The beginning

Mk walked into the room and was looking at some documents too holding them up to the lamp to get a better view because it was rather dark in the room. michael turned to mk with an inquisitive look „mk you seem like a busy meerkat today".

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Meant to Be

That, and the faint emerald blaze of the ever-burning lamps mounted on the walls. several pairs of eyes stared at silverfang, shining in the faint luminescence. no words were exchanged.

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"The Thin Line," Part NN

Out of the corner of my eye, i could see a bull's-eye lamp playing along the side of the armoury's wall, and actually pausing briefly at the other windows. there was a very large, suspicious wolf on the other end of the lamp.

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A Day With Mommy (Edited)

She turned on the table lamp next to the bed and crawled into it. she lay on her back and pulled little kg onto her chest and snuggled him close to her. "okay, honey, do you want me to read you a story?"

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All's Fair - Part 10

I took the last three steps to my door, and stopped jake there until i'd found the lamp over my bed and turned it on - as low as it would go, but enough to see by.

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The Unfortunate Musician

In two long-side corners of the room stood two flood lamps. these freely stood but wouldn't be easily knocked over. these flood lights gave the garage a far more concert-like environment. (this helped them to play better.)

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Going West

He looked up and saw that the palace was decorated with chandeliers and hanging lamps made of glowing blue stones. mana crystals. the obvious answer.

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Rexville 45: Birthday Part 2

Keanu smiled at his grandfather before he ripped off the wrapper to see the box and read, "a lava lamp?" keanu was puzzled. "but i already have one." kendall looked at his father with a perplexed look on his face. "dad?"

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Rebirth ch16

It would seem that suicune didn't exactly get the joke, so i just shrugged and walked over to the bedside lamps in turn and turned them on.

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The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1)

The suspenser lamps were dim, and i noticed a delineated feature of weariness in my rowan friend's eyes. i sat down next to him and drank my juice.

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A Funeral For A Horse

They had left the shelter to be met by a small crowd in warm, reindeer-skin parkas and thick leggings, and lit by dozens of little stone lamps that burned tallow.

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The fox and the butterfly.

Siso saw tweezers, small scissors, small bandages and plasters and even a tiny lamp. "this isn't your first time, is it?" siso asked tentatively, looking up at her. kira nodded her head, then shook it.

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