The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 19
Hope once more appeared before his eyes, this time standing proudly with her arms locked behind her back, her blue eyes together with the gems of her tiara were cracking with magical energy, tendrils of azure electricity twisting near the corners of the eyeballs
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 21
The whole room shook under every single one of the golem's powerful strides as it ran, flames shooting from its burning eyeballs and flowing out from its gaping in a rumbling roar maw. it was fast. very fast.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch2
Alice considers this and then hands twinkaleni the eyeball sized red core stone, "do you feel any magic in this?"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 13
I for sure will find some treasure there and perhaps even an animal, they aren't many living here in the swamps" sparx tapped a finger at his chin "this cave looks like it had been dug out" he mused out loudly, pupils shifting to the corner of his eyeballs
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26
His eyes were made of burning cinders, there were no pupils or irises, merely empty eyeballs with huge, wild fires in each of them.
The Love of Hatchlings.
I can guarantee that this story will make you sweat through your eyeball orifices. it is really, really sad.
The voice of reason - Ch 14 - Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and McLaren's...
It felt as if my eyeballs were about to pop from their sockets, but still, it felt nice to get hugged by him... always has been... and then he kept staring at the box of the mclaren... 'thanks, babe...' 'you like it...?' 'like it? it's amazing...
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 28: How Will We Know When The Change Is Going To Come?
Maybe a lighter workload, less eyeball soup and some concerts." "under saber's leadership our pride has thrived and prospered." annette announced. "well until recently." noami said out loud.
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I quickly reselected davis and started dragging my finger towards the upper corner of the screen, using myself to try to eyeball how much bigger i was making him.
The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1
Morbulus' head began to change now, too, becoming lumpy, and, as he felt the indescribably odd sensation of his rear eyeballs moving around the sides of his head to join the front ones in a row on his face, robbing him of his ability to see behind himself
Graybark Drive
This harry's face was grinning in a way that wasn't humanly possible, its eyes open so wide that his eyeballs would have rolled out if he'd tipped his head forward.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 19
She squeaked from behind her paw, cringing as she did so, pupils darting back and forth in her eyeballs he folded his wings, smiling at her with a dose of triumph. "yep. i love you" cynder cringed even further.