The Power Within - Chapter 2
Come on, i'll show you the way to the guild!" came the enthusiastic reply. the two started off through the forest with kaji in the lead.
A Tail of Two Peoples - The Tribals
Their, we can arrive at the guild. hopefully, by mid-afternoon."
A Heart Shaped Tail - Chapter 4
Aren't you that grumpig that had an order once from the guild? something about...bowls, i think?" "ummmmmm... no? i got some help from the guild a couple years ago but it wasn't bowls, i just needed some manpower to move a fallen stump."
Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss
In the cities and guild houses, lucrative offers can always be found on the black boards. maybe today the job you were waiting for is advertised.
Vargothen - Constructing A Foundation (Session 2)
They all speak heavily of the battle recently fought by me and my fellows at the destroyed wall of the keep near the craftsmen's guild.
First Bite
"i will send you and my children to the southern city of lucavan; there you and tarn can find work in guild positions.
“Wabbajack The Cat” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
A young aragonian named mud-scales was outside of the town walls, doing his usual job of collecting a list of ingredients for the local mage's guild.
Oak in Grey Hollow - 1
However, too late she discovered that the house had been protected by the thieves' guild, and it took the guild little time to uncover her identity.
A Forge of Heroes - Ghosts
Few of the skeletons would be ch'kiliil, for the assassin's guild had done what they could after the slaughter to bury the bodies.
A stormy Encounter
We don't have an alchemist there, so i doubt you would have much competition, and i heard some guilds having trouble with some requests since they don't have an alchemist to make them.
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 4: Refur a Friend
It was still early in the afternoon, and most of my guild mates had 9 to 5 jobs. oh well; might as well get ready.
K'Jaar adventures 1
And the thieves guild. a thiefs guild. anyway k'jaar wasnt here bicose of come thiefs. k'jaar was here bicose of esbern. he went downtown where poor people lives or thiefs guild. the ratway.