Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Justice
There was somewhat of a silver lining after the event, if you want to look at it as such. the school board stopped being paralyzed with fear from people like ms alice. either that or they used the event to get rid of her.
Chapter 14
After algon collapsed from exhaustion, he was taken to the infirmary to rest and the arena was repaired for james' event.
The Library: Part 2
He maintained conversation and listened to the stories of his friends and the events of the weekend.
The Coming of a New Age - Prologue
I really doubt that this plaque being dug up could herald such a world-shaking event, but, you really never know, i suppose.
Thirteen Tales (2019): Eigth Tale
"okay, wonderful, and do you want a trivia pad for tonight's event?" the squirrel asked. "what event?" mara looked around the restaurant. whatever was happening, it must have been the reason the place was so crowded. "oh?
Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six
We've also got some of the work started on the flyers and posterss; we just need to get the schedule of events before we can continue.
A Dezolaat History
The event we now refer to as the night of the ragnarox started out innocent enough. at first we thought it was just another shooting star or meteor shower until it made landfall.
Soft Like Snow- Ch.1
He hated it when father would arrange a surprise ball or social event. he never did like to mingle with the other crowd, which would go on and on with some kind of drabble or another.
City of the Damned - Chap VII
Talon merely sat watching, mulling over the events that had transpired... and he could only name one faerie who spoke elder draconic. "...edar iguyo...?"
The Creeps - Chapter One: Claude
After all, classes were canceled and the event was gloriously optional to students.
Introduction to the World of Arrinoth
Those who stay out of such conflicts, namely the druids, are finding it harder and harder to stay neutral in the face of the current events. thus is a brief recollection of the world of arrinoth.
LoZ TTT Pilot Chapter
V=hbc1qng9kpm) standing amongst themselves three beings stared at the world of their creation, watching the events of time unfold, one which seemed to give off a fiery red aura saying as they watched, "it seems our foe has not yet made a move."