Angels in Mind
So I thought that this story would be appropriate to upload since it is Halloween and all.
Angels in Mind/ Poe
A woman, five months pregnant, sat alone with her first child sleeping quietly. A tear slid from her eye dropping on to the blanket that covered her child. Placing her hand over the child's forehead, she brushed her hand through his hair, watching the child sleep. She wondered if he dreamed of his mother, of some wild creation of his imagination, or rather of his father. Her mind wandered back to the recent night's events, the yelling and arguing, and the lonely nights that had followed. Tired of stifling her tears, she decided to leave her slumbering child to sleep. Quietly, she moved out of the room, pulling the door closed.
Closing her own door behind her, tears fell from her eyes. Sliding down the wall of her once love-filled bedroom, she sobbed silently into her hands. The walls trapped her in memories of happiness and love that felt more like a story, more like a fairytale filled with lies to appease a child. The sorrow, the truth, her life was a lie. Several hours passed slowly, but she remained there, tears no longer fell as she had none left to cry. Throughout her suffering, all she could believe, think, and understand was her hatred of the man, of herself created by his lies, and most of all of her child: no, his child. She had loved the boy that was once theirs, born from their love, passion, and prayer. The allures of her heart and body tempted her too strongly and prevented her from seeing the dark depths of the man. After finally escaping her body's lust, she had believed that her suffering was done, but now she understood. She was an angel of Judgment. As an angel, God sent her to destroy all of them disgracefulness of this world. However, by her own desires, she felt obligated to destroy the man that had desecrated her pure soul.
Her clock, resting on her nightstand, blinked 2:32 AM. Her husband had once set it to rise for his work shifts. She slammed her fist into the device, smashing it into many pieces. Blood dripped from her hand as her chest heaved with such anger that her heart pounded upon her chest. Moving to her child's room, her blood boiled as she looked at the demon sleeping surround its homely darkness. Silently, she stood aside the bed of the sleeping child. Wrapping her hands around the child's neck, she whispered, "You, a demon I foolishly loved, I release you back to Satan, the father of your father. Your body, though from a holy angel, can never purify your wrenched soul." The boy's eyes opened as his mother slowly pushed her thumb into his neck. Struggling, the boy gasped out for his mother, tears flowed from his small eyes. "A demon has no mother," the woman said as the boy's neck made a loud, sickening crack. Her skin crawled, and her mind numbed. For only a moment, her motherly mind commanded her to stop, to release her child, but her angels knew better. "I can't stop, I won't stop. This deed is his doing, his fault, and his consequence," she muttered to herself as she left boy's room leaving the door ajar, so that when that man arrived, he would see what he had done to his son.
After gathering some "provisions," she stood in her unborn child's nursery. The bright hues of the room now mocked her broken and tortured heart. She was an angel now; she was to feel no remorse or sadness, but only divinity. This was all in the name of God; he had sent her here for this. Examining the crib, she struck a match and tossed it inside. She watched in awe and horror as the fire spread throughout the room and up the walls, surrounding her in the hellish heat. Producing a kitchen knife, she pushed it to her abdomen that housed the growing child, "Another demon slain in the name of God." The knife burned her internal organs, purifying her blackened body and killing the unborn child. As her blood pooled before her, her body was claimed by the flames.