The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 8

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#8 of Spyro Origins

I'm back!!! I had my Semana Santa (Holy week) which is the quivalent of Spring Break. I had a nice week to relax from school. I spent time with my family and friends.... doing nothing... really!!! I went fishing again and this time, i had more luck than last time.

One good thing from all this free time, is that i managed to have three more chapters, which i am going to upload just about now.

I'm just going to write just this once for all three chapters.....I do not own any of the characters form The Legend of Spyro Trilogy... nor the plot. The plot of this story is mine... and any new character that appears. Any resemblance is purely coincidential.



The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 8

"WHAT???" Terrador yelled at the top of his lungs at hearing the news Spyro brought with him. The loud yell was intensified by the closed space they were in. The sound rebounded against the wall of the hall they were in.

"That's what I was told" Spyro said only the truth, his ears aching.

"This is bad... very bad. We are currently pressed as it is" Terrador started to grew nervous. Then, taking a huge lungful to calm himself, he continued. "How many?" he asked in a low voice.

"They didn't know"

"Ok... ok" the earth guardian tried to calm himself further "We will need to bolster the defenses of the city as best as we can. What else do you wanted to tell me?"

"The cheetah also told me about this dragon colony that this new army attacked. The dragons that lived there dispersed and may come here for refuge".

"It is good to see that more of our kind survived all of this war. Their help would be welcome in these dark times. What is the status of the caravan?"

"Some wagons were destroyed by an attack in which we assisted" Spyro further explained. "Many wagons still remain full of supplies and the escort is salvaging what they can from those that were destroyed. I believe they will arrive tomorrow".

"Good" Terrador nodded his massive head. "We feared that caravan would be an important target. If it hasn't been for you and your timely arrival, we would have never heard from them again. You should rest now, young dragon. You have flow fast to deliver this urgent news".

"Yes, sir" Spyro started to leave, but then, a thought crossed his mind and turned back. "Terrador, can I ask you something?" The big green dragon only nodded his head. "Is he back?"

Terrador took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know" he said in a gloom voice. It seems so, but... It seems also impossible for him to return. I have been speaking of this with the others guardians".

"How could he return?" Spyro started to panic. "I mean... I and Cynder defeated him and then those dragons' spirits trapped him in that huge crystal. Is Malefor again roaming this word?"

"I don't know. At least his influence is still controlling his minions. That's what we believe, since they are still attacking us. Take some rest, Spyro. You are going to need it" Terrador said, signaling the end of the conversation.

Spyro left the city hall in which he was speaking with Terrador in the afternoon sun.

*Sigh* Why is this happening? It was supposed to end with Malefor's defeat, nut it's getting worse by the day. Will this ever end? Spyro looked directly at the sun, which was setting behind the mountains in the west. He watched it as it made its way down, until the very tip of the sun was overlooking the mountains. Its red glowing brilliance kept Spyro entranced. Then, with a thin line of light, it was gone.

I wonder how Cynder is faring. I should have stayed. I should have told her to deliver this news instead of me. The caravan could be attacked again, and she will be in danger. But then, Spyro thought for a second of what would have happened if the caravan was really attacked. He hadn't recovered his power yet, and it made him somehow useless. No, Cynder would be better to protect it if it came to that.

He thought of going back to Cynder. OH... how he wanted her to be beside him, that comforting presence that she was! She was the voice of reason when all seemed confused, the voice of comfort when all seemed dark... how he wanted to be by her side!

Why was he feeling such things for her? Why do he want to be beside her? Is it love? Do I love her? The need to protect her was too big that he considered leaving and going to her.

His tiredness became obvious when a huge yawn escaped his mouth as his strength gave away. He could not reach her like this, he was too tired. He would have to wait for her, as much as he hated it.

He went to the room that he had slept ever since he arrived in Warfang and got to his bed. It just took a few seconds for him to fall asleep.


He woke next morning. He had slept a dreamless night. A rumble from his stomach made him aware of how hungry he was. He got up and stretched. He felt his muscles sore after all the flying and fighting he had done yesterday. He left the city hall in which he was sleeping and went to get some breakfast.

As usual, he found Incendio at a plaza managing all of the food that they had.

"Spyro!!!" he greeted him. "Good to see you are here! Terrador told me of what happened at the caravan. I hope it arrives promptly. How did you saw the caravan?" he asked.


"Good! Here for breakfast?" Incendio inquired with a smile.

"I´m starving" Spyro answered him as Incendio laughed.

Spyro got himself some cooked meat. He attacked it ravenously until there was nothing left. Spyro spent the rest of the morning helping with what he could. Mostly, it consisted helping build more defenses, which Terrador insisted on. The guardian had not wasted time after he received the news, it seemed.

He kept thinking of Cynder at every moment he could. How she missed her. How he wished he could be beside her. To think that they had been chained after being released from the crystal prison, bought a smile to his face. She just couldn't wait to be free of him of the chain. That brought sadness. Cynder didn't want to be with him. Does she? Still, he couldn't help it... he WANTED to be with her.

It the blink of an eye, afternoon arrived. Spyro began worry about Cynder, so he went to the exit of the tunnel from which Cynder would come, along with the supply caravan. He stood there for a while, until he felt someone grab his shoulder. Spyro turned to look and saw that it was Hunter.

"Hey" he greeted him.

"Are you all right, Spyro? You have been sitting here for quite a while" his friend asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that..."he faltered; he didn't know how to bring this up as he looked back at the tunnel. But Hunter beat him to it.

"You are worried about Cynder" Hunter told him, more than asked.

"They are late. Something must have happened to them"

"They might just be delayed for a while. Happens all the time"

"But what if she is under attack right now? What if she is injured and unable to come? She might need my help" Spyro began to fret as he began to think of the endless possibilities of what might have happen.

"Calm down, Spyro. I'm sure she is all right". Hunter calmed him.

"How do you know?" Spyro asked as he turned to look back at his furry friend.

"She is a fighter, a survivor. It would take a lot to take her down... if I know her".

Spyro couldn't think of anything to reply at what he said, so he agreed. "You are right. She is a fighter".

They stayed there for a while, until the fears Spyro had for Cynder were washed away when a dark form came out of the dark tunnel in which he was looking.

"CYNDER!!!" Spyro cried in joy at seeing her again. He ran toward her at top speed when she emerged from the tunnel, surprising her a little. He stopped just in front of her. "Finally you mad it! I was so worried about you! I thought that you were attacked or something bad had happened after I left you! I was thinking of going toward you to see if you were in trouble! I'm so glad that you are back, safe and sound!"

"Silly" she said in a small voice, startling Spyro after he finished his rush of words. "We just had some trouble crossing the river with the wagons. A wheel got stuck in the mud, and we had problems releasing it, that's all. No need to worry" she said. Spyro looked at the ground, felling embarrassed at having fret in such a way about it.

"Still..." Cynder continued, making Spyro raise his head "it was nice of you to being worry about me; although I didn't really needed it" she laughed as she rubbed her head against Spyros. Spyro smiled with her at telling him that and at the feeling. "I missed you too" she finished. Those words made Spyro's hearth warmer, and he had hope that perhaps... just perhaps that she felt the same as he did about her.

"Hi Cynder. It's good to see you" Hunter said as he approached the two dragons. "I assume everything went well"

"Hi Hunter, it's good to see you too. Yes, everything went well" Cynder responded. "The wagons are just behind me. I got ahead so I could tell Incendio of their coming so he can receive them".

The wagons arrived at the city without problems. Everyone was excited about the arrival of the much needed supplies. This was more than supplies... it was hope... a boost of morale that almost nobody left in the city had. The siege had gone way beyond what everyone had hopped for.

The wagons carried food and medicine mostly. Incendio quickly took possession of this and proceeded to check them. He knew what and how much of each items he had under his supervision and nothing... nothing ever got lost on his watch. Arrows and weapons were that were in the wagons were quickly were commandeered by Terrador. Those were taken to the armory and the walls.

Meanwhile, Spyro and Cynder, with the help of some cheetahs, took and unconscious female child dragon out of the wagons before everyone noticed. She was either unconscious or sleeping.

"She has not woken. She has been the entire journey like this. It worries me" Cynder informed them of the state of the young one.

"We should get her to the hall. Let her rest for a while, she has gotten a big shock with everything she has been through"

They took her to the city hall, where the guardians would tend to her. They would also try to comfort her once she had woken up... as well as gather any information they could of the impending attack. They entered Cynder's room, where they put the small dragon on the bed. They cheetahs immediately left, saying they had things to do. Spyro and Cynder stayed in the room for a while, watching at the unconscious one.

"Look at her" Spyro said in sadness. "She's too young. She isn't even my age when I left home".

"I know" Cynder put her head under Spyro's as she said this. "But we can't do anything but hope for her parents to come back alive".

Just then, the little child began to stir. Spyro and Cynder watched intently as she woke up.

"Mom? Dad?" she asked for her parents in her squeaky little voice.

"SShhhh. It's all right. You are safe" Cynder tried to comfort her.

"Where are mom and dad?" she asked again. Spyro and Cynder looked at each other in sadness before looking back at her again.

"We do not know" Spyro answered truthfully.

"Will they come?" the little girl asked. This time, neither Spyro nor Cynder had the courage to answer the question.

"What is your name?" Spyro asked instead.


"You must be hungry, Diana. I will bring you something to eat". The little one, just only nodded. Spyro turned to look at Cynder, and whispered to her ear. "Keep her company. I will be back".

Spyro went to the kitchens for some food for Diana. But when she arrived back at the room, she found both of the girls already asleep. Spyro smiled at the position they were in: Diana was as close as Cynder as she could get, while Cynder was trying to curl around the little one.

Deciding it was best to leave them resting, Spyro placed the food on the entrance and went to his own room.


Spyro was standing in a strange stone floor. Everywhere around him was darkness in the distance; so he could only see the area immediate around him.

"Huh??? Where am I?" he asked out loud, but it was merely a whisper. "Hello?" he asked tentatively, fearing someone would actually answer, but then he shouted stronger. "HELLOOOOO!!!"

The shout was slowly fading away, but not an echo was heard. Wherever Spyro was, he was somewhere open. He had never been to this place before, but somehow, he remembered a lot of the times when the Chronicler reawakened his power the last time.

"CHRONICLER???" he shouted, but no one answered. Somehow, he knew that this place was NOT where the chronicler was. He started to walk in a random direction, not really knowing where he was going.

The darkness around him did not abate He could only see a few paces away but all the walking he did, revealed nothing except more stone floor and more darkness. What is this place?

He walked into nothingness for what seemed hours, until suddenly, a small light appeared in the distance. With nothing better to do, Spyro journeyed there.

The small light was calling to him, was a source of beacon, the light in the darkness. It was getting larger with every step he made toward it. The light began to become more intense, but the darkness did not abate.

Suddenly, he felt as if he entered a sacred place and all darkness vanished. He looked at his rear and saw the wall of darkness behind him. It was as if it was solid, this darkness. He then turned and what he saw left his mouth open.

Six huge crystals floated in the sky, out of reach. They were huge, as big as Spyro if not bigger. They were of different colors: red, green, blue, yellow, white and black. But above them, stood a seventh crystal, bigger than the others, and it was transparent. It emanated light from within that was comforting in a strange way and it made Spyro feel content. What are these crystals? Why are they here?

The strange thing is that the transparent one looked almost the same as the crystal that Spyro had found earlier... just after Malefor defeat. He took out his own crystal that he had kept and compared them, but when he did, both crystals reacted, emanating more light.

He approached the big crystal carefully, and when he was almost under it, the both crystals increase it intensity of light. They continued to emanate more light and its intensity that made Spyro close his eyes. He could somehow feel warmth emanating from it, and then heat.

The light slowly diminished, allowing Spyro to open his eyes again. The huge transparent crystal that stood floating over Spyro was emanating light from within, as before. But now, it was somehow more... pure... warm... and bright.

Then, Spyro noticed that the darkness, the shadow that surrounded began to move toward the light. It was moving slowly and Spyro looked around himself for an escape avenue. None was available. The darkness kept coming closer until it enveloped Spyro.

Cold and fear was what Spyro felt when it touched him. Then, a slow, low and cruel laugh was heard. Spyro felt the darkness begin to take control of him and begin loosing consciousness.


Spyro woke from his dream with a start. He opened his eyes and could see nothing at the beginning, but then his eyes adjusted. He was in his room; it had all been a dream. But it felt very real.

He was sweating profoundly and panting heavily. Why?

He noticed that it was already morning, and the citizens of the city were already doing their morning chores. He had slept straight through the night. He looked around and noticed that Sparx had already left.

Why did he have this dream? It was strange as it was, but that last part was totally out of the normal things of the strange dream Spyro had ever had.

He decided to go and check on the girls' room and see if he could offer them anything. He found them still asleep in the same position that he had left them. Spyro smiled as he left, deciding to do some help in where he could.

"Spyro" he heard as he made his way through the city. He turned to look and saw Terrador making his way toward him. "How did you sleep?"

Spyro decided to keep his dream secret, knowing it will only make more questions that it could answer, plus, it will confuse Terrador more with the appearance of the human. "Fine. Just one weird dream... that's all".

"Good. How is the little one? I mean, the kid that arrived with the caravan yesterday."

"Diana is her name".

"I wanted to ask her a few question. Is she available?"

"She is sleeping right now with Cynder and I recommend you let her sleep for a while".

"You may be right" Terrador sighted. "But we must know the nature of the threat that comes toward us"

"I know sir. She had received a big shock by losing her parents, so I guess we should take it easy".

"You are right" Terrador looked downcast. "But I must see to the safety of this city. The weight of leading this city is gaining on me".

"Sometimes, we must do what is required of us" Spyro said to his old mentor. Terrador smiled at his comment.

"Spoken like Ignitus. You know it better than anyone else; you had made so much for the others" Terrador said, still downcast. "Enough of that" he resumed his hard expression. "We must prepare this city".

"Yes sir" Spyro said, more determined.

"Volteer has asked for your help. Assist him. You know where to find him" he said that last with a chuckle.

"Of course" Spyro responded with a chuckle himself as he made his way. Of course everyone knew where Volteer was. Soon he arrived to his destination and found Volteer in the same place he has ever been since the humans left... the crash site.

He still hadn't figured it out how the machine could fly, nor how does it work. He had even fallen asleep slept next to it for so much because he just couldn't detach himself from such 'wondrous device'. Sometimes, you could hear his mumbling in about physics and hypothesis about its functions while he was asleep next to the machine.

Spyro got closer to Volteer, who was speaking with a mole. In front of them, there were several papers on top of a table. They were looking at them and discussing them. Spyro figured they were sketches or some kind of instructions or notes about the progress they had made.

"We just don't know for certain. It is a very complicated machine and there are a lot of components that we haven't been able to understand" the mole said.

"What else could it be? It is the only feasible way an object such of this magnitude could actually operate the way it did" Volteer said in that rapid voice of his. "All of the evidence that we have decipher from this machine is written in these notes. We still much to investigate in order to fully comprehend the nature of such an impressive feat. It's a shame that this device received so much damage during the crash; and that the rear section was broken during flight fell outside the city walls and completely disintegrated".

"Yes, it is" the mole agreed. Just then, Volteer noticed that Spyro was coming toward them.

"Ahhhh. Spyro. Just the individual I wanted to see" Volteer said.

"Hello Volteer. Sleep well?" Spyro asked the eclectic guardian just for courtesy.

"Huh? Sleep? Is it morning all ready?" he turned to look at the sun. "Oh my would you look at that? Is it not an amazing thing how time seems to pass at a faster rate when one is having a lot of fun?"

"Uhhh Volteer, when was the last time you slept?"

"I would say that yesterday... nonononono, I had a little nap just before noon the day before yesterday. AND I had another one just prior to night fall yesterday. Yes that was it".

"And have you eaten anything during that time?" Spyro further inquired.

"Huh? OH yes. I asked for food a while ago. A mole said that he would bring me something to eat. I guess that he has not arrived yet because I do not see him" he said as he looked around.

Then, the mole interrupted. "HE... has already brought your food" he stated as he indicated to cook mutton that had already gone cold. "He delivered it three hours ago. He worked some more before I sent him to sleep".

"Oh my my, how times fly" Volteer said. He then turned to the cold mutton and began to eat it as he explained to Spyro what had they discovered of the machine.

"You see Spyro... this machine is an amazing feat of engineering. I tell you that" Volteer started to explain. "You see, I guess those long things that extend form the top of the vehicle is what actually allows it to fly. The shape indicates it. They must rotate in order to create a lower pressure zone on the upper part of the aircraft than that of the lower part, thus allowing it to rise. I still have to discover how they power it; and I have yet to know how they would be able to control it without the inertia that rotating those blade would have on the vehicle. It would levitate but it would be spinning out of control without some sort of mechanism to compensate for the inertia".

And so continued Volteer as he ate while Spyro listened. It was thus for about an hour or two, Volteer speaking more than actually eating his food. He only ate when Spyro told him that he was supposed to be eating. There were some scary moments of course in the investigation....

"And then we had the encounter with the liquid. Such inflammable material it was. I was there when we extracted it. We deposited them in several barrels and put them some distance away to be examined, but one mole accidentally dropped one and spilled all of the contents. Funny smell I tell you. But nothing happened at first, everyone continued their work and cleared away when we finish unloading the liquid; a dozen barrels in total. But one small curious mole went with a torch to inspect the liquid that had spilled. 'WHOSH'. It caught flame faster than everything I have ever seen. The spilled liquid had reached where all of the barrels were stacked and then, you would guess what happened next. 'BBOOOOOOMM'. A huge explosion happened and 'WWHOOOOOMMMFFF" a huge fireball rose from the ground that would have made Ignitus proud. I even felt the heat several lengths away. Fortunately all were away from the explosion so no injuries. It happened just over there" he pointed. Spyro saw a huge black mark on the ground and on the walls of nearby buildings. "Now, next thing was...."

Spyro was getting tired of hearing Volteer babble about things he hardly understood. But it helped Volteer to clear his mind... at least a little.

Finally, Volteer finished his meal a Spyro hurried to ask.

"Sir, why did you want to see me?"

"OH yes yes yes yes. I asked you here to see if you could talk to me about these humans".

"What? Why?" Spyro asked confused.

"Because it is a new species never observed nor documented before. We must try to understand them as best we can. Anything about them would be useful. Also, if you have any knowledge about the operations or function of this device would be grateful and full of benefits if you could tell me".

"Well..." Spyro began. "When I was with them, they told me this device was a method of transportation. I asked them how it worked, but they did not want to say. About their behavior... I don't know".

"Would you mind to elaborate?"

"They care for their own people greatly. All of the threatening they did when they held me hostage was so they could get their friend some help and save him. I guess they are afraid or being very cautious".

"HHmmmm. Very interesting such actions are. As far as any rumor and document ever written, the apes only act for the benefit of themselves. Every individual is for himself. What else could you tell me?"

"I..." Spyro began.

"GUARDIAN!" came a shout from the wreckage of the human's transport. Both dragons looked at a mole that was waving to them. They got up from their prone positions and walked to him.

"Ah, Young Turon... what is it?" Volteer asked.

"We were exploring and moving some pieces from the command seat inside the vehicle. I guess we did something, because some small lights of color and a strange noise suddenly appeared".

"Really??!! Amazing!!! I would like to see it for myself!!" Volteer exclaimed really excited.

They went to the vehicle to see where all the excitement about some light and noise was about. Spyro entered the vehicle itself behind the mole, while Volteer walked around toward the front, where he peered from where once stood glass.

Soon enough, Spyro saw, and heard, whet had caught the moles attention. There was a strange device that had some strange symbols glowing in red. Spyro could not identify any of those symbols... in fact; he could not read at all. As for the noise, it sounded as if someone was using their claws to create a long gash on the earth. It was annoying!

"What is this?" Spyro asked.

"I don't know" the mole replied. "We were meddling some pieces, and pushing some buttons; and all of a sudden, this happened. Guardian... do you know any of this symbols?"

"No. I have never seen them before in any scroll I have laid my eyes upon. Can you explain to me how you did this?" Volteer asked as he put his head inside. The mole proceeded to explain what he had done to the guardian.

"I moved some parts of the interior of this device. I also pushed some buttons out of curiosity".

"Which ones did you actually pressed?"

"This one" he moved his hand to push it again.

"Don't..." Volteer tried to war him, but it was already too late.

Suddenly, the symbol began to change at a fast rate. Spyro could not even see the form of one before it passed away only to be replaced by the next.

"Be careful, Turon. We do not know what this device..."

"...eing attacked. We are b..." came a sudden voice form the device. Spyro looked around to see the owner of the voice, but saw no one.

"Delta-04. Where is your location?" came another voice. The three looked at each other, wondering what was happening.

" host com... We are requesti...." Then, they knew. The voices where coming from the strange device they had just activated. The symbol have stopped changing and now where static. "... ing from the east perim..."

"Roger Delta-04. Help is on the way. You just have to hold out a little longer".

"...mative. We will... SHIT! They are.... They are heading for..."

"Can you stop them?"

"Negative, neg... ounded. We cannot eng..."

"Copy. We will see what we can do".

"...ease, hurry. They are ki..." Suddenly, sparks flew from the device, ending the voices and eliminating all light from the device.

The two dragons and the lone young mole stood silent and surprise at what had occurred. They looked at each other in silence, to Volteer's great credit, for a while.

"What. Was. That?" Spyro asked his companions.


Here we are. I jpoed you liked it.

Please, leave comments and critics (or praises) to help me improve.