Sequestered Gods

The size of the two suns were just as different as their light. the large too orange sun was easily five times the width of the much brighter blueish white. neither were the right size for the sun from home.


Hybrid Origins

Being of the sun, lion and lioness are physically the strongest of the tribe, as the sun's powers are self-generating. however, with great power comes great consequence.

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A Cursed Hunter

The sun was setting and i knew that i had to move out of the camp soon. from all around us came demonic voices, crying out for blood. but then, as the sun sank, we heard a voice, loud and clear from the forest to the right.

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Forgotten Past

Tenerielle peeked over the roof, his sand blue eyes glinting in the sun and spotted her. they would meet sometimes, in the council were this honest lady worked.

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Sunset On The Shore

So this story is dedicated to him. with love from me. hehehe the day was old, the sun was setting on the horrizon as i walked along the sandy shore with luke. he was tall, however i was taller, but he came close.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 4

The touch of his hand, the warmth of each green hair, bathed in the fiery heat of the sun, and full of a passion i knew not was there. the softness of his breath, stuttering but soft, frantic but collected.

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Guardians: Chapter one

Alyx took a deep breath and turned to her, and as suddenly as he was going to say them the words disappeared as he saw what the sun was doing to her.

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Knights of Alpha Squad

He knew that without help soon he may not live to see the new sun rise from the horizon.

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Sand n' Snow

The polar bear feels the sun beat down on his body and the sand lightly burn his feet. he doesn't seem to mind the heat though. he loves the feeling of it!

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Singing Land

I have seen the sky catch fire as the sun rises over the horizon and again as the sun sets. my fathers were kings of this forest and i have inherited their title as long as the stars still shine in the night sky."

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William's Gift

sun rises, sun sets. and one day the sun sets for sam, wheeled by todd's descendent. and he too becomes part of the whiteness. william tries to reach sam - or perhaps a facsimile of sam? -but the wrathful "spirit" possesses mr.

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Among the Desert sands

The bright sun beat down from above, burning into my blue hair and making my pink ears flush red. just keep a smile on my face and bare it. its only a matter of waiting after all.

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