An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 2-Saturday Morning
My specialty was engines. i'd done the engine swap for the dm guy's toyota for the class r3 world tour,he'd been told by his mechanics the car would not be competitive,and we had shown them up.
That Special Bond
"i forgot to mention," scott chuckled as one of the engines seemed to backfire, sending out a brief plume of smoke. "she can be a demanding lady sometimes!"
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 29-Street Rivals Twin Turbocharged Ruoff
I revved the camaro's 2,000 horsepower tt stockcar engine. the lights ticked down to yellow and i gave the engine another rev. "ready?", jack asked. "as i'll ever be", i replied gripping the steering wheel. the light went green.
Starlight Part 10
Magnum gets above the fleet, he aims the buster rifle again, this time at the engine area of the carrier and fires, the beam travels and goes straight through the super structure, it vaporizes through the engine and out the underside of the ship, the engines
Chapter 16 - Mortality
On board the valkyrie, the engineering deck was crammed with people making repairs to the engines so that they could get underway again.
File #7 - "Revolution"
It has some sort of engine that allows it to jump between different quantum realities... don't ask me. i'm not an engineer.
Episode 16: Immunity Crisis Pt. 1
As she let her finger off the display the simulated ship jerked to starboard and the engines protested as the engineering console made noises. she was nearly thrown from the chair, but land caught her by the shoulders.
i. Past & Present (12-1-07)
Ayumi kept driving the beast long enough to reach sixty-five mph, then let off the gas and let the car begin to decelerate on its own, even as the 8v engine begged her to keep going.
Star Fox, Leon's Legend (Part 4)
Pressing on it with his entire engine's might, leon thrusted the pod up with it, the tip of the arwing embedded in the pod's engines.
Don't Ask the Compass (Otherwise Untitled)
The engineer nodded, amicable to the inquiry as he continued, "how do you know which way to pray, when we're out in deep space like this?" gloria chortled softly, her head swiveling to look to him while she packed the rug away.
The Battle Continues
These particular bombers were unofficially called 'split-tails' by the pilots that flew them, so named because of their distinctive bifurcated engine assemblies, designed so that the thrust of the engines could be directly vectored like a set of thrusters
Adventures of Kota Rello part 1
"if yuh keep promisin' yer jublies on everythin' yuh wanted, yuh'd have nuttin' left," kota says as he leaves engineering.