D.E1 Chapter 44 The Hive Part II
These were stacked in rows across the walls that reached almost twenty meters high. the corridors that separated these walls were so long that it was very difficult to tell were it ended. it was obvious now of how dangerous the machines were.
The Story of I-Am, the creation story of the Thirteen Children of Power
And so, the eleventh children were born. they were short in stature, but hard as the stone from which they sprang.
Project X | Chapter IV: Deception
His results were truly staggering!
Black Sepia - chapter 8
The old feathers were all gone, of course, but the new ones were still coming in.
Scarlet Feathers
In total fourteen dragons came forth, most were young, not long from the nest, others were a little older, but a few were even older than i am. one of the younger dragons was your fifth mother, she was only one hundred and thirteen at the time."
Escape, New Destination
All the dogs took their positions and were ready for anything, well as ready as they were going to be. keith and hunter went to the side door and froze; listening to the dogs outside.
Otter Park
He smiled at her and really wished that his hands were free but was glad that they were not. "you're not... you're the inspector? but i thought you were not supposed to come until next week. wasn't it supposed to be on the seventh?"
Coming of the Snow
That was no easy task since there were other people still pushing them forward. by the time they were able to change directions some people were able to feel the fur on his paws brushing against him.
Chapter Five Home Base Link Up
The main hangar walls had been finished and armored floors were being installed. the ceiling had been finished with armor platting and lighting. the platting on the walls were not yet finished but were half way there.
Navigating in a changed World - The Cheetah and the Snake
However, among them were also some mammals who were either friends or relatives with the ones that were still missing and, presumably, inside of the mall as hostages.
A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #21
The lycanthrope's raised their weapons there were only twenty left now they were battered and bruised but still they would fight.
Shooting Star (Warners Bros TF/TG) [TRADE]
Even holidays they were always fighting about how got the best gifts. birthdays were no exceptions, they would argue about who had the better parties. the trio were arguing one night for a lengthy amount of time.