Wasteland Survivor – Culmination - ch30
"ok, back on the bed and lets-" it was my love, crystal, who knew exactly what to do then, and did it without any pause.
Sorrow and Joy (Chapter Six)
Evy looks down at crystal who was hiding behind her. "he heard crystal call me mommy." both pokemon stare at her. "you're a mother?" tiri asks her voice choked from shock. evy noddes and looks down at crystal. "ya.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls
It had several known water crystals deep within. they produced, along with some fire crystals a half-mile below the cratered mountain top, geothermal geysers, mudpots, and steaming, sulfurous waterfalls.
Oracle's Hope
Despite the abundance, these crystals were not the one she sought out. she continued on. soon oracle entered another chamber. there was a cluster of crystals ahead of her.
Wasteland Survivor – New Genesis - ch17
crystal insisted that each be checked to see if they were just following orders or if they really embraced the dogma of their superiors.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 8
He took out his own crystal that he had kept and compared them, but when he did, both crystals reacted, emanating more light. he approached the big crystal carefully, and when he was almost under it, the both crystals increase it intensity of light.
#20 of the defenders of crystal so looks like whomever is the thing behind the magic problems is not alive. the team now at capacity begin preparing themselves to navigate inside the crystal world. "this... world is huge..."
DoC-Ep12-The Second Ordeal-
#12 of the defenders of crystal issac now joins the fight so at one of diamond lake's parks, there were more magic monsters that had appeared, likely leaking out some way from the crystal world.
Chisagi Fore Hire
"stand in the circle and get ready to crush the crystal in your hand when i say so." "wait just crush it?" zeelo seemed confused and looked at the crystal in his hand. "don't worry, it's actually really brittle.
Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 6
Solar shouted, spinning around and slicing an enemy in half with the crystal ending his tail.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 14 - A Leech
"the temple - in which the seven virtues reside - is made of a special crystal. we knew this already, since this is the same crystal that was used on the nine circles.
Chapter 19: What Tala Did
Now he understood just why the foxes had been so pissed: tala broke their crystals! according to honiahaka's writings, the foxes needed their crystals to keep the magic going in miras eii. without them, they would eventually lose their powers.