Cyni: Searching For A Mate
With a snuffle and an aggravated hurr he brought himself out of his general adolescent drowsiness that he normally got in the first hour he was awake.
Shadow's hunt- Part two
They had been the best of friends growing up, and when they had reached adolescence, it had not surprised anyone that they had fallen for each other quickly.
The New Alveri Chronicles: In the Land of Nod
"i just turned sixty-five, i'm still an adolescent in the eyes of my betters..." i said with mock despair.
Isan Dawn: Chapter Five
Realizing that he wanted what i was offering him, a chance to learn how to balance both of his needs, that of wanting to be treated like a younger cub than he was, while at the same time maintaining the appearance of a youngster who was rapidly approaching adolescence
Frank Beary Alabaster, Private Investigator
There is nothing like adolescent insecurities to rile up a crowd. these pricks were actually getting they're off from pummeling him. this is a prime opportunity for the private i.
Forest Keep 44
The last thing he needed now was to waste energy on a fight with a brash adolescent male. he looked down at carlina; if there was another female in the lair, then she had to have let her in. he sampled the air again.
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.4: Anache u' Tonn
There had been a time in the jackal's life during his adolescence, before he had earned his name when he had trained to be a hunter. during those years he had been active at night; despite the beauty of the moon, he greatly missed the sun.
[Story - French] Les enfants ne sont pas des jouets - chap 2
« et voilà la belle aux bois dormants prête à s'endormir » l'adolescent se retrouva dans le noir quelques secondes plus tard. _aujourd'hui avait été une drôle de journée_ se dit-il.
When Night and Day first met
He figured that he was very young, maybe around adolescence, but not older than that. in his mind, he felt a bit like a child, and he was sprawling with energy. he wanted to play, but he had noone to play with.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32
Love heart sighed, "i lost a lot of my childhood to training, then all my adolescence running from a monster... what if... what if the same thing happens to them?" peppy nodded, "i know what you're thinking.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 9
Like any adolescent with a major crush on the head cheerleader, rora could only look at kyta with his mouth open. kyta noticed this, smiled at him and said, "rora, please close your mouth. you look silly."
To a Special Reader
**To a Special Reader** Anna returned home from a busy yet relaxing afternoon of shopping. There were no perishable groceries, so she decided to get them out of the car later. For now she decided to wind down and get to work on her website. The...