Grentail Manor Chapter 7
Aaron once again stood before the Old Ones, fidgeting uncomfortably in his spiritual body. Centuries on the Material Plane had resulted in the retired spirit becoming accustomed to a body of solid matter. As the misty aether of the Spirit World roiled...
Grentail Manor Chapter 6
Susila snapped his eyes open. Sitting up quickly, the monitor looked around in confusion. He was in a brightly lit chamber, though everything seemed slightly blurry. Rubbing his eyes, Susila stood. When he opened his eyes, Susila suddenly saw dozens...
Grentail Manor Chapter 5
The loud ringing of his alarm woke Susila, though he felt unusually groggy. Glancing at the clock, he understood why when he read 5:00. Groaning with disgust, Susila slammed his claw down on the alarm's off button, rolling back over to return to his...
Grentail Manor Chapter 4
Susila woke before his alarm the next morning, the clock reading 4:13. The monitor was in a new set of pajamas, provided by MADAM. He felt heavy, and soon remembered why. Reaching across his alarm clock, Susila switched on the light. What he saw caused...
Grentail Manor Chapter 3
In the morning, Susila was woken by the sound of the alarm beside his bed blaring loudly. Groaning, he hit the off button, throwing his clawed feet over the side of his bed a few moments later. He checked the time, surprised to see the clock read...
Grentail Manor Chapter 2
"Susila," a familiar voice said, though it seemed far away to the monitor. He ignored it in his half-sleeping state, assuming it was just another dream. "Susila?" the voice continued, starting to become irritating. Susila considered responding for a...
Grentail Manor Chapter 1
The manor was impressive. At least, what Susila could see of it from the gate left him impressed. As far as he could tell, the manor was situated in the center of a plot of land that had to be at least twenty acres across. Yet Susila could clearly see...
Obamon The forest was quiet as Guilmon trudged his way through. The only sound that could be heard was his rasping breath and growling stomach, vacant of food for longer than he could remember. After his adventures with his partner Takato he and all...
Industrial Accident
Juno groaned aloud as he sat down on the bench in the locker room at his job after he finished changing. It had been yet another rough day at the plant, and he was just exhausted. The drabull was woefully out of shape as it was, and when that was...
A Milky Delight
Rastaban's white scales cut through the morning canvas, the sun just peaking over the horizon and turning the sky purple and orange. His webby fringe shuttered and fluttered as the wind ripped past it and his ears. Pink eyes scanned the ground bellow...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E15
All Noisy on the Belly Front [At Starlight's house...] "Have any 4's Ace?" asked Bright Eyes. "Nope, go fishing,"...
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E12
Belly Bust [At Ponyville...] "Hey look, there's an advertisement for a new place called Pudgyville," said Bright Eyes. Wonder what that is. \*she searches the internet\* Nothing on it...