Chapter 1

whatever it was, the movements sounded frantic, as though whatever was moving was desperate to escape something. for a split second both the brothers hesitated, glancing at each other.

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FF9: Voluntary Statuary

Sat down whatever that all meant, dragoon academy had used a letter system.

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August 4: Lemonade and Marbles

Going back home after my time with kounosuke, i left the fan with grandpa for whatever else he wanted to do with it. as for that book, i had to stuff it under my stacks of clothes in the drawer.


The Best Defence

You're allowed to like whatever you want. if you want to control your situation, i want you to practice uncomfortability in front of strangers. whatever they say to you shouldn't have any effect.

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The Divide, Chapter 1: The Bar and the Girl

"whatever. 'protection', 'muscle', or 'shit heads'. makes no difference to me. but you've kept me from taking a few knocks on the head so i'm thankful for that." katie said. and with that, i closed them out and ate.

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Unknown Worlds: Closing Cut

The light shines brighter above us illuminating the room and whatever the light had reached or extended out from here. i gazed onto the ground. spotting what we had needed.

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Obviously the culprit of whatever dastardly deed had been committed. micah had no clue what had been stolen, but he felt there was a certain code of honor among those who worked the boardwalk.

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The more i looked at it, the more i started to see the familiar features of a seagull now corrupted into whatever monstrosity it was now.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 9

Then paul was free to do whatever he wished to the girl. the result depends on the dimension.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-9

whatever these crystals were created from, the only way to destroy them is to cast them into a star_." "what is it these _an'im-raleen_or whatever, want?" james asked.

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The Time of My Life Chapter 3 -- Love for Dessert

We hugged each other tight and promised each other silently, "whatever happens, good or bad, we will always be together."

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I did a thing. I wrote a story. World Of Hayot.

For whatever reason, they mixed me with two animals, a tiger and a wolf. the others are a single species. most often they are some kind of canine or feline.

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