
I hopped down and saw uxie in a glass tube, filled with some kind of green liquid. there were two others like him, but only a different color and a slightly different shape. i ran up to uxie and yelled his name, but he did not respond.

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 9

He said, handing me a cup of a thick vile looking black liquid that smelled like...i had no idea what the hell it smelled like but after one whiff of the stuff i felt as though i'd rather shove a pile of manure up my nostrils.

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A Whole New Kind of Heaven

He sighed in relief as the liquid started flowing into the bowl. when he was finished, he flushed, returned his sheath to where it was, and washed his hands.

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Lab Accident

Hal picked up the large vial of aqua-marine liquid and carefully began to head back to the lab's workstation to analyze another test.


Mythical Misfits

Vance replied sharply, now pulling out a large flask and filling it up with the water kitt had cried into, "human tears have nothing on that liquid magic that comes from those pretty blue eyes of yours, kitt."

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Mindless: although being injected by bortalic liquid is safe enough, injecting oneself with more than a single dosage can have devastating effects on one's mind.

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Chapter 1

Daniels asked what the experiment was actually for, and james went on to explain how he was trying to create a different kind of gelatin that could change from a solid to a liquid and do other cool things.

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Through the Horizon: Sebastian Part 2

The cheetah poured himself and his alpha, a small glass of the dark colored liquid. he smiled as bane happily accepted it. bane sipped his gratefully and gave a soft growl or satisfaction as the liquid burned its' way down his throat.

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VAC Online: Player Decro

The thick, viscous liquid had a rubbery texture to it, stretching away in his grip but still holding tight to his body. "gah!" he grunted as he struggled against the advancing latex.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 3

It felt like liquid was oozing through him, dripping down the length of his body, leaving him with an odd sensation of pins and needles all the way up his back.

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Anthrobird considerations

liquid intake may be decreased, as birds reprocess a much greater degree of water through their bodies in order to decrease dead liquid weight.

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Past Life Ch 6

The light golden liquid was jennifer's favorite drink. it helped her calm down in times of trouble. this time, however, the liquid didn't help her much. she was still sobbing and hiccupping even though she had sipped on the warm amber liquid.

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