Chapter 3: Preparations

Story by Spiritmoon on SoFurry

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#3 of The Last of the Umbra'Kahn

Chapter 3: Preparations

In the extensive, barren desert of the northwest, a massive fortress looms over the landscape. It's grey, sandblasted walls and towers cast an ominous shadow over the surrounding land. The fortress of Braknal is the powerbase of the Worliman Army. It is here that King Garathal of Worliman has taken up residence for the past five years.

In the massive north tower King Garathal sat in a large chair at the end of a massive oak table. The table was covered with a multitude of maps, reports, and lists. He sat with his eyes closed and his hands together clicking his claws as his listened to his chief advisor give his report.

His advisor was an average sized wolf wearing the deep red robes of his position. He was recounting to the king, various numbers and statistics with a rather nervous expression. When he had finished speaking the king stood up and walked over to the large window, the morning light casting a glow on his dark grey fur. He spoke after a moment's silence.

"Very well. See that all newcomers are taken immediately to the armory to be fitted and equipped." he said as he looked out at the small groups of people entering the castle through the massive north gate. His voice was deep and gruff. He turned and looked at his advisor. "Has there been any more news form our spies in Shar'Kahn?" he asked in a restrained tone as he strode over to the table. He poured himself a goblet of water and stared at the white wolf before him.

The advisor looked up and a flash of nervousness crossed his pink eyes. He spoke in a controlled tone after a moment's hesitation. "I'm afraid that there has been no news from any of our spies in the outer cities sire. However there was one report that reached us from one of our spies in Sharak'Thal." His voice was soft and smooth.

The king immediately stood up straight and his hackles stood slightly on end with excitement. "What did the report say Lasaralis, good news I hope?" asked Garathal impatiently.

"Well sire, it's not exactly the news we've been waiting for, but it is interesting to say the least." said Lasaralis nervously.

"Yes yes, get on with it Lasaralis, what did it say!?" Garathal demanded.

"Sire, the report stated that there is a small village to the north or Sharak'Thal that we apparently did not know about before. It is remote, and near the border of Umbra'Kahn." Lasaralis finished speaking and looked down.

The King strode around the table and looked at the large map of the continent Thulmar. In the Northwest there was the barren desert and the nation of Worliman. South of Worliman lay the sprawling grasslands that were home of the Frruthlam. In the center there was a mountain range that crossed the continent from north to south; this was the home of the Lutaire Kingdom. To the east, lay the fertile land of the Shar'Kahn and north of that lay the small country that was once Umbra'Kahn. Garathal stared at the blank area near the border of Umbra'Kahn and Shar'Kahn. He pondered what he had just been told.

"Are you sure that we can trust this spy, and that his information is accurate?" he asked.

"Yes sire, the report came from one of our oldest and most reliable spies, the report carried his signature. I'm sure it was him." stated Lasaralis with a slight smile. "Sire, if I may?" he motioned to the map on the table. Garathal nodded and motioned him over.

"Sire, it would stand to reason, that if over the past five years we have found nothing in any of the other cities," he motioned to the smaller cities in Shar'Kahn, "nor the Capital city itself," now he pointed to the large city of Sharak'Thal on the coast, "then he must be somewhere else, somewhere we don't know about. Even if this information proves to be inaccurate, it would still be prudent to at least send someone to look around that area." he finished and moved away from the table, waiting for the king to respond.

Garathal remained transfixed on the map wondering if it would really be that simple. He finally broke his gaze and turned around to look out the window again. The morning sun was now comfortably above the horizon and the castle was already beginning to warm up. Eventually he spoke in a cold tone of finality.

"Lasaralis. I have made too many mistakes in this hunt, he must be found before we can mobilize. With the first soldiers now arriving we have little time." He turned around quickly and locked eyes with Lasaralis, his brown eyes flared with anger and frustration. He spoke in a cold, ruthless tone. "Summon Feneric Caldor. Tell him I have a mission for him."

Lasaralis nearly jumped with shock at the name. "S-sire! Are you sure- I mean- Feneric?-" he was cut off by a low growl from the king.

"I will not repeat myself Lasaralis! Go now! Time is short." Garathal yelled and pointed at the large oak doors.

Lasaralis bowed his head. "Yes sire, at once." he backed out of the room and closed the door leaving the king to himself.

Garathal looked out over the horizon to the east and spoke softly to himself. "I will find you, wherever you are I will find you." he closed his eyes and sat back down and poured himself another goblet of water while he awaited the arrival of Feneric, the fox who had killed the Panther King.


That same morning Sar'Kal was busy preparing for his mission. He would be leaving that night and he had a good weeks travel to his destination. He was busy packing his backpack with clothes and his armor. Tian'Shal had gone out to get him some fresh provisions and Korek was at his workshop collecting some weapons for Sar'Kal.

Sar'Kal finished packing his clothes and armor and, satisfied that it was well secured; he left it on the bed and went outside. It was a beautiful day, if the weather held he would have a swift and uneventful journey. As he looked around he could make out Korek coming down the main street with a small bundle in his arms. He waved at him and Korek waved back.

Korek came up to the house and handed Sar'Kal the bundle.

"There ya go Kal, twenty, as per usual. I hope they serve you well." he smiled as Sar'Kal thanked him and examined the contents.

In the bundle were twenty steel throwing knives of good quality. Sar'Kal closed the bundle satisfied and then looked at Korek.

"Thanks a lot Korek, I appreciate it, ill pay you once I'm finished." he quickly went inside to stow the knives and then came back outside.

"Why do you always insist on paying me Kal? I would be perfectly happy to just give them you for free." asked Korek with a laugh.

"I'm just not comfortable doing that Korek. A gift is one thing but I've used a lot of these over the years." Sar'Kal responded.

Korek shrugged and they both sat down in the chairs and waited for Tian'Shal to return. They talked about various things for about an hour until they heard Tian'Shal approaching. She was laden with provisions and they quickly jumped up to help her carry them inside. Once they finished packing it was just after noon and they had a cold lunch of bread and cheese. When they were finished eating they went back outside and sat down. Sar'Kal would be leaving in a few hours and they had a few questions.

"So Kal, you still haven't told us what your mission is this time. You gonna fill us in?" asked Korek excitedly.

"Yes we would like to at least know where you will be going Kal." added Tian'Shal.

"I can tell you, but as usual you can't tell anyone else as per the rules, ok?" said Sar'Kal with a laugh.

"Yes yes, we promise" said Korek and Tian'Shal together.

"Ok, well this time I'm not headed too far away. I'll be going to the coastal city of Korimond. Apparently there is a merchant there who has been suspected of leaking vital information to Worliman in order to fill his own pockets with gold. To put this in perspective I think it should be known that this mission comes from the King himself. I have been ordered to silence this merchant by any means necessary. I have even been given authority to kill with impunity while on my mission. That is a very rare thing and should go to show how serious this mission is. Nothing is to get in my way." Sar'Kal finished speaking with a solemn expression.

"So where is this merchant supposed to be in the city and how are you gonna get to him. It goes without saying that you can't be discovered." asked Korek.

"I had no specific instructions on that but my plan is to make my way into his mansion in the night and kill him then. It's pretty basic. However the only thing that bothers me is the fact that this man has a lot of money and probably a lot of guards around his place. I don't want to kill any innocent people but I may have no choice." Sar'Kal stopped speaking again and looked at his friends expecting more questions, but they were silent and nodding their solemn understanding.

They spent the next few hours talking about the mission and how it would work. They thought up scenarios that might arise and talked about what Sar'Kal would do if they did. They talked for the better part of four hours and when they were finished, it was nearing sunset. It was time for Sar'Kal to leave. He went inside and gathered up his pack and equipment and returned hefting it over his shoulder.

"Well guys I should be back in about two weeks if everything goes smoothly. Ill miss you both, stay safe." he smiled at them both and gave them each a hug.

"You too Kal, You better come back in one piece. I don't know what I would do if we couldn't spar anymore." Korek laughed and shook Sar'Kal warmly by the hand. "I'll see ya Kal I got to go. Good luck." he finished speaking and turned around and headed off toward his workshop. Sar'Kal and Tian'Shal were now alone.

Tian'Shal spoke very softly. "Please be careful Kal. I don't think I could bare it if something happened to you." she embraced him in a hug and kissed him on the cheek. They broke the hug and Sar'Kal looked her in the eyes and spoke.

"Don't worry about me Tia, ill be careful. I can't imagine never seeing you again. I'll return as quickly as I can, you have my word." He returned her kiss and turned around to head for the road when Tian'Shal spoke one last time.

"Kal! I-" she stopped and seemed to change her mind. "Kal, May the Moon watch over you." she said with a nod, reciting the blessing of his people. She closed her eyes and turned around and went back inside.

Sar'Kal was solemn as he turned back around and headed off down the road and out of town. Nobody could help him on his mission. Now he was on his own.