Shadow of Chernobyl-Chapter 6-The Hunt
I couldn't figure how a sixty foot aircraft with eight engines could be as quiet as a dust speck in a dark corner. as the craft landed and the hatch fell,dragons began to pour out. i actually stopped counting at ten or eleven.
Chapter 10: Cleansing and the Celebration of Life (Part I)
Especially with that extra sixty-two pieces you left." "whaa? you saw that?" kira's cheeks burned. she didn't know what she wanted to keep the tip secret, she just had. "what shall we do now?" rowen rubbed his satisfied belly.
A Fox Amongst Wolves part 7: Their Day Together
He drove a classic sixty nine camaro; it was a metallic orange with one dark stripe down the middle. "how on earth did you get to look like this?" he gave a small chuckle and said "you're not going to believe this but i bought it like this.
Trials: Chapter V
**v** **-** **recovery** he sat for a few minutes; one, two.. tick, tick, tick; sixty times, four more times. i lost count around 280. i couldn't determine whether his stare was at or through me, but either way he didn't make any other sounds.
Hybrid - The Lust
"no one knows, ol' man balro said he saw the same man walk into town over sixty years ago just to buy a new cloak...other then that we don't' even know his name, he always paid in gems though...never gold or coin....always gems...and he overpaid every time
Paladin: Off to a Rocky Start
It was supposed to be a black tie event and would be pretty small about fifty to sixty people. i wanted some of the most important people there, but i had also invited a few old friends.
On the Road
"twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, hundred, hundred ten, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. hundred and seventeen left... out of two thousand i started with. jesus frikkin' christ." he muttered under his breath.
Elders' Tale - Ch1
"it was an early spring this year, temperatures climbing to the mid sixties as early as may. this made the usually snow covered valley village spring to life with new growth and development.
Shrinkwave (2010)
When he was finished, he had a sizable collection of about sixty people. the deer god took them all back to his home and set them on the floor of his small laundry room and sat down in front of them with an eager look on his face.
Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - Part II
I'd guess him to be in his early sixties. they own and run the diner together. it's still hard for them or anyone else to get by around here. the humans tax us to death, leaving next to nothing for ourselves. "he's just taking out the trash, roo.
Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 20 - Commander Xoltan
With a single hit yoko knocked him sixty feet away. on yoko's hands was a pair of leather gloves with hammers etched into them. bringing his hands together a loud clash of thunder shook the desert spraying sand onto xoltan.
Fiery Eyes Act III
That huge chunk of rock will hit us in sixty seconds. and no one will... ever..." i finished his sentence. "know..." the full realization hit us. no one would know we died. we'd be eternally missing, never found.