The Codex Chapter 5: War of Celtia
The kingdom of restoria, also known as the capital. the rulers of the kingdoms came together in this capital castle to discuss all affairs.
Determination #1: Lost in thought
A massive river which followed the mountain ranges divided the land of keldrin, and he had heard that the capital itself rested right in the middle of it.
Encyclopedia V2.1 (Updates)
Being the largest settlement of the and located in the centre of the tribal lands\*, it is considered to be the capital and ruling power.
Mixed Tale 2 - Outpost of Zo'uddan
._ _my dear evonee, i hope that things are going well in the capital city still. i am happy to hear that your new job is working out.
Chapter 12 - The Valkyrie
the capital planet of alexandria was a lush, green paradise that put terra to shame.
Chapter 3: Preparations
"sire, it would stand to reason, that if over the past five years we have found nothing in any of the other cities," he motioned to the smaller cities in shar'kahn, "nor the capital city itself," now he pointed to the large city of sharak'thal on the coast
The day the sky turned orange
We're receiving reports from the invasion front, which seems to already be as far east as twillock, a mere seventy miles from the capital. we're seeing reports of great lights in the sky, with near unnatural levels of-"_ "erin!"
A Memoir.
Despite that, or perhaps, because of that, he visited my house rather frequently, and was very kind to me; often bringing presents such as boxes of confectioneries or imported fine brushes and rare paints purchased from the capital city.
Calin Regainig the Edge Chapter Three
From the 'hairdo' which had been broadcast only this weekend as one of the new fads from the capital of the settlement. bright eyes was caught and everyone in den knew it. "calin, i need to talk to you. there is a group of refugees coming to den.
A Christmas Dream Come True
After a few minutes, the group crowded around and loaded the van like a bunch of kiddies around the ice cream van, and headed to the capital. the trip was supposed to last from five to eight that night.
Revelations (Ceil's Journey Part IV)
_ "hand her over to the city guard to await transport to the capital," pernille said. "they'll decide what to do with her. you two over there. i want you turn this place upside down and find the note." _deana would never set me up.
The Narrow Road in Morning Light
"they have gone to the capital city, perhaps. as long as they are paying for lord tama's glorious cultural center they might as well benefit from it, yes?" he laughed. "he's the area's governor? high taxes, then?"