Like a bed of roses

Her brother went off the collage, her ex got a wife, and her parents retired happily. but even after all those years, that little patch of grass where the little bat took her life, there's a small cross.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 2

An ex-dragoon, it seems. an interesting fight, this will be. the amethyst began to crackle to skyclaw's command, ready to channel void to the tiger-wolf.

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Heart of Ice

"thank you, but i'm not...," i froze mid-sentence when i saw who it was, my ex-boyfriend, luke.

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Phoenix - Chapter 4 - The Welcome

"my ex. vincent parish is his full name. he's the guy who slashed my arm. anyway, why don't we pop that sucker in the ps3 and play some portal 2?" daron suggests. "why don't we?"

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 23: A Gentle Touch

Finally, after he graduated from university, he married his now ex-wife. at first, it was fine and gruffydd tried his best to be accommodating, but it was still an unhappy wedding.

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Faith and Truth: Chapter Two

Besides, what about the ex-gays who have come out of that lifestyle?" alex grinned smugly. he was well prepared for that statement. he had been studying pro and anti-gay arguments for years.

friends back together

Btw reds dad is an ex admiral so his dad and soon to be dad are both high ranked military...

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SW: Second Chances PT 2- Retrieval by Kajex Surnahm`

He hollered, as she raced as fast as she could to her ex-wing. "i can keep _half_of you intact, as long as you're alive- but you will serve me!"

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Second Chances- Retrieval (Commission)

He hollered, as she raced as fast as she could to her ex-wing. "i can keep _half_of you intact, as long as you're alive- but you will serve me!"

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Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 4

"i'm gonna teach this little shit how to respect his betters," carbon growled, trying to get around his soon-to-be-ex-mate. "you lay a paw on him and see what happens," carly threatened. "oh yeah? what are you gonna do?" "try me and find out."

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A Writing Study: Somebody That I Used to Know

He appeared to shake my ex awake, and she sleepily lifted her head. i harshly banged the back of my head against the glass as i tried to hide behind the cheetah. hopefully, i thought, the fox won't point me out to her.

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Like a bed of roses-

Her brother went off the collage, her ex got a wife, and her parents retired happily. but even after all those years, that little patch of grass where the little bat took her life, there's a small cross.

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