Ignorance Was Bliss (The Kirren Experiment)

The man cocked the gun and raised it to aim at his stomach. "you won't get the chance." the man whispered as he pulled the trigger. as the dart pierced kirren's gut the man looked slightly disappointed.

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World of Terra Syn, part 1

Now working with iron weapons, man spread on the land. it was man that forced the elves into the forests. it was man that forced the orcs to the mountains. it is man that conquered woman.

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The Rise of Serpens: Aftermath

The man nearly fainted at the sight of the two massive snakes. serpens prepared to intervene if the two royal snakes tried to turn the man into a meal. they both came to a stop in front of the man, raising their upper bodies to the man's eye level.


Living Tails

The first was the kingdom of man, babylon.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirteen

The man repeated slowly, horror dawning in his eyes. "you're a slayer!" ozzie held up his hands dramatically. "bingo! give the man a prize!"

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Find the love

The black man's ancestors did suffer a great deal in what they went through, but it is a new day, you are a new person and in a new world. not only are man against man treated unequal, man against women is still a threat to this world.

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CountDown to Xtinction

Larry aimed his gun at the silver haired man, and made sure he didn't move. rain snuck on to the chopper. the man notice and tried to stopped her but then larry shot the mans leg. the man collapsed. "damn you!"

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 9-Unlikely Ally

"100 rounds or 125 dollars", the man sitting there said. "i can do that", i said handing the man three bills.

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Dreams and Musings: Manta

Unbeknownst to the town folk were the dark intentions of a man who lived in the shade. well versed in legends, he had heard of the horseshell manta before. he was not a good man.


Undertaker of Valen

Whoever the man was waiting for was now waiting behind the old wooden door. the door creaked, and the man in his chair saw through a reflection in the dirty window the door opening.


Element Siege: Beginnings (Prologue)

He looked at the man with eyes of truth. he wasn't going to tell him where it is. "i am just wasting my time asking you where it is," the hooded man thought of another question, "by the way, who are the draxions?"

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Orange Soda Acid Trip: Chapter one. The Boy murderer.

Time passed and a man came to the orphanage, a man the young boy would remember from his old town. the man had only come to seek out a child of his own, when his eyes set upon the boy.

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