"Brave New World"

He fired another burst, this one at the spiked extension on the deflector dish, which sent the chaotic-looking device tumbling through space. nadaar turned around and got out of his chair. he knelt down by the floor hatch. "what are you doing?"

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 69

Ander stared into this chaotic mess, feeling like the pass was staring right back. sometimes a shadow would grow darker than the others and his heart would skip a beat, but then it would fade away again, nothing more than an illusion.

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Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Five

The buzz of the kaosuryo, the whir of its turbines, and the roar of its engine as it fed off the gigantic battery had created a chaotic symphony of noise, and now that the nightmarish machine had taken off the ensuing silence was deafening.

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Sunnyside Up

The knobbly branches twisting out manically in all kinds of directions, intertwined chaotically above them. "how much further?" brady called out to his friend, who was pedalling up ahead.

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The Quest

"i just adore your attitude and your chaotic powers." abyss' wings spread out and cawed at the male, abyss obviously didn't like the feeling of this guy either. "and your ally too.. abyss."

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 3

And in contrast everything that isn't the figure is just colors and patterns in a seemingly chaotic, if not random pattern. my nose twitches slightly as some fibers begin to rub against it.

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Jari Perikkila Character Introduction - Prologue

The cosy, secure confines of a car made the chaotic peak of rush hour all but a simple observation, but that was certainly not the case for jari; hunched over a pair of handlebars and supported only by a firmly uncomfortable plastic seat that dug into areas


Into The Future: Chapter 5

It wasn't too chaotic for the hedgehog's taste, but it was hard to feel at home when soldiers with guns were stationed in every direction.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 70

Ander stared into this chaotic mess, feeling like the pass was staring right back. sometimes a shadow would grow darker than the others and his heart would skip a beat, but then it would fade away again, nothing more than an illusion.

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She's Gone

Little relief was granted when our chaotic journey reached the park, the wide open space seeming no less daunting than the crowded streets.

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The Weight: Chapter 13

She asked wistfully, which caused amina to turn to her, "when was it that we allowed our lives to get so chaotic and out of control?" amina sighed as she contemplated her daughter's words.

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A troll after my own heart

A jumble of notes came next, chaotic and demanding, to tell of the surprise and fear as i met the troll.

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