Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)
With a sickening crunch the front was ripped open with a casual pass of the tentacled grasp of the queen. her slavering maw blasting foetid breath onto him. rows of rending teeth eager to send him down to be consumed.
He learned how to sprout tentacles from his back, to turn his otter tail into a shark tail, to sprout shark fins on his head and back, and to pull them all back in at a moment's notice if the situation called for it.
A Shamus' Shame
Daring a glance away from my quarry, i checked to see what i was caught on and toppled back in alarm to see a tentacle binding me just above my hand.
Trouble Brewing
Ongmo wiped his tentacle-like claws along the plates, wiping their contents into the trash as he said, "you jungle rat, i tell you for. you might know people, and it might be your fancy ideas that built this place, aye.
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 17
It looked almost the same with the creatures it controlled, but unlike the goo-shaped parasites, the controller had a definite molluscian shape, complete with black tentacles and a big eye.
Testing the Shadows
In nearly the blink of an eye, the black tentacles surrounded each individual animal, much like the tharx's own shadow skin did for him every time he transformed.
Another Night, Another Rift
Monstrous, bony claws on either side forced it wider and wider, and a creature that could only be described as a cross between a locust, a spider, and a mass of tentacles, emerged from it, bringing with it another swarm of its brethren.
The Adventure Begins
.• before he could answer, he felt a strange sensation, almost as if tentacles were gently stroking his insides.
Through Hell [Gorgon/Naga TF/TG]
The most peculiar part however, was the upper branches were eventually covered not in smaller branches with leaves, but tentacles.
The Coffin: Part 6
A new tentacle lashed out with a sick, slopping sound just as a second bubble of slime slammed into marcus's stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 3
As some tentacles of a blind monster which was locating its prey by the delicate vibrations in the air. "...failed?"
The Tunnel
The truancy of any breeze as I walked along the dimly lit path disconcerted me, affixing my cutis alight with a myriad of impressions as it deftly strained to find any sensation at hand, whilst my eyes battled against the increasing gloom for any...