Wheel of Transformation

The sudden change was enough to knock the toddler down onto his bottom. it took him a few seconds to slowly stand back up on unsteady legs, leaving his sweater now on the ground. he was now standing before the audience naked. "kupooooo..."

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Pitch Episode 9: Under wheel

"we're leaving," wes said to his cousin as we stuffed him in the backseat of the car like an adult toddler. i could feel the numbers growing behind us like zombies. wes and i got in the front and it was on me to drive.

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Ashcroft Investigiations: The New Intern

Either way, he held another of the same spheres that had regressed odin to a toddler, and was currently in the process of trying to throw it at calex.

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She asked the toddler. she knew that he could not yet talk. a slur of babbling escaped his lips. it was adorable. jenna widened her eyes. "a pilot?" she blew raspberries on him. the child giggled. jenna laid him in the cradle.

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Primrose Valley: The World of the Forest Boy

"let's see what you look like as a toddler." "gah no!" arzure kicked it immediately, not even paying attention as it went to calex and exploded.

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Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Seventh of Revival

His belt is adorned with teeth of various sizes, one the size of a toddler. on his face is the smile of ego, fangs reflecting the warmth of the night. the only thing that i can think is **_w_**** _rong_**.

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Thirteeen Tales 2020: Tale 4

There were toddlers bigger than him. and the tops of those desk continued to grow further away from him. jak wasn't having any luck finding a mirror as he ran around the classroom frantically now naked. then a new idea dawned on him.

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Forever Young (Chapter 2)

Despite his mane, she had no trouble seeing him as a toddler. she wondered if she should send the seamstresses who made hunter's new wardrobe some photos of him in them so they could see that they got the proportions just right.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 5: The Chase

He kept going, even as he nearly tripped over a small toddler that had wandered away from her mother. "we need to figure out where the last two fragments are, and fast." _how could this have happened?_ dougal thought.

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Chapter 1: Depaturre

I've known him since he was a toddler." the voice stated. the man in black nodded his head and walked to the back and opened the door for milo and closed it behind him when he got in. milo fastened his seatbelt as he felt the vehicle move.


Good Deeds Have Shocking Benefits

He had suddenly gotten a lot younger, and by human standards would have been considered a mere toddler now if even that. with these new juvenile emotions wailing up, and feeling completely overwhelmed by the sudden change, jimmy lost control.

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The Riddle

He hadn't wet the bed in ten years, and now over the course of a few days, he had become a toddler. the now familiar whir was a godsend for jeremy, because he would finally be changed and fed.

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