Free Trial

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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A second commission for FA: ga576611 this time featuring two of his previously unnamed characters Sky the dragon and Davis the wolf.

The story is about the little dragon Sky who finds himself in possession of a Photoshop style phone app that he discovers that when used to edit a photo what he edits becomes reality. not only that but it actually rewrites reality as if the picture and its content had always been the way it was. so whats the first thing he does with it? uses it to make his short runt-of-the-litter wolf friend Davis taller, of course! and taller... and taller... :3

He even drew several pictures and comic pages based on the content of the story and the characters and you definitely should go check them out!

Characters and artwork belong to FA: ga576611

Story is my work

If you wish to support me and my writing, Please feel free to buy me a ko-fi!

Free Trial

By: Dragonien

Thank you for downloading the free trial of Editor, your trial account has 5 remaining edits.

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That came off as kind of odd to me. Most editing software would limit their trial to something like only being usable for a few days, or restricting you to the more basic editing tools during their trial period or just spam it with an endless torrent of ads you had to pay to get rid of. Not that it really mattered. I only had a couple of pictures I really wanted to mess with and 5 edits should be more than enough for that. With that in mind I sprawled out on top of my bed, phone in hand, to start messing with some pictures in my new editor app.

I took a moment to look over the picture after I had it pull up first. The screen paused for a moment as it loaded, then brought up the picture of an aquamarine colored teenage dragon with bright emerald eyes standing next to a slightly shorter teenage wolf with jet black fur and light, sky blue eyes. It wasn't anything particularly amazing or unique, just me and my best friend Davis standing next to each other on the basketball court at the park with me holding a basketball under one arm. We had both jokingly autographed the original picture with "Future All-Stars Sky and Davis" while bragging to each other that when one or both of us made it onto a pro NBA team that it'd be worth a fortune. We both still had that immature teenage bravado that made us think we could do anything despite clearly having a steep hill to climb. I was a bit on the short side, especially for a dragon, at only 5'6" despite already being into the latter half of my high school years. It was even worse for Davis who was half a year older than me, yet still 3 inches shorter than I was.

Davis was both the oldest, and the smallest of four other siblings in his house. Amongst a pack oriented, hierarchical group like wolves that made it a bit difficult for him. Even though he had over a year of age over his next oldest brother, he was already shorter than his younger brother by a couple of inches. Add that to his younger brother being into wrestling and having a much stronger physical build than Davis and Sky's buddy had already effectively lost his status as the alpha-sibling, constantly teased and messed with by his larger younger brother. Thankfully I didn't have any siblings I had to deal with otherwise I'd probably be in a similar situation considering my own sub-par size for my species.

I hadn't seen Davis in the couple of months since summer vacation had started so I was quietly hoping that he might have grown a bit since then. I wasn't really sure why I was so enthralled with the idea of him being taller. Maybe I just gotten used to everyone else around me being taller than I was that it felt weird that my best friend wasn't, especially considering he was older than me. All of this being the reason why I was currently fiddling around with this editor app.

I was surprised how easy it was to select only Davis in the picture. The App must have really good picture recognition software built in to it to be able to discern what was and wasn't part of him with only a couple of clicks from my finger. When I was done selecting Davis I just clicked the 'Free Transform' option, and started dragging Davis' edge diagonally upwards, expanding him in the picture until he was the same height as me. I couldn't help but smile as I thought of what it would be like to stare straight ahead at those sky blue eyes of his. Then, another thought came to me. With a self-amused chuckle I pulled the selection of Davis just a tiny bit higher, adding an extra inch or so to Davis' height so I would be looking just slightly up to meet his gaze. When I clicked the button to save a prompt popped up on the screen.

Edits Remaining: 5

Are you sure you wish to finalize changes? Yes/No

Happy with my changes I tapped the box labeled Yes without any second thoughts. Davis would get a kick out of it for sure, just as happy to fantasize about being taller as I was. Before I had a chance to mess around with the picture more I heard the doorbell ring and, a few moments later my dad's voice calling from downstairs that Davis was here. Immediately I was on my feet and stumbling for the door. Just like the mutt to try and surprise me with getting back early instead of calling me to let me know he was coming. My mouth was already open to give him one of the joking insults we would jab each other with all the time only for my words to die in my throat when I opened the front door and found myself staring at Davis's eyes. More specifically, I was staring UP at Davis's eyes.

"Yea, that's what I thought" came the wolf's noticeably deeper voice. His lips were pulled back in the most smug, shit eating grin I had ever seen on him.

"... Holy... how?" I asked, utterly bewildered.

"Growth spurt is still going strong. I know how much you were looking forward to looking up at me and I guess my body just couldn't bear to disappoint you any longer." He bragged cockily, chest puffing out in pride. "Grew a whole inch and a quarter since we measured before I left for the summer! Even Chris has been acting more cautious around me since I got home yesterday. He's still got me out weighed but I think he knows if he starts something it's gonna be more of a fight now."

The pride in his voice was evident. I could only imagine how much Davis would be enjoying having his younger but bigger brother finally starting to show him more deference as the eldest brother. But as Davis started telling me about his summer out at the lake I was only half paying attention as I focused in on something else he had said. He had grown a whole one and a quarter inch? That couldn't be right. Before he left he had been a good three inches shorter than me and now he was over an inch taller than I was! Before I could ask him anything about it I heard my dad walk by behind me. He paused when he saw the two of us standing right in front of one another, able to see part of Davis's head over the top of my own then chuckled.

"Called it. Figured after he put on three inches since sophomore year started it was only a matter of time till he overtook ya, boy. Maybe now you'll listen more mother tells you to eat all your vegetables." My dad chuckled aloud before walking off down the hallway.

Davis was clearly enjoying my speechlessness. With an abrupt lurch towards him I found myself grabbed in a headlock and held against his chest as he aggressively rubbed his knuckles across the top of my head. I reacted without thinking and jammed an elbow into his stomach like I did every time he grabbed me like that and hear the expected grunt of discomfort and forcibly expelled breath as he let me go. Despite me having been able to free myself I couldn't help but notice my elbow ached a bit more than it usually was after hitting his stomach, the impact having hit more resistance than before. Yet another sign that my friend had gone through a drastic change.

"Asshole." I huffed at Davis, the harsh word contrasting with the friendly grins on both of our faces that only grew wider when we heard my father yell from down the hall to watch our mouths.

The familiarity of the interactions helped to alieve my concern at the abrupt and confusing change Davis had gone through. Even if he was taller than he should be, it was comforting to know that our interaction with one another hadn't changed. Well, other than the fact that I had to be more careful about elbowing him now to avoid hurting myself. I wasn't exactly unhappy with the outcome and I started to tell him I had just been picturing him having finally outgrown me when I stopped mid-thought.

The picture!

Now that I thought about it, Davis's new height looked to be perfectly on par with the picture I had edited earlier. Had I been older and more cynical, I might have dismissed the thought as a coincidence. The idea was ridiculous but then again so was the fact that my friend not only had grown so much larger in the span of just a few months but apparently he and everyone else didn't remember him having been as short as he had once been. It was either the editing app had done something or I was losing my mind. And there was only one way to find out which one it was.

"Hey, gimme just a minute and I'll be right out. We're still heading to the park, right?"

When Davis nodded at me I quickly turned around and rushed back upstairs towards my bedroom. Snatching up my phone I pulled up the editing app again, still loaded with the picture from earlier. There it was, just as I had left it, with Davis now just slightly taller than I was. Wasting no time, I reselected Davis on the picture and clicked the free transform button again. Nervously I started dragging the edge of his selection further upwards, expanding him larger on the image until he was a full head taller than me. If I had to ballpark that probably put him just a bit over the 6 foot mark, maybe 6'1" or 6'2". This time when the prompt asking me to confirm my changes popped up I stared at it suspiciously as if expecting some kind of sign of supernatural... something might make itself known. When nothing made itself apparent I almost started to doubt myself and decided there was nothing to do but test it. I hit the YES Option one again and my remaining edit counter went down from 4 to 3.

Before rushing back to see if it had worked I dug through my closet to find our basketball. It'd be kind of hard to play without it, after all. As I was about to head back down the hall I paused in the doorway and glanced back over my shoulder. Had I been paying closer attention I would have noticed the other picture setting in a frame on my dresser that showed both Davis and I when we were kids had changed. Specifically, Davis was taller than me in that picture too, despite the fact that originally I had been taller than him all my life. A few seconds later I was stumbling down the stairs back towards the front door to see if anything had changed with Davis. I almost choked when I got there to find him leaning on the frame waiting for me, all 6'2" of him.

"All set?" he asked, his voice having dropped a good half octave than it had been just minutes ago before his apparent growth spurt.

'I... uh... y-yea." Was all I could stammer as I stood there at a loss for words, craning my head back to look up at him.

Davis, still apparently oblivious to the fact that he had just grown half a foot taller, happily slapped me on the back encouragingly as I stepped out of my front door. It was something we did to each other all the time but this time when he slapped my back I stumbled forward and nearly fell over. When he saw me stumble he snickered before apologize for not knowing his own strength. He was acting more self-assured than I was used to, definitely seeming to be taking pride in his size and strength. As we started walking down the sidewalk towards the park I couldn't help but sit there wondering that if his personality was changing from the increase in his size, then what else might be changing around us as well.

The trip to the park was pretty uneventful. Davis and I caught up on what we both had been doing since the summer started as we walked. I got a bit more insight on the changes he had gone through, specifically how his brother Genn had been shocked to find Davis had sprouted almost three full inches while he was out of town and had finally outgrown him. Genn, being a wrestler, still had a good amount of muscle mass over Davis. But, with my buddy now having a couple of inches of height on Genn, Davis's younger brother wasn't so self-assured of his dominance amongst their siblings anymore. Something that Davis clearly was happy about. He had always seemed a bit cowed, especially when we had hung out at his place and it felt good as his friend to see him finally taking his rightful place as the eldest sibling, even if Genn still seemed ready to challenge Davis every step of the way.

By the time we got to the court Davis had been practically vibrating in anticipation. Apparently he hadn't had anyone to shoot hoops with all summer so this was the first time he was going to get to see how well he did with his new height advantage. For my part, I was almost as excited as he was to see how well he did. There was a small voice in the back of my head, however, that was a bit nervous though. After all, when Davis had been three inches shorter than me we had still been fairly evenly matched. Now that he had not just the height advantage, but more of one than I ever had, part of me expected to get destroyed when we started playing.

Surprisingly enough as we started playing it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Davis definitely had the physical advantage now, all but running circles around me thanks to his longer legs and easily sinking jump shots well over my head where I could not hope to reach high enough to block him even if I jumped as well. My only saving grace that kept it fairly even was that, despite his longer stride and reach he clearly was not used to his new height, even if in whatever new reality this was the difference to him was only 3 inches and not the 11 that he had actually changed. More than once he stumbled over his own feet and tripped or put too much force on a shot and the ball sailed over the hoop entirely. I made light of it and joked that if the Jolly wolf giant was going to throw the ball across the park then he had to use his freakishly long legs to run over and go get it. Even as I joked, though, I knew that voice in my head had been right. As soon as he got some more practice and got used to his new size, he was out of my league.

When a few minutes had passed and Davis hadn't returned to the court I snapped out of my introspection and started to look around for him. It wasn't hard to spot him anymore but, unfortunately, it also wasn't hard to spot what had held him up. Genn was here with a couple of his friends from school, and the gunpowder gray-furred wolf had our ball under one arm while smirking up at the annoyed expression of Davis. I was only able to catch the end of whatever conversation they had been having by the time I had jogged over to join Davis.

"-Want it back you'll either have to ask me for it, or take it from me." Genn sneered as his two buddies snickered from behind him.

Davis, for his part had his fingers clenched into fists and was glaring down at his brawny younger brother. I couldn't help but notice that Genn looked a bit more muscular than I remembered him being before. When I thought about it, it made a bit of sense. Other things around both of us had been changing in response to Davis's added height and it wasn't hard to assume that if Davis had been growing taller more quickly Genn might feel inclined to work out more to try to maintain his physical superiority.

After a few tense moments of silence, Genn seemed to finally take Davis' unwillingness to ask for the ball back as a challenge. He glanced over his shoulder, casually tossing the orange orb to one of his buddies to hold on to, then turned back to Davis.

"Alright, beanpole, let's do this"

That seemed to be all the signal that Davis needed to leap at his now shorter younger brother. The two of them locked together, grabbing at each other's shoulders and trying to use their combined weight and leverage to shove the other one backwards in a direct battle of strength against strength. Unfortunately for Davis, Genn was still the star of their school's wrestling team and, surely thanks to the changes he had gone through in response to Davis's own changes, was now even more impressive of a wrestler with his newfound dedication. This difference in both experience and mass made it easy for Genn to abruptly shift his resistance against Davis' push downwards, unbalancing the taller wolf and letting the shorter, gray, wolf sweep Davis' legs out from underneath him. Less than ten seconds after the two had started their wrestling match, Genn had Davis face down on the ground with one of the black wolf's arms twisted uncomfortably tight behind his back.

I had never really had a problem with Genn, I even thought it could be kind of fun at times when he wasn't being a jerk to Davis. But right then I wanted nothing more than to finally see Davis put his younger brother in his place and, now, I could help him do so. As the two had started fighting I had pulled my phone from my pocket and was already pulling the editor app up once more. I quickly reselected Davis and started dragging my finger towards the upper corner of the screen, using myself to try to eyeball how much bigger I was making him. When I finally hit the confirm button and watched the edit counter go down from 3 to 2 I guessed that Davis had to be a little bit over seven foot tall.

As I looked up from the phone back towards the wrestling match things had changed. There was no sudden growth spurt on Davis' part, no abrupt flashes and flickers of light or anything like that, things were just... different than how I remembered them a few seconds ago as if they had always been like that. Genn was still straddling Davis and holding an arm behind the black wolf's back, but now he was clearly having to put a lot more effort to holding that arm in place. Both of Genn's friends looked a lot less self-assured and confident than they had before and they were both standing a few steps farther away as well. But, as expected, the biggest change was Davis himself.

Not only was he clearly taller, easily a foot taller than Genn if not a bit more, but he definitely had put on more muscle mass as well. I couldn't call him beefy like Genn had become but he definitely had traded in some of the 'growing too fast' lanky teenager beanpole look for some more solid, athletic muscle. In addition the expression on his face, before having been one of anger and pain, was now amused and self-assured. He looked as if he didn't have a care in the world despite being down on the ground under his brother.

"Are you done yet?" Davis asked, his voice filled with more confidence than I think I had ever heard from him before.

When Genn didn't respond, still gritting his teeth as he held Davis' arm behind his back, the larger wolf decided to just stand up. There was still a bit of a struggle but ultimately Genn felt his grip slip and he stumbled backwards off of his older brother as Davis planted his free arm and feet beneath him and just pushed himself up. When the smaller wolf charged at Davis again they locked together once more, but this time Davis spun one of his arms while still holding Genn and had him down on his knees with Genn's arm behind his back this time. Davis only held him that way for a second or so before Genn started to cry out in defeat.

"Ok! Ok! Uncle, uncle, ow, let me go!" he yelped out in pain.

Davis, surprisingly, held him for another couple of seconds longer. Again there was a confidence I hadn't really seen from Davis before leaking from his smirk as he held his brother in the lock, clearly taking his time to make sure Genn knew that Davis only let go when he decided to not when he was told too. When he did finally release his younger brother Genn scrambled forward to stumble back to his feet, cradling his arm against his chest and glaring up at his larger, older brother. Even if Genn didn't like it, it was clear that there wasn't much of a contest over who was the dominant sibling in their family anymore. Davis simply glanced at Genn's cheetah friend as if expectantly and the cheetah responded in kind, almost apologetic in expression as he tossed my basketball back to Davis.

As Davis walked back over towards me my eyes got wider and wider. I mean, I had known I had made him taller but seeing him actually up close and in person was somewhat intimidating. I was an absolute runt compared to him now. Even if I stood up on the tips of my toes the top of my head wouldn't even reach the base of his neck. Not only that but with the newly added muscle that he was packing, even if we were the same height I'd look scrawny next to him. Yet despite that, his seemingly newfound confidence and his effortless dispatching and intimidating of his younger brother, he was still smiling down at me as brightly and happily as he always had as if nothing had changed between the two of us. That same smile that I had seen every time he had looked up at me back when he was the shorter one. I almost laughed to myself when I thought that the 'back when he was shorter than me' was literally just this morning.

"Now, where were we?" Davis asked with a grin.

Davis still had the same problem he had earlier when we kept playing, too big for his own good and clearly not having grown fully into his size yet. Unfortunately for me even with that handicap the size gap was just too big and I stood almost no chance. Even if I could shoot, weave, and maneuver better the simple reach of his arms and stride of his legs let him block almost every shot I made and leave me absolutely in the dust when he dashed across the court. If it had been anyone else I might have gotten frustrated at how thoroughly I was being embarrassed on the court, feeling like a kid playing against their parent who wasn't taking it easy on them at all. But Davis was different, both in that he was a good sport about it and that... well, I had been the one to make him like this. If I was honest with myself I kind of liked how effortlessly he was beating me.

"I've created a monster." I muttered under my breath, smiling all the while.

"Huh?" Davis replied, hearing my muttering but not catching what I said. Before I could respond and dismiss his question I heard someone else speak up from behind both of us.

" Damn son, glad to see they still grow guys big like us around here."

Both of us turned around to see who had spoken and our eyes bulged in shock, my basketball slipping from under my arm to roll away without either of us noticing or caring. Both of us found ourselves staring up in utter disbelief at Darian Brown, a 7'6" monster of a Clydesdale horse who just so happened to also be both me and Davis' favorite basketball player of all time. We both had always liked coming to Clydesdale Park because it was where Darian Brown had grown up playing basketball as a kid, but we never had expected to actually meet him here. If we were girls both of us would be screaming in a pitch high enough to shatter glass.

Darian, for his part, was content to let us take a few seconds to wash the star struck out of our eyes before talking to us. Apparently he had been watching us for the last twenty minutes or so and had been impressed with both of our skills. Though I didn't mind tell he had been mostly talking about Davis, I took a bit of satisfaction in hearing him comment on how Davis was almost as big as he was. My smug satisfaction grew a bit more when I heard Darian almost choke upon hearing Davis tell him he was still a teenager and had more room to grow.

"Jesus kid, you get any bigger you're gonna be an absolute monster on the court. You gunnin for my spot or something?" he joked with us. But even as he joked I smiled at the thought and glanced up to see an absolutely wolfish grin on Davis' face. My lupine buddy clearly liked that idea. If I didn't know better I'd swear that the equine all-star was actually a bit intimidated by the idea, which made my mischievous side come out and start to override my caution.

"I hate to be that guy, Mr. Brown, but is there any chance we could convince you to sign my buddy's jersey? He's, I'm pretty sure, quite literally your biggest fan" I asked innocently enough. When I glanced at Davis I saw his smile widening both at the idea of an autograph, and at the joke about his size. Apparently Davis liked being tall as much as I liked him being tall.

"Well normally I charge for autographs." Darian teased before adding "But seeing as how I need to stay on the good side of the guy who's gonna be trying to take my spot on my team, I guess I can wave the fee. Let me go get a marker from my car."

" Hey, big guy. Go grab the ball for me? We can probably get him to sign it too!" I asked Davis who was more than happy to do so.

While he was distracted I pulled my phone back out and opened the picture again. Swallowing in nervous anticipation, I started pulling Davis' selection upwards and outwards again. This time I went much, much farther than I had in previous edits. By the time I was done I was almost shaking in nervous fear and excitement to see what would come of this latest change. I glanced one more time at the picture I stared at the image of Davis who no longer fit entirely on screen, his head from the neck up disappearing above the top of the picture. Then, I hit accept.

Instantly I could feel, actually FEEL, Davis' footsteps behind me approaching. The ground vibrated just the tiniest bit with every rumbling footstep the now massive wolf took. I was almost afraid to turn around and look at him, but when I did I found myself staring straight ahead at one of his thighs. The black nylon of his basketball shorts was pulled taunt around the thick, muscular girth of his thighs. Again I could clearly tell he had put on a significant amount of muscle mass in addition to the height I had given him. As my gaze slowly traveled up past his waist , across the taunt outline of his abs clearly showing through his shirt and beyond the two thick protrusions of muscle that were his pectorals I saw his face grinning down at me. This time I did audibly swallow when I glanced to the side and saw him palming our basketball like it were a large orange, his fingers nearly as thick around as my wrist!

"T-thanks, big guy..." I muttered a bit nervously.

"No problem!" He boomed.

His voice had again changed, easily having dropped at least three octaves and raising a caliber in volume simply due to his sheer size. My friend, previously a runt of a wolf shorter than even my scrawny self, was now a towering 12 foot monster of a wolf so massive he could look over the top of the basketball hoop's backboard with his feet flat on the ground.

I wasn't the only one that was a bit intimidated. When Darian Brown returned he clearly looked ready to bolt, though whether that was from natural instincts making him skittish around such a massive predator, or just being intimidated due to the ridiculous size difference it was hard to tell. First he signed our basketball but then Davis, who clearly was enjoying absolutely dominating his favorite basketball player with his presence told Darian to sign his jersey. The comment had come out sounding like a request, but his tone of voice had clearly been one of a command and, to Davis' immense satisfaction the horse responded instantly.

Davis turned his back to the horse and raised his arms up to cross behind his head. His shoulder blades flared outwards as he casually flexed his upper body, giving both me and Darian a show of the impressive V shaped musculature that Davis now sported. I wanted to say Davis looked as beefy as Genn now, but Genn never had the height to make his muscle mass look as impressive as this. The horse, for his part, was doing his best to hide how nervous he was a he walked up and started writing his name across the small of Davis' back. The fact that he had to reach up just slightly to do so wasn't lost on any of us. When he was finally done he gave both of us a nod and thanked us for being fans, then all but ran off back towards his car.

"Hey, squirt, check it out! Autographed jersey!" Davis called out across the park towards where his brother was still milling about with his friends.

To my surprise the gray wolf and his friends quickly scampered over to us to admire the ball and jersey Darian had signed for us. Genn had apparently changed in demeanor once more in response to the adjustment to Davis' height, but this time seemingly for the better. If anything he seemed to look up to his monstrous brother in awe rather than challenge or jealousy. He had the kind of near-unbelievable hero worship for an older brother plastered evidently across his face you'd expect only to see in movies or TV shows. I couldn't really blame him, though. Davis was a titan now, probably the biggest person that had ever lived and he wasn't even done with puberty! I was snapped out of my introspection by Davis' deep voice rumbling down from overhead and drawing my attention back towards the sky where his face now hovered.

"Hey, bud. I gotta get the squirts home before it gets dark. Catch up with ya tomorrow?"

Still a bit in shock at the sheer size of him, I just nodded up at Davis with a dopey grin spread across my face. He chuckled in response and reached down to effortlessly scoop me up off the ground into a monstrous bear hug that made me all but disappear in the embrace of his gigantic arms! It was unbelievably humbling to feel how huge his hands were relative to the rest of me. One of his hands cupped the back of my skull and palmed my head like it were little more than an orange, while his other hand nearly wrapped itself around the entire width of my waist! He didn't even seem to notice my weight as he simply held me aloft there for several seconds, about the only time I ever expected to be eye to eye with him anymore. Finally I pushed my hands against the rock wall that his muscular pectorals had become in a laughably ineffective attempt to push myself away from him. Only when he seemed to get his fill of watching me helplessly struggle against him did he finally set me back down on the ground by his tree trunk sized legs.

With a final wave over his shoulder he turned to lumber his way back towards the sidewalk leading towards his house, his brother and their friends literally jogging to keep up with the walking pace of my now gigantic best friend. Once Davis had lumbered his way out of sight I decided to head home, myself, mind still reeling from everything that had happened today. As I was walking home there was one thought still stuck rolling around in my head for me to mull over.

What to do with the last edit I had on my phone app...

By the time I had gotten up and gotten ready for the day the next morning I had decided what I planned to do with the last change. At first I had mulled around using it on myself but ultimately had decided against it. I seemed to be the only one that noticed the changes that the app made, and I had no idea if that would stay true if I was editing myself or not. So I had decided the last edit too would be used on Davis, to see just how far this app could take things.

As I stared down at the edited photo on my phone I felt a cold chill going up and down my spine. I was awash in a mixture of excitement and fear for what would come next. My last change to Davis had been pretty extreme, pushing him to a size beyond what really should have been physically possible and everything had seemed to work out fine. But what I was planning now was a whole magnitude beyond that.

Previously, the last version of the picture had shown me standing next to one of Davis' legs after having made him so tall I wasn't even half his height and his head was off camera. I had continued to expand him to the point parts of him were off camera, but far more so now. The picture I was looking at showed me standing there, basketball under one arm, standing next to a shoe. A single, massive shoe that filled the entire other half of the picture and was easily as tall as I was! I could hear myself swallow in nervous excitement as my thumb hovered over the button prompt on the screen before finally clicking to accept the change.

Again there was no sudden flash of light or flicker of energy, no indication whatsoever that anything had changed. At least, not at first. Then the shaking began. Short, rhythmic vibrations that rattled the walls of my room every few seconds. Each one was slightly stronger than the last, the first barely enough to cause ripples in a glass of water but soon growing strong enough that one of my pictures fell off of the wall. Then, abruptly, the light coming in from my window went dark as the view outside was replaced by an eye. A single, titanic, sky blue eye that I immediately recognized. A voice abruptly boomed through my entire house as if out of a megaphone, the sheer volume of it rattling my window in its setting and shaking the floor beneath me.

" Hey, Sky you up yet? Let's go hang out at the park" came the thunderclap of sound that was now Davis's normal speaking volume.

Good lord, it had worked. I had turned my scrawny runt of a best friend first into an equal, then a beast, then a giant. And now...? Now I had created a monster.

"Y-Yea! Just give me a minute!" I yelled over at the huge eye staring in through my window. In response it moved away and once more let the morning light shine in. though even without Davis staring straight in my window I could hear the deep billows of his breathing rumbling outside, the simple ambient sound of his presence in itself overwhelming and intimidating.

Before I headed for the door I looked down at my phone again and saw a new prompt asking if I would like to purchase the full edition of Editor. Without even a moment's of hesitation I jammed my thumb on the YES button, a manic grin spread across my muzzle. As I headed outside towards the car sized sneakers currently leaving gigantic footprints in the front lawn I only had one question swimming around in my head.

I wonder how much bigger I could make him...

Chance Meeting

**Chance Meeting** By: Dragonien I could feel him squirming and writhing in the enclosure of my fist, trying to force my fingers open wide enough for him to slip free and escape. Thankfully for both of us my fingers were each thicker than his...

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Crystalline Ascension: Illustrated Story for ga576611

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All Mine

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