The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 16

The spiked ball was sent flying towards the ceiling, the moment it hit the cracked structure above it exploded with a deafening, rumbling thud.

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Dragon Spawn Book One

Charley let out a blast of fire, and hit him dead on and then he struck the dragon with his spiked tale.

In Utter Darkness: Prologue: Nothing Ventured

Later that night he wondered about the energy spike and whether or not alien contact would be such a fantastic thing.

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Gemini – chapter 13: Changes

"i thought she would make a stop here, she had already visited me and spike." said the masked twilight. "you ready to go then?" she asked as she leaned against the open window she must have used to gain entry.

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Chapter 11 – A Shift in Power – New beginnings

"ever since the death of spike, it seems almost all of the draconians have died off, they really did it," becka sighed, they don't realize it, but they saved this part of the galaxy, they've

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Showdown In The Mystic Realm

His fur was blue minus the brown patch on his top spike, he wore a black vest along with fingerless gloves, his sword was big enough to chop down a tree with one swing and his hair was tied back samurai style except for the spikes that stuck out and he had

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 19: Lazz's Desire and Rio's Feelings!

Suddenly, there was a light tremor and then thousands of ice spike's emerged from the snow. each one was sharp and jagged in it's own way.

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Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Chapter 4

Then she noticed sharp spikes that lead from the centre of his head to his spear head shaped tail blade also she noted the two large horns on either side of his head.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 51

James wanted nothing more than to rush in there and rip her out of banno's demented grasp, but he didn't dare go any closer, not while he still had that spike pressed against her throat.

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Second Meeting

spike, however, lost one of his spikes and a few of his plates were now busted. littlefoot now adorned a cut very similar to what the lone dinosaur has, only on the opposite eye. ali only had a single deep gash in her left leg, though.

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Welcome To Equestria

He suggested we taint the fire green to have more of an effect, like in the show when spike sends his letters with his green fire.

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