The bright, morning sun shone down upon the forest. Spring had arrived only a few weeks ago, but already the signs of renewed life were everywhere. The birds were singing, the leaves were starting to return to the trees, and the wildlife of the...
Love Unknown Chapter 2 Yumiko's Admirer
Young Yumiko now dreaming peacefully was unaware of the shadowed being watching over the sleeping beauty. He watches her in awe. He to a young therian dark leopard. He snuck off leaving the sweet young beauty, whose roar sparked his...
Lost Pokemon Episodes.
He cleans up and thus puts on cloths that consist of the following: a dark ball cap; followed by a tee-shirt of a light pale blue and a black button up shirt, that hangs open. next is a pair of light tan khaki shorts.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 8 -Rocking with the Rocks
======================================================================= Legalities: This is a non-profit fanfic. All Pokemon characters are copyrighted to the prospective peoples. Since this is a rough draft, no asking to borrow content at this...
Airline Food for the Soul
#1 of clean **to fly** or **airline food for the soul** written by pyrin (1701) all original characters copyright me, reposting is encouraged, please just notify me of.
Silver And Gold (rough draft chapter 1)
It was a clean break and should heal. she's sleeping at the moment. cleaned her up the best we could. had several minor burns that needed attention also." the collies soft voice paused "in here."
"whatever," was all he could think of as he set about cleaning up the sawdust. it was just a few minutes past noon when he awoke, "plenty of time to get ready and clean up." he thought.
Falling This rush This speed What is this? Am I falling? All the way down into the depths? The darkness is here It always is I am sinking Slowly Watching myself fail What do you think? I try You don't seem to...
They call me Toby
They call me Toby By Jackmink I wanted to touch on the most common aspect of Macro's and possible put some perspective on it for the masses while also having my own twist to the subject. -Jackmink "...No Carrel, I don't think the sun
Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Redemption
I felt the nerves building in my mind as we ascended the long staircase, after defeating Lance, we had a shot at the Championship. Matt clearly noticed my shaky nerves. "Hey. Come on, he'll be glad to see you, I'm sure." "Yeah, I know, it's just......
Chapter 3 - A new found purpose
Location: The Detragan \> Morning on the Detragan. \> Though Nexis and Tiber are still sleeping in their bed, Sarah and Claire sit at the cockpit of the ship staring out across the grand open blue sky that's spread out in front of them. The sun...
That Holiday Scent
Grabbing a clean pair of christmas themed boxers, this specific pair having red and green paw prints all over them with the words "deck the balls" in a circular print over the crotch. alex looks down at his boxers and just laughs at himself.