Broken Home

Is my love not good enough? am i not good enough? i need a mom and dad in my life, to be complete, and with you not here, i can never be whole. wherever you are, whatever you do, just know, your boy still cries over you.

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Autumn's Memories - short poem

This year i learned to appreciate the changing seasons, so what better way to show my love for it than to write a little poem. haha. i hope you all enjoy. i wrote this on 10/2/2017. written by me, fane star.

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All's Fair

"feirn, my love, will you marry me? be my mate and my love for the rest of our lives?" his vision suddenly obscured by tears, feirn found that his voice was failing him. he opened his mouth, then closed it again.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 21-Shattered Lives

"i promise my love,adelind said licking me. "do you two always do that",shadow asked. "do what",i asked. "call each other "my love"? "all the time,i said. shadow smiled and shook his head.

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True Feelings

This was a poem that my love [!["acewolfen"](%5c ""acewolfen"") acewolfen](%5c) wrote for me yesterday while talking on skype. this by far is the sweetest thing i have ever recieved. i love you more than anything my dear [!

A Dance of Radiance

Oh bliss of love, oh bliss of fate i'm truly glad ive found my mate and we dance like this all through the night until it reaches broad daylight and then we snuggle up in bed as he begins to brush my head and i begin to fall asleep my

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Missing You

love so strong that words can't explain i miss you so much, that it causes me pain i love you, i miss you, i need you to hold i pray that you feel the same as i've told.


My dream in story form... Atleast I think it's a dream

I woke up in a hospital, surrounded by my loved ones as i opened my eyes... "you have been in a dead for 3 hours, 6 more and you would have been buried..."

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A Good Night Poem

my lovely mate, i'll write to you, a poem who's words, shall ring true i'm am always there for you. you've seen much despair, from life's affairs, and that isn't fair for you.

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my love, my truest love, my heart, my devotion. you hold me, all that i am, in your hand and i am free. free of pain, free of sorrow and free of the past. you help me break from my shell and soar the sky with you by my side.


Eternal Beauty

I want you more with each passing day, and with your love to announce i am gay, acceptance from others i will never need, my love for you they can never impede.


A Sick Love

I will see you again, my love.

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