The Life of Another - Reference Guide - Talent
The poor person in question might be so confused they'd be afraid to even think sexy thoughts lest they cause their willie to burst into flames as divine punishment. eric's case is unique. he lost one talent and gained another.
Afro Thunder®: Zaire Ezekiel -Back story
This power is known to the ethno as "zinn", which translates to the ethno language as "godly gift" or "divine receiver".
Angels in Mind
She was an angel now; she was to feel no remorse or sadness, but only divinity. this was all in the name of god; he had sent her here for this. examining the crib, she struck a match and tossed it inside.
Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf
Ian's divine blood granted him the traits of robin the deceiver, the god of free will. and with that a gateway of sorts was opened. ian has the ability to be 'possessed' if you will, by robin. so that talking, was actually to someone after all.
The divine numerology involved can be done by an apprentice air magician, making it a great little chore if the community has one.
The Emerald Blade (Bards Tales #1)
"the sword you have is blessed, with my ancient divine powers, carry this sword young warrior, and every tree plant and even the flowers are at your beckoning," and with that the deity was gone, standing
Zoids: History of Zi - Part 001
As their culture advanced so too did their views on the divine. once, the zoidayrians worshiped a pantheon of deities that dedicated themselves to war, victory, and death.
The Pearl of Amaroq
A god--a divinity--is going to swallow him whole in order for him to get the powers. he drops to his knees, doubles over and almost retches, holding it in at the last possible second.
Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire
Most notable is the divine guard - the ceremonial military force that protects the holy sites and the palace of the divines in the haroma city of lontus.
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 10: Breaking The Limit
Silvy's voice rang out with divine authority as she picked up her sword and shield again. she glared at each of the hyenas around her individually, each of them whining softly as her gaze fell upon them.
Lord of Arms-Chapter 8
divine meteor!" then, a surge of light streaked from the sky, hitting the demon and burning him to ashes.
Sunwolves. (Prospective title) (Not by me)
His master surely must have received patience as a divine gift as well, unlike him, thenyr thought. why did clerics not get such favor when monks did? "it's not often holy men travel with common mercenaries, let alone avian ones."