A Fox Amongst Wolves part 7: Their Day Together

Story by Dfox789 on SoFurry

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#7 of A Fox Amongst Wolves

Here it is part 7. Special Appearence form Keba and the mentioning of his BF Milo. Didnt get someone else to look through so if you see any errors please point them out.

The Drive back to my place was a quick one, or maybe I was distracted by watching Alec drive. I just sat there and watched him as he moved his legs and hands with ease to control the car. He drove a classic sixty nine Camaro; it was a metallic orange with one dark stripe down the middle. "How on earth did you get to look like this?" He gave a small chuckle and said "You're not going to believe this but I bought it like this. I just take good care of things I love." We had stopped in front of my apartment so he ended his sentence with a kiss to my forehead "So since I love you expect nothing less than perfect."

We got out of his car and walked into my apartment. It wasn't small but it wasn't big either. It was a two bedroom and one and a half bathroom apartment. Me and Josh didn't need much so we went with what we could. Alec and I walked in and I could tell he was taken a back at the condition of the place. "You really live here? This place looks more like a storage place than a home." It was true. There were holes in the wall from the previous owners, a water stain on the ceiling, and the carpet smelled something fierce. "If you want a can set you and Josh up with a nice place."

I stopped, why would he offer both me and josh a place. I just figured I would stay with him. I didn't think about this much because Josh had just walked out his room, wearing a large wife beater and his basketball shorts. "Dereck! Where were you last night? Josh blindly ran past Alec and straight for me, giving a bear hug. "I thought something terrible happened when you didn't come home, then when I tried calling it went straight to voicemail. What happened?"

I tried to answer him but he squeezed the breath out of me "Josh....Air" I finally managed to cough out. "What? Oh! Sorry dude." Josh let go of me and seemed to finally noticed Alec standing next to him "Alec, When did you get here?" "I've been here since we walked in. As to where he was last night, he was with me. He ran into trouble and well...Uh"

Why can't they just talk about it in front of me? If he won't I will "Josh last night I agreed to be his pet until his pack straightens out, but before that I got raped. There now he knows so stop being tense about it Alec I'm not scared to talk about it so stop acting like I don't want to." They both just stared at me. Alec with complete shock, and Josh with absolute rage.

I'd only seen that look once before, after he had found a group of guys beating me up after school one day for being gay. I blacked out after I saw him charging them, and when I woke up I was in a hospital with him next to me telling me he took care of the 'Bastards', as he put it, who beat me up. He was a bit more protective of me after that day

"What the hell Dereck, you get raped by three pieces of shit, and you don't call me to beat the hell out of them!" Josh was yelling now, obviously concerned. He walked out off, back to his room, and came out holding a pistol, he had bought for protection. He cocked it and held it up and said "Where the hell are they so I can make them pay!" Alec stepped in front of him and moved the gun down to Josh's side "Calm down I already took care of them. They are in the police station right now. One is getting his shit out of my house today. He was my Beta but now he is a piece of shit who raped the fox I love."

I could see Josh become less tense as Alec told him all of this. I hated ruining the moment between them but I chipped in "Alec I'll go get my stuff okay." Josh looked confused and I heard Alec explain it all to him as I walked down the hall to my room.

My room wasn't much. I had the basic needs, a dresser to hold my clothes, a mattress to sleep on, and posters to decorate my walls. I grabbed a bag from a corner of the room and began filling it with all of my clothes. I then began putting on some of my own clothes, I went with a collared orange shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. When that was done I searched around for things I couldn't be without, I grabbed my favorite plush toy growing up, a brown wolf I had named Steven, A charm bracelet with a yin yang symbol, and a picture of my family.

I looked at the picture. It was of me and my family before I told them about me. It was of us on vacation in Gatlinburg Tennessee. We were standing in front of the cabin we had rented for the week. Things were so different back then. After a while Alec came in and said "You get everything?"

His voice snapped me back into reality and I just gave him nod. I grabbed my bag and my way out. Josh was standing by the door looking better than when I left him. I walked up to him and he said "Well Dereck it's been great living with ya. Just keep in touch ok." He leaned down and hugged me again. "Don't worry Josh I will. Heck as soon as this works out you can come over anytime you want." We sat there for some time. "Well with Josh moving out of here and closer to my place you two can see each other a lot." I broke away from the hug and said "What! You're buying him a place. Alec you don't have to." "I know I don't but there is no way someone so close to you should be here. So I'm giving him some money for a place closer by." I got up and said goodbye to Josh, as me and Alec went for our first day together.


Alec kept true to his word and we did everything I wanted to do that day. We began by going to my favorite Japanese Hibachi grill for lunch. We then spent the entire day at the beach, playing in the waves, relaxing in the sun and playing some volleyball. We left as the sun was about to set. It was one of the reasons I loved the beach, the sunsets were so beautiful, and now I have a second reason to love the beach.

We were about to head to a ghost movie when Alec told me he had to make an important stop. He pulled into an odd looking store. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see what was inside. The store's name was "LG". I wonder what that meant.

Alec opened the door for me and I walked in to a stunning sight. There were shelves upon shelves of leather items, from leather vest, to boots. A chill was sent up my spine at the sight of it all. Even the smell of new leather was in the air. That's when a White slim wolf came from a backroom and said "Welcome to Leather's goods. Well it's been a while Alec. Haven't seen you here in a month, who's the cute fox with ya."

Alec wrapped an arm around me and led me up to the counter towards the wolf. "Hey Keba, this is Dereck. Dereck this is Keba a good friend of mine and manager of this little establishment." He stuck his paw out and said "Nice to meet ya Dereck, must be something special if Alec is bringing you here." I took his paw and shook it "Yea I'm his pet."

Keba gave me a weird look, but Alec explained the entire situation to him. "Oh I see now, well you two do look cute together. Take a look around I'll be in the back if you need anything." Keba then went back from where he came from and left us wandering the isles.

As much as I wanted to look at everything, Alec took me to the collar section. There were so many of them. There were chain collars, collars with spikes on them, and even colored ones. "Well Dereck take your pick, chose one that you want. I don't care how expensive it is." My eyes began to search for just the right one. There were so many it was hard to focus on just one. It seemed like forever but I finally found it. According to the information tag it was a Bio collar. It had a small thumb print scanner on the back, so whoever was collaring the other would be the only one who was able to take it off. It would also adjust its size for the perfect fit. I grabbed it and showed it him. "Ok Dereck, if its what you want." "It is Alec, I'm yours now. Not as your pet, but I want to be with you forever. That's saying a lot but I mean it. You're the best person I've ever met and you do care for me. You have done more for me than anyone else has."

He stared at me with emerald eyes that burned with love for me, and leaned down towards me. I met him half way and our muzzles met with such a fierce passion between them. Our tongues took turns in the others throat before we pulled away. Gasping for breath Alec said "So.... Want to go.... Pay for this." I thought about my situation. Here I was in a leather store with a muscular wolf who said I could do as I wished for the day. "Not yet let's get you some things while we are here."

I grabbed one of his arms by both paws and dragged him off to the clothes section of the store, and began to pick things for him. I brought my choosing's to him and called Keba out for a fitting room key. When Alec came out in his new attire, I was stunned. I picked him out a black leather combat boots that came up to just below his knees and made a small clicking noise with each step, tight leather pants that met the top of the boots, a black biker's vest that was in front of an X-harness, arm bands for his biceps, and Bikers cap.

I ran up and leached myself to one of his arms. I began to nuzzle my face into the side of the vest. "Have I ever told you how fantastic you look in leather." He started to laugh and pried me off him and held me in the air by my scruff. "Have I ever told you how cute you look?"

He went back into the changing room and came out looking normal again. We went to the counter and Alec asked for an engraved tag. " Ok Dereck what shape do you want it?" I looked over all the shapes and one above them all stood out to me. " The heart." Keba grabed it from behind the glass cabinet and walked over to the engraver. "So Alec what do you want it to say?" Alec looked at me obviously wanting me to choose. "Go ahead Alec put what you want, I will be fine with it." "Ok have it say "Dereck Taylor, Alec's pet fox." Since pets usually have their owner's last name figured you will share mine till this whole thing is behind us." Keba finished rather quickly. He put on what Alec had said, and even information if I got lost. Making it look like an actual dog tag. He put it on the collar and handed it to me. I looked over to Alec and said "I love it."

" So Keba how much do I owe ya?" Keba just shook his head. " Nothing the whole order is on the house. Just keep him around long enough so you can double date with me and Milo"

"I forgot about him. Still as fuzzy as ever?" Keba just nodded with a dreamy look on his face. Obviously thinking of this Milo. I Looked up and said "Thank Keba this means a lot." He snapped back, and left his dream world and said "Sure thing foxy. I hope you can meet Milo. He is my special wuskey, and I know you two would get along perfectly."

We left Keba and left for the movie. It was around eight at night when we got back and we were met with a horrid sight. There standing at the door standing as if he were waiting for us was Mason.