Far From Home: Prologue
An immortal hunter of the night with no equal. lycan. werewolf. you can imagine, then, that narysia was caught unawares when the next full moon rose outside her window. it might have been kinder to tell her from the start.
Inra's Fable
While immortal, not even the gods can resist death. one of the greater ones was inra. he was a fox, born of the fire, and he brought music to the world. wherever he went, harmony and joy followed.
Those who Dream of a Silent Desert - Teaser
A jahara serves loyally, removing the nuisances of mortality from their shai'kir masters so that that they may be granted the name of immortal. these females, the jahara, will feed a shai'kir when he is hungry.
With tooth and paw: chapter 4
It was said that the leader was some immortal, in hiding against some wrath of some sort. as for the raven states, that was far too risky a mission. sure, there were more than just ravens there, but a cat was worse than a black spot on white cloth.
Sui Generis: Intro
It pleased generis, and though he wished not, he became a paragon; a monolithic figure immortalized as a leader. he taught love and care for the world and it's inhabitants, a teaching his many followers never forgot.
Red, White, and Blue Prologue and Chapter 1
But hey, i'm immortal, what's god gonna do, sack me?
Forever Legendary Ch.1 - The Legendary Celebi
In that respect, only a fool would trade even a day of his life for immortality in legend. it is not immortality in the true sense of the word... but what if one's life wasn't in the true sense of the word, either...?
The tails of joshua mikoto
"well i am an immortal it's a curse and a gift" that i have to keep.
Your Best [INSERT HERE] Walks Into a Bar Jokes With a Twist!
So for my second wish, i wished for **immortality** affording endless years of perfect health with which to enjoy my fortune.
SPQR Chapter 4
The leopard knew that he would accomplish much but immortality would forever be beyond his, or anyone else's grasp.
There was only anger and grief for both, their souls longs corrupted by the madness of immortality and myth, bound to fates neither could escape. the beast forever looking for a silver star, and the witch trapped by their own kind.
risen Den story
I ran so fast hoping that they will not shoot me and then i heard gunfire and war cries i look around to see dead men and rebels fighting against the loyalists i never thought the union would fight them those damn wolves. the loyalists for the immortal