said "Care to have a few drinks whiff meh? I'm buyin."

"Sure... how many have you had already?" She asked as she took a seat next to him.

"Oh wellll... a few." Lliam said with a chuckle.

"Ah... so that's why you seem a little sluggish." she said with a smile.

"Well... I am tired too... kinda hopin this will knock meh out." He said as he swished what he was drinking around in his glass.

"What are you drinking?" She asked as she looked at the selection of alcohol.

"Uh... Christian Brothers brandy, with ah little bit'a coke. It'z smooth and... there's almos no bitterness to it. Kinda tastes a little sweet after awhile."

"Hmm... you do know sweet tasting liquors can get you drunk faster and leave you with a bigger hangover right?" She asked to which Lliam shrugged.

"Dhis is da first time I've ever had... anything of the sort. Yea I'z had beer when I was ah teen but... nothing this heavy." He said with a small smile.

"Well, I think I'll try a glass of that." She said just as the bartender placed a glass in front of her.

She was about to ask a question when the music ended only to have the same song start again. Upon hearing this she decided to ask "So what's this song and why is it playing again?"

As the instrumental piece continued on Lliam said "It's one of da things I remember of my fadher. He used to pay one of his favorite songs over and over; every time when he would drink. Dhis song is called Euphoria... an old twenty first century song performed by da band W.A.S.P." he said and smiled before saying "It'z one of my favorites by them. I now know why he did this... it's calming and enjoyable."

"I can see how that is... what is this place supposed to be anyway?" She wondered as she looked around.

"A bar... heh, or rather da cantina my fadher used to tend, when he worked for one of da cruise lines dhat is." Lliam said and looked at the bartender.

The bartender was a wolf in his late thirties, had brown fur with a sandy brown undercoat and had a regular build. He was standing at six feet tall, his eyes were azure blue and he smelled lightly of cinnamon and alcohol. Lliam looked him over before saying "I tried to remember what he looked like and how he acted but... he's not quite right." He finished with a slight frown.

"Is he supposed to be your father?" Kathy asked as she looked at him.

Looking at the bartender Lliam said after a long sigh "No... just an imitation... a childish want. If I could've remembered dhem, this would've been my family home... widt my grandparents and my mother, my sister Maya and... and..." Lliam faltered before growling slightly and downing his drink in one gulp then slamming it back down onto the bar.

"So that's who Rrahkarr got his eyes from." Kathy said with sorrow in her voice.

"Hmm?" Lliam looked over to her and noticed her eyes were tearing up.

"Rrahkarr, I... I can't..." She started but stopped and shuddered as the fresh tears started to fall from her eyes. "I... just can't believe he's gone!" She finished and looked at him; tears freely flowing down from her eyes.


"He's gone... I'll never be able to see him again." She said as she randomly looked up "Why... why does this always happen?" She asked no one in particular before she brought her hands up to eyes and cried.

Lliam was caught off guard by her sudden show of emotion and wasn't quite sure what to do. Here before him was a woman he had come to know as a strong willed, independent and a tough as nails hard-ass. Yet right now; at this very moment before him, she was the most vulnerable he had ever seen her. This side of her portrayed how she really was inside; a person who longed for someone to depend on, someone that could and wanted to protect her as well as someone she could love and who would love her back.

For her, the person she thought could fill this side of her was all but an arm's length away before being taken forever. It was the realization of this that caused her to cry and was responsible for her current state. She was hunched over with her hands to her face; elbows on the bar, as she cried. She was oblivious to all around her until she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders. She slowly raised her head so that she could look at Lliam.

Before she could say anything he wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug. "I'm sorry Kath..."He spoke to her and started whispering words of comfort in her ear. His words only caused her to cry that much more as she pressed her face into his shoulder.

She cried for nearly ten minutes before quieting down to a sob or gasp every so often. Lliam didn't move at all in that time and let her cry away at his shoulder. A few minutes later Kathy had cried herself to sleep. Lliam shook her gently a couple times but she didn't wake, so; with a small smile, he picked her up and carefully headed off towards her room.


Luxuria; Captains Quarters

(8:03 PM)

The door to Kathy's room slid opened before Lliam stepped through carrying Kathy. He carried her all the way from the holosuite; with one arm easily cradling her shoulders while the other held her legs. He had almost stumbled a few times on his way here; the brandy having had more than enough time to affect his actions but he made it without any falls. She was still asleep though, with her head still resting on his shoulder as he carried her towards her bed. He gently laid her down before standing back up.

This was the first time he had entered her quarters. Looking around the room, he noticed it was sparsely furnished save for Kathy's bed, a nightstand near the bed and a dresser. He did notice all the pictures she had though; some were of many people but the most were of Rrahkarr. But it was one large picture on her dresser that caught his attention. In it were eight people; two wolves, two humans, a bear, a lynx, a lion and a raccoon. The way the picture was taken, he could easily see name plates on everyone's armor.

The person on the far left was the bear; the name Stone on his armor. The person next to him was the lynx with the name Ace on her armor. The human who stood next to her had an irritated look at the raccoon that stood next to him; the name Dead Eye was on his while Falsch was on the humans which caused Lliam to scowl. The next person was one he knew.

In the dead center of the picture was Murazar or rather Delta as the name on the armor read. Next to him was his brother Rrahkarr with Shadow on his name plate. Next to Rrahkarr was Kathy with Lure on her armor. At the end on the right was the lion with the name Blade on his armor.

Looking from that picture he found one that was just Rrahkarr and Kathy. It looked as if Rrahkarr was stressed about something and Kathy was talking to him. He found several more of Rrahkarr doing seemingly random things; working on a piece of machinery, sitting by himself, cleaning something while others in the background grinned. He even found a few newer pictures that had him and the others in them; but there were more of just him.

Looking at the ones of him, he wondered when she was able to take them. Turning around he took a good long look at her. Even though she was asleep, she still had a sad look on her face. He walked over to the bed and took the sheets and covers and tucked her in before stumbling for the door. Just as the door opened he heard Kathy say in a tired voice "Stay... please?"

He looked over his shoulder at her and saw she had kicked the covers off and was lying on her back; her head angled so she could look at him. "Kath I..." Lliam started to say as he turned around.

"Please... I'm tired of sleeping by myself. Ever since Rrahkarr left it's been nothing but solitary nights, I've just been so lonesome. I... I just... don't want to be alone tonight..." She stared at him for a few moments but he didn't speak; only opened his muzzle a few times to speak only to close it again.

Turning away she said "I... I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I... I'm sorry, it's selfish of me... forget I asked."

She turned on her side with her back to him and a few moments later she heard the door slide shut. With a sad look on her face she brought her tail between her legs and went into a semi-fetal position before closing her eyes. A few moments later she felt the bed shift as weight hit the other end. She looked over; with fresh tears in her eyes, and saw Lliam sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Lliam...?" She said in a shaky voice.

"It's not selfish to ask for company... for da past few years you've been by yerself." He said as he undid the tie that held his hair back. "I understand too; for da first time in years you was going to see him again. But now... he's gone. You had yer hopes raised and crushed in the span of a few hours and yer hurting." He said with sorrow in his voice as he slumped forward.

"You want to be comforted... but... yer not da only one feeling pain." He made aware to her. He sighed before continuing "I just lost my brodher... niece and... someone dhat I considered as a sister. Dhey're all gone and... and I... I'm hurting from dhat. I'm angry and sad at the same time I... I'm still not in full control of my powers yet and... and these feelings I..." Lliam stopped and sighed "I wouldn't want to hurt you with them."

As he spoke Kathy sat up and moved over to him. Just as he finished speaking she wrapped her arms around him from behind and just held him close to her. "I'm sorry... that's why I said it was selfish of me. I know you're hurting too... I just thought maybe we could get through it together." She said and let go of him and sat back.

He turned around to look at her. She was just sitting there looking down so he asked "Share our pain, but what if..."

"What if your powers act up? Are you going to let them rule you and dictate your life? Or... are you going to take risks and do what you want?" She asked.

Lliam sighed and nodded. "Fine... but dhese" He said; indicating his pants and drawing her attention "dhey're staying on." He finished with a chuckle and a smile as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt off.

"What a goof!" she said as he chuckled.

"Well, I am kind ah drunk right now... sooo... yea." Lliam slurred.

"Thank you though, Lliam." Kathy said with a smile and hugged him.

"Uh no problem." he said and returned the hug before laying back.

"You're breath really smells like alcohol... how many did you have? Really?" Kathy asked.

"Uh... I ah... lost count around... pssh... six... sixteen drinks." Lliam said as he tried to remember.

"You're going to be hurting in the morning." Kathy said with a smile before closing her eyes.

He chuckled before trying to get comfortable; he had no luck as thoughts kept entering his mind. He had been laying there with a pensive look for nearly ten minutes; mulling things over, when he felt Kathy snuggle up to his left side. He quickly looked over at her and noticed she had already fallen asleep and must have snuggled up to him in her sleep. He noticed that; while snuggled up to him, she had a slight smile on her face.

Lliam sighed and let his head fall back onto the pillow. Thinking about it, he actually felt a little bit at peace with her lying next to him; or maybe it was the alcohol. He relaxed a little and closed his eyes before sleep took him.


September 8, 2342 - Luxuria; Captains Quarters

(1:17 AM)

Kathy was woken in the early hours of the morning from movement and breathing; breathing that she could feel against her neck. Lliam had rolled over in the middle of the night and had his arm draped over her midsection. His muzzle was resting on her neck and they were both pressed up tightly against one another. She could feel his chest rise and fall each time he drew breath.

She felt happy that he was so close to her; that he cared enough to be there with her and had worried about what might happen to her. Then sadness washed over her; only a few days after Rrahkarr's death, and here she was with his younger brother sleeping next to her. Her sorrow started to grow when Lliam shifted in his sleep. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her closer to him; as if he had sensed her sadness in his sleep. She couldn't help but smile at that and then made up her mind. She knew Rrahkarr wouldn't want her to wallow in sorrow and self pity and she would always love him.

"I love you Rrahkarr, and I know I'll see you again at the end of this life... or in the next. Goodbye." She said her final farewells to him that night; hopping that she could continue on, as she drifted back off to sleep.