Troubles (Jo)
Or am i supposed to deny jin and claim typh as mine before he does? "i..." "i understand if you don't like me now...
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution
"i can't deny the fact that...well.." may blushed. she was always kind around kyurex, and it made her feel uneasy. maybe too uneasy, but she had to say it. "that you look cute..." she smiled. kyurex looked at his feet.
Gods Chosen- Tyrus Honondo
There is no denying that fact. but it is a very valuable tool for assessing the power of a vityla or jhi. there is also no denying that either.
Later of course she realises she cannot deny herself who she is and who she loves; they reunite, and at the novel's end they are beginning a life together. can this be me, i wonder? can such a reunion await us?
Days Go By: The Future is Now
Too long has the prey kept us from living as nature intended, keeping us meek and complacent, denying us any modicum of power. now we rise up, we rise and take it for ourselves!"
Two Nights Out
He had promised himself not to become attached to his roommate, but one of the characters in his novel was based almost entirely on fay (he hadn't told fay about that character yet), and over the past month he couldn't deny his feelings.
A little story about little me
Despite knowing what i was, i tried to deny it. i never managed to get along with any of the girls my age because i was jealous and it reflected in my way of acting around them.
"well, i can't deny it. however, i accept your condition. it's not like flower shops like that are even all that good in this market." "the second condition.
Jeremy 006; Boundaries
He was about to deny his father's guess when he continued. "anyway, you do understand the precarious position you're in right now?" "i do know what you mean. this tutoring thing is a step toward countering that."
Alcatraz Ch. I ~ Recruitment
Telling him about what he was going to deny me if my train got missed... would only make him deny me until my train was missed. "dues, tai." looking at me, my jacket, my duffel bag, he knew what it was in a few seconds.
D.E1 Chapter 57: Lost in Nightmares Part II
This time a solid metallic wall at the end of a corridor had denied them continuing on their search. both evos again were frustrated, fighting to regain their breath.
Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 09
"oh don't deny it! you like it too! that's why you're so willing to follow her around like a love sick little puppy!" she stares back at iuana. "that manipulative little-" teddy tries to force a smile.