Wasteland Survivor – New Genesis - ch17

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#18 of Wasteland Survivor

Ok, took the warning and the ending out, should read from start to finish smoother now.

The clean up after the attempted slave run was messy, we had patrols capturing escaped enemy soldiers for over a week. Crystal insisted that each be checked to see if they were just following orders or if they really embraced the dogma of their superiors.

There was something odd about the events that unfolded that night, not just the people who had participated in the fighting, but everyone noted an odd feeling, like the world was suddenly a little different, different laws of nature, but everything seemed normal.

Crystal and Jennings were in a meeting with some engineers to discuss getting some measure of electricity back when Lylianna came running toward the building, I was on 'guard duty' or 'keep distractions away' as the case may be, "Hey Lyl, what's the rush?"

The girl looked a bit out of sorts, "We-" she had been running hard and was panting now, quite a feat for a leopard in good shape, "We have some company, there's, well, there's something Crys needs to see."

I looked sharply at her, she was not the kind to pull a trick just for a laugh, "Ok, getting the Boss."

I stepped inside the building, "Crystal, Lyl is outside, says there's something urgent."

I gave her the look that said 'alone or with the Captain would be best', so she excused herself and Jennings, and the pair followed me outside.

They didn't have to say anything, Crystal just tilted her head, in a very 'this had better be really good' expectant expression.

"We have some, uh, visitors off to the west, they don't speak English, but a few of them could mind-speak me and they want to talk to the 'leader' here" The girl supplied.

"That's great news, always room for more people, so long as they are ready to work." The officer nodded happily.

"Thing is Ma'am, they... they were never 'people', well human that is." Lyl continued, "They said that before last week they cannot remember anything, but now, well, they are very real but seem, I dunno, friendly."

The lot of us jogged out to where Lyl had met the 'people', I couldn't sense anything with my mind, I guess I was still just receive only with a little 'if you're looking at me you will hear this' kinda thing.

We stopped short at the sight that greeted us, a huge swarm of what looked like assorted horses and other beasts were setting up their camp on the parkland, there was hundreds of them.

A small representative group broke away and moved at a sedate pace toward us but stopped short suddenly gesturing wildly behind us.

~"Ahh, then my prediction was correct, the world itself has quickened, these ones appear scared of me, poor little things. Smart though."~ Drathnial commented, landing beside me, I put my hand to his flank, whether it is a protective instinct in me or attempting to keep him from leaping to the attack, I didn't know, but that gesture seemed to cause much consternation and a little curiosity among the delegates, who now resumed their advance.

I was about to resume my walk forward, when Drath spoke to everyone in our little group, ~"Do not advance further, they see you have a position of power, they see you have the strongest of allies, make them come to you, they will see symbolism in that, whether their concious mind knows it or not."~

The delegation stopped not five meters from us, and at this range I could see all the beads and feathers woven into the mane of the centaur, I could discern the scrolling runes covering the breastplate an elf wore, and I could even smell the rat beast.

~"Great warriors! We come to beg peace with your tribe!"~ The thought came from the centaur.

~"Told you so, this should count for what, at least a thousand kills?"~ Drath spoke to me and I grinned.

~"Your life has just begun snake-breath, and I am just reaching my prime. Plus they don't count, only enemies count, and these seem to be allies."~ I let him read from me.